Issue - decisions

Use of permissible two-year extension period for SEND Passenger Transport

30/07/2024 - Use of permissible two-year extension period for SEND Passenger Transport

Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Children and Public Protection, in collaboration with the Head of Tendering, Procurement and Commercial Services, has approved a two-year extension for Passenger Transport (Minibus) contracts, for Vulnerable Children, Young People & Adults, from 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2026. 


The Cabinet Member has also approved changes to the contract for the Adult Mini-bus service, to reflect combining routes, changing schedule (route optimisations) and the addition of a discount for absence of Passenger Assistants and a contract variation in all three Contracts (Children’s and Adults Services) to enable adjustment of the pricing element. The variation will specify how and when prices can be increased, based on specific criteria such as inflation rates, or cost increases. Finally, the Cabinet Member has delegated authority to the Director of Operations & Programmes for Bi-borough Children’s Services to approve operational changes to any of the Contracts, including (without limitation) any increases/decreases in activity or changes to routes, throughout the two (2) year extension period.


Reasons for Decision


The Travel Care Team have reviewed the performance of the service, sought feedback from key stakeholders, reviewed service performance, and, as a result, wish to take the two-year extension across the three contracts.  Delegation for the approval of this extension period was not included in the original strategy, developed in 2019, and therefore this is an Executive Decision and requires Cabinet Member Approval.