Summary of Decision
The Strategic Director of Housing and Commercial Partnerships has delegated authority to the Executive Director of Regeneration Economy and Planning (REP) to allow officers to enter into the agreement specified below:
Authority to sign BT Openreach wayleave for the 300 Harrow Rd. Development site
Reasons for Decision
To allow the progress of the project in line with the agreed programme and costs, as set out within the FBC Cabinet Member report.
This scheme involves the redevelopment of Warwick Community Hall to provide new residential accommodation alongside a new community centre, nursery and enterprise space. During October 2022 the Labour administration approved proposals for the conversion of 300 Harrow rd. to a 100% affordable scheme delivering 77 social rent and 35 intermediate homes. Construction of the scheme is nearing completion with the residential blocks now complete and phased handover underway during November and December 2023.
The Executive Director for Environment, Climate and Public Protection has delegated all functions relating to the provision of Housing Services to the Strategic Director for Housing and Commercial Partnerships.