Issue - decisions

Manchester Square Public Realm Scheme

20/12/2021 - Manchester Square Public Realm Scheme

1.               Recommendations

1.1.          That the Cabinet Member notes the initial design (Stage 2) for Manchester Square Public Realm Scheme as shown on the General Arrangement drawings in Appendix A.

1.2.          That approval is given for the construction of the Manchester Square Public Realm Scheme as per General Arrangement drawing in Appendix A.

1.3.          That spending approval of £2.981m is given for the delivery of the Manchester Square Public realm scheme as detailed in Section 9 of this report. £2.1m of this will be funded through external partnerships, CIL and S106 contributions.

2.     Reasons for Decision

2.1.          The proposed highway modifications seek to deliver a high-quality public realm scheme in Manchester Square, as part of the OSD programme, which will benefit place making whilst providing improvements to pedestrian comfort and safety.

2.2.          The detailed design can be undertaken taking into consideration the responses from the TMO consultation.

2.3.          Consultation with local and other key stakeholders indicate that the project is considered beneficial.