Summary of Decision
The Leader of the Council has approved:
1. That the council invests a further £1m in cost-of-living projects starting from April 2024 to address the ongoing crisis.
2. That Phase 1 projects from the £1m amounting to £367,779 are agreed and that the Executive Directors of Finance Resources and Innovation and Change have the delegated authority to manage these individual allocations and to make any necessary changes to them.
3. That agreement for the remaining allocation of the £1m is made in two further phases as set out in Section 5 and is delegated to the Executive Directors of Finance Resources and Innovation and Change, in agreement with the relevant Cabinet Members. The Executive Directors will also have the delegated authority to manage these individual allocations and make any necessary changes to them.
Reasons for Decision
While there are national interventions to address the cost-of-living crisis, as Section 4 shows, there is still a crisis and living costs will outstrip national support in 2024/2025 making further intervention necessary to help households most at risk.
The projects put forward in Phase 1, which use 38% of the funding, will ensure that vital advice and food support services can continue in 2024 / 2025 to meet the ongoing high demand. Funding for a dedicated post also ensures that cost-of-living projects can continue to be delivered.
Two further phases are needed to allocate the remainder of the £1m as it is uncertain whether there will be a further Household Support Fund in 2024 / 2025, and this will affect how it is spent. It is also needed to ensure the right interventions are in place for Winter 2024 which won’t be known until later in the year.