Cabinet approved the following
recommendations to Full Council for consideration at its meeting on
6 March 2024:
Council Tax
- That the Council Tax for a Band D be
agreed at £501.76 for 2024/25
- That subject to the consideration of
the previous recommendation, the council tax for the City of
Westminster, excluding the Montpelier Square area and Queen’s
Park Community Council, for the year ending 31 March 2025, be as
specified in the Council Tax Resolution in Appendix
- That the Precepts and Special
Expenses be as also specified in Appendix 1 for properties in
Montpelier Square and the Queen’s Park Community
- That the formal resolution for
2024/25 attached at Appendix 1 including the council tax
requirement of £68.889m be agreed
- Note the proposed Greater London
Authority precept (Band D) of £471.40, an increase of
£37.26 in the adjusted Band D precept
- That the Council continues the
Westminster Community Contribution scheme to allow residents in the
City to voluntarily contribute towards supporting discretionary
services that support the three priorities of youth services,
helping rough sleepers off the streets and supporting people who
are lonely and isolated.
Revenue Budget
- To note the views of the Scrutiny
Budget Task Group set out in Appendix 2
- That the proposed General Fund net
budget requirement of £205.545m summarised in Appendix 3 is
- That the savings, pressures and
investments for 2024/25 to 2026/27 set out in Appendix 4, 5 and 6,
are approved
- That the Equality Impact Assessments
included in Appendix 7 are noted to inform the consideration of the
- Note the Housing Revenue Account
(HRA) Business Plan 2024/25 and 30 Year Housing Investment Plan
presented concurrently to Cabinet on 19 February 2024 that
recommends the HRA budget and rent levels for 2024/25
Capital Programme
- Note the Capital Strategy 2024/25 to
2028/29, forecast position for 2023/24 and future years’
forecasts summarised up to 2037/38 report also presented to Cabinet
on 19 February 2024 that recommends the Council’s capital
programme and financing
Reserves, Balances and Budget
- Agree the reserves policy as set out
in section 9
- Note the opinion of the Section 151
Officer with regards to the robustness of the budget process, the
estimates underpinning the budget and the adequacy of the reserves
as set out in Appendix 8 as required by S25 of the Local Government
Act 2003
Treasury Management and Investment
- Note the Treasury Management
Strategy for 2024/25 including the annual investment strategy,
borrowing limits and prudential indicators summarised in this
report and set out detail in a concurrent report on this
- Note the 2024/25 Integrated
Investment Framework report also concurrently on this agenda, which
sets out the policies and framework for future investment decisions
for the Council.
Fairer Westminster Delivery Plan
- Note the summary of the delivery
actions for the Fairer Westminster Delivery Plan 2024/25 provided
in Section 4. The full approved version of the 2024/25 Delivery
Plan will be published in mid-March.
Reasons for
The Council has a statutory requirement to set a balanced budget
and submit a budget
return to central government. This report sets council
tax for the forthcoming financial year and approves the Council’s
medium-term plan for the next four years and the budget for the
2024/25 financial year.