The list of forthcoming Member-level decisions serves as the City Council's notice of all Member-Level Executive decisions, including those proposed to be taken at a private meeting of the Cabinet, in accordance with Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.

Notice will be given of the following:

a) All Key Decisions to be taken by the Cabinet, a Committee of the Cabinet or an individual Cabinet Member;
b) Executive non-Key Decisions to be taken by the above decision-makers, wherever possible;
c) All private meetings of the Cabinet;
d) All decisions to be taken under General Exception or Special Urgency provisions;

Key Decisions are defined by statute as:

(a)  Decisions likely to result in the Council incurring expenditure which is, or the making of savings which are, significant having regard to the Council's budget for the service or function to which the decision relates; or

(b)  To be significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area comprising two or more wards or electoral divisions in the area of the Council.

This list is updated with each new notice and the information is based upon statutory requirements.

Any queries relating to specific decisions should be referred to the relevant Officer listed against the respective decision, using the email address provided.

Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Harrow Road Open Space Highways Improvements31/01/2024For DeterminationNot before 26/02/2024
Learning Disability Plan 2023 - 202619/01/2024For DeterminationNot before 19/02/2024
Carers Strategy 2023 - 202819/01/2024For DeterminationNot before 19/02/2024
Carers Network Service– Direct Award08/12/2023For DeterminationNot before 08/01/2024
Rent Review at Circus Road, St John’s Wood08/12/2023For DeterminationNot before 08/01/2024
Rating Advisory Panel - 29.04.202508/12/2023For DeterminationNot before 08/01/2024
Rating Advisory Panel - 11.03.202508/12/2023For DeterminationNot before 08/01/2024
Legal Advisory Services in relation to Church Street Site A CPO04/12/2023For DeterminationNot before 02/01/2024
Direct award for interim contracts for Learning Disability accommodation based services11/10/2023For DeterminationNot before 09/11/2023
300 Harrow Road - Scheme Legal Agreements and Licenses10/11/2023For DeterminationNot before 25/11/2023
Supply of Energy and Ancillary Services Contract Award/Renewal18/10/2023For DeterminationNot before 16/11/2023
Lisson Grove Programme (LGP) Feasibility Stage Outcome & Expenditure to Outline Business Case (OBC) Part 203/11/2023For DeterminationNot before 02/11/2023
Huguenot House - Westminster Community Homes13/06/2023For DeterminationNot before 12/07/2023
Sale in W104/05/2023For DeterminationNot before 02/06/2023
Heat Metering and Billing11/04/2023For DeterminationNot before 10/05/2023
Carbon Offset Fund - Sustainable Business Allocation06/04/2023For DeterminationNot before 05/05/2023
Stopping of HRA Disposal Programme and Continuation of Spot Acquisition Programme23/11/2022For DeterminationNot before 23/12/2022
Public Toilets Refurbishment Programme11/10/2022For DeterminationNot before 11/11/2022
Public Realm Supplementary Planning Document30/06/2022For DeterminationNot before 29/07/2022
Lisson Grove: Gayhurst and 6-12 Lilestone Approval of Decant status, The Ending of Lets and Use of Renewal Voids26/01/2022For DeterminationNot before 26/02/2022
Unilateral Undertaking of Carlton Dene and Peebles House07/12/2021For DeterminationNot before 07/01/2022