Summary of Decision
The Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality has approved the project continuing to Stage 3-6, as well as the commencement of a detailed design and build of the scheme. The Cabinet Member has also approved the revised costs of the scheme and reprofiling of £1.6m of future years spend from within the existing programme to fund the additional costs of the scheme, and the capital expenditure of £3,534,430 necessary to carry out the detailed design and implementation of the remaining scheme.
Finally, the Cabinet Member has approved both the delegation of authority to the Director of City Highways and Transportation for any minor amendments as necessary to the approved scheme, and for the required Traffic Management Orders (TMO) to be progressed and made under Delegated Authority by Head of Parking.
Reasons for Decision
This decision will allow the completion of the Warwick Way Town Centre highways scheme. The improvements will help to enhance the area, by improving the provisions for walking and cycling, reducing traffic, providing more greening and improving parking and loading facilities.