Statement of Decision: The Cabinet Member for Economic Development & Planning approved HOLBA’s BID proposals for:
The Cabinet Member requested the Chief Executive as the City Council’s Returning Officer and “ballot holder” to hold a ballot for HOLBA in respect of:
The Cabinet Member approved that the Director of Law be authorised on behalf of the City Council to enter into the necessary legal agreements for collection of the BID Levy and approved the budget spend of £83,421.00 for BID levy payments that may become due from the Council to the Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus Property Owner BID for the 5 year BID term if the ballot is successful.
Reason for Decision: Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) can continue for an unlimited number of terms, providing they are successful in their ballots. Heart of London Business Alliance (HOLBA) have submitted four Renewal BID proposals to the City Council for its consideration to enter their second term and one BID proposal for consideration to establish a new BID.The City Council has a statutory duty to consider the proposal and hold the occupier and property owner ballots on behalf of HOLBA. The ballots for the proposed BIDs are due to take place across the period of February and March 2025. If the majority of voters who vote in the ballots, both by aggregate rateable value and number voting, support the proposals, and the City Council does not exercise its right to veto the BID proposals, then the BIDs will formally start their first terms on 1 April 2025 and terminate on 31 March 2030.