Issue - decisions

Harrow Road Open Space improvements

13/02/2024 - Harrow Road Open Space improvements

Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member has approved formal spend approval totalling £1,946,802 to undertake canal wall repairs and refurbishment of the public open space at Harrow Road Open Space as outlined in Appendix A of the report.



Reason for Decision

The recommendations in this paper will lead to a significant improvement to the public space at Harrow Road Open Space, opposite Queens Park Library. It will also resolve long-standing issues with the Canal Wall at this location which if remain could lead to significant future challenges for Westminster City Council.

The project responds to key community aspirations and priorities set out in the Queens Park Neighbourhood Plan. It will also support the local high street by providing an important space of respite alongside the Harrow Road, facilitate improvements in biodiversity within an area of deficiency and ensure accessibility improvements are made to the open space to ensure equal access for everybody.

A Cabinet Member Decision is required in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation due to the value of the decision.