Issue - decisions

Brompton Road BID Ballot

02/07/2021 - Brompton Road BID Ballot

Summary of Decision


That the Brompton Road Partnership’s BID proposal be endorsed


That the Chief Executive be requested as the City Council’s Returning Officer and “ballot holder” to hold a ballot for the Brompton Road Partnership BID Proposal be approved


That the Director of Law be authorised on behalf of the City Council to enter into the necessary legal agreements for collection of the BID Levy. In addition, deal with related service specifications for all other connected services which the City Council is required to deliver throughout the BID’s term and any other necessary legal matters in respect of the Brompton Road Partnership BID Proposal as instructed and in consultation with the appropriate officers.



Reasons for Decision 

The added challenge of Covid-19 and its disproportionate impact on the hospitality and retail sectors within Brompton Road and Knightsbridge, has reinforced the need for strategic and coordinated action.

The key aim of the proposed BID is to help businesses to overcome the damage caused by Covid-19 and to secure a long-term future by creating a district that will benefit residents, visitors, businesses and investors. Through partnership working with partners and the local communities, the objective is to ensure that Knightsbridge and the Brompton Road remains a vibrant, viable and sustainable area which works for businesses and residents and of which we can all be proud.

It will provide a voice for Knightsbridge businesses to encourage closer working with the two local authorities Westminster City Council and RBKC and Transport for London to identify, secure and deliver investment to enhance the district.  A BID will help businesses to engage with local residents to create together improvements that benefit the whole local community

The establishment of the BID will provide an opportunity for stakeholders and businesses to work collaboratively to achieve a potential £6m investment into recovery over the next 5 years.


Stuart Love, Chief Executive,

Westminster City Hall,

64 Victoria Street



Publication Date:

2 July 2021

Implementation Date:

2 July 2021