Cabinet approved the
following recommendations to Full Council for consideration at its
meeting on 6 March 2024:
- Approve the Treasury
Management Strategy Statement
- Approve the borrowing
strategy and borrowing limits for 2024/25 to 2028/29
- Approve the
Prudential Indicators
- Approve the Annual
Investment Strategy and approved investments
- Approve the Minimum
Revenue Provision Policy set out in Appendix 2;
- Approve the
delegation of authority to the Executive Director of Finance and
Resources to proceed with:
- the obtaining of a
credit rating as set out in the report; and
- to appoint Link
Group, a Treasury consultant, for the purposes of obtaining that
Reasons for
Treasury Management Strategy Statement is an annual report
which complies with the Local
Government Act 2003, other regulations, and guidance and to ensure
that the Council’s borrowing and investment plans are
prudent, affordable and sustainable and comply with statutory