Issue - decisions

300 Harrow Road - Outline Business Case

03/02/2020 - 300 Harrow Road - Outline Business Case

1.          That Part B of this report be exempt from disclosure by virtue of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A Part 1, paragraph 3 (as amended), in that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

2.          That the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Regeneration and the Cabinet Member for Housing Services agreed:

1)          The Outline Business Case for the 300 Harrow Road scheme on the basis that there is an opportunity to deliver a housing led scheme in line with the Council’s strategic objectives.

2)          That Option 5 is the Preferred Way Forward for this development site. Option 5 outlines a scheme with 49% affordable housing (based on floorspace) which will be delivered through the Westminster Housing Investments Limited (WHIL) in a single phase;

3)          That the number and tenure of affordable housing units proposed delivers good value for the Council;

4)          To approve a spend of an additional £8.75M in the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), increasing the total approval to £9.55m, to take the project to Full Business Case (FBC) stage, which will be recovered in full from Westminster Housing Developments Limited (WHDL) upon signing of the Agreement for Lease;

5)          That the development of the scheme will be delivered through the WHIL and WHDL, with work carried out by Council officers and recharged to the WHIL;

6)          To delegate authority to the Executive Director of Growth Planning and Housing in consultation with the Bi-Borough Director of Law to appropriate for planning purposes the site shown edged red on the attached plan  comprising the Warwick Community Hall, Harrow Road Nursery and car park, and to exercise powers under section 203 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 to override third party rights.

7)          To delegate authority to the Executive Director of Growth, Planning and Housing to enter into a Section 106 Unilateral Undertaking. The report sets out details and reasons for this undertaking.

8)          That Westminster City Council, WHIL and WHDL can enter into contracts as necessary to Final Business Case, including for pre- contract design and enabling works.

Reasons for the Decision


Outline Business Case

1.          The site at 300 Harrow Road provides a valuable opportunity to deliver new homes, jobs and community facilities for local people. The site comprises the Community Hall and Harrow Road Nursery. These two low rise buildings, the surrounding land and car park are owned by Westminster City Council, therefore this site offers a cost effective opportunity to upgrade the community amenities and deliver new mixed tenure homes to meet the needs of local people.


2.          The proposed scheme will provide:

·     a new community hall;

·     a purpose built nursery;

·     family sized affordable rent homes;

·     intermediate rent (below market rent) homes;

·     private homes;

·     affordable workspace;

·     a canal side café; and

·     significant green landscaping, opening up the canal.