Issue - decisions

300 Harrow Road (Warwick Hall) Final Business Case

14/12/2021 - 300 Harrow Road (Warwick Hall) Final Business Case



1.1.      That Part B of this report be exempt from disclosure as it involves the disclosure of information as prescribed by paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule12a to the Local Government Act 1972, (as amended), in that they contain information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority).

1.2.      That the Cabinet Member for Communities and Regeneration and the Cabinet Member for Finance:

1.2.1. Approve the appointment of Wilmott Dixon Construction Limited (WDC) as the main contractor at a value not to exceed £53.393m. Note that until the commercial arrangements are finalised, as set out in section 6, the scheme will continue to be developed in the general fund.


1.2.2. Approve the Full Business Case which was presented to Capital Review Group in July 2021.


1.2.3. To approve total scheme expenditure of £66.212m to take the scheme up to practical completion. This includes the WDC contract award amount and other project spend.


1.2.4. To approve the reallocation of budget from Westminster Builds to the HRA and General Fund to enable near-term spend on the contract until the commercial structure is finalised.


1.2.5. Note the ongoing work on the commercial structure for the development of the scheme. These final arrangements will be subject to further cabinet member approval.


Reasons for Decision


2.1. An FBC has been produced confirming the current proposals to for WHDL to develop the site at Harrow Road is a Value for Money option that represents a viable proposal from both a Capital and Revenue perspective

2.2 Entering into the contract now will enable the council to fix the contractual position for the development and mitigate risks of price increase through delays in progressing the scheme whilst the delivery mechanism is reviewed.