Issue - decisions

Capital Strategy 2024/25 to 2028/29, Forecast Position for 2023/24 and Future Years Forecast to 2037/38

19/02/2024 - Capital Strategy 2024/25 to 2028/29, Forecast Position for 2023/24 and Future Years Forecast to 2037/38

Cabinet approved the following recommendations to Full Council for consideration at its meeting on 6 March 2024

·       To approve the capital strategy as set out in this report. 

·       To approve the capital expenditure for the General Fund as set out in Appendix A for 2024/25 to 2028/29 and future years to 2037/38. 

·       To approve that all development and investment projects, along with all significant projects follow the previously approved business case governance process as set out in section 8 of this report. 

·       To approve that no financing sources, unless stipulated in regulations or necessary agreements, are ring fenced. 

·       To approve the proposed financing of the capital programme and revenue implications as set out in section 12 of this report.

·       To delegate to the Executive Director of Finance and Resources the decisions surrounding financing of the capital programme to provide sufficient flexibility to allow for the most effective use of the Council’s resources. 



Reasons for Decision

The Council produces a capital strategy annually, the objectives of which are to objectives of this capital strategy are to prioritise and co-ordinate funding to achieve the Council’s Fairer Westminster vision; ensure that capital resources are directed to maintain the Council’s statutory requirements across its asset base; invest in the most beneficial projects to meet Westminster’s long-term requirements; and manage investment effectively and efficiently.