Issue - decisions

9 Woodfield Road - Section 106 Agreement

26/06/2020 - 9 Woodfield Road - Section 106 Agreement

That the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Regeneration gave consent to 9 Woodfield Road, W9 be included in the development site to which the terms of the Section 106 Agreement apply.

Reasons for Decision 

1.              The Section (S.).106 Agreement is being entered into by both Westminster City Council (WCC) s landowner and WCC as the Local Planning Authority.

2.              The S.106 is entered into purely to secure the relevant planning obligations should the development proceed. The Council as landowner is entering into it purely as a “consenting freeholder”.The Council will not be liable for any of the obligations unless they initiate the development themselves, and even then, only to the extent that they affect the Council’s land.


3.              The S.106 Agreement contains an obligation requiring the Developer to enter into a further contract with WCC, (as landowner), prior to the commencement of any works to secure the provision of a new street sweeper depot at the developer’s cost.  The relevant property contract in this regard will be the subject of a further Cabinet Member report in due course.