Issue - decisions

“Care Leaver” to be considered alongside Protected Characteristics

19/01/2024 - “Care Leaver” to be considered alongside Protected Characteristics

Cabinet approved the following recommendations:

·       Approve the inclusion of ‘Care Leaver’ to be taken into account alongside the nine protected characteristics already legislated for in the Equality Act 2010.

·       Note that Westminster City Council’s senior leaders will work together to providing enhanced work experience, apprenticeship, and employment opportunities as part of their corporate parenting responsibilities, including cognising their particular needs systematically as part of EQIAs and ensuring that they are considered across all strategies, responsible procurement and commissioned contracts.

·       Note the commencement of a programme of work which includes:

o   Reviewing our EQIA and Equalities programming (internal and corporate) to include care leavers

o   Adapting our EQIAs to include consideration of care leaver status

o   Reviewing and adapting recruitment policies and procedures in order to guarantee care leaver applicants an interview where when they meet the essential criteria for a role being advertised

o   That every Directorate commits to providing mentoring, work experience and apprenticeship opportunities to care leavers


Reasons for decision:

As corporate parents, it is the Council’s collective responsibility to support children that have been in our care to ensure they receive the same opportunities that we would want for our own children. This support should include the promotion of good health and education, nurturing talent and providing stability, thus enabling successful adult lives.


Services across the Council will commit to providing opportunities and support to young adults with care experience to improve their outcomes and show a genuine and demonstrable commitment to supporting them to develop skills in order to thrive. This will require some time and effort on the part of Westminster’s leaders and staff to ensure that those leaving our care are continually championed and supported to achieve in all areas.


Westminster City Council will explicitly and systematically recognise ‘Care Leaver’ as a consideration, alongside the nine protected characteristics already legislated for in the Equality Act 2010. In doing so the Council can monitor and measure the impact that it is having to support those leaving our care in their life journey and make appropriate arrangements or adjustments to provide this support.