300 Harrow Road ref: 2234 | 19/10/2023 | 19/10/2023 | Not for call-in |
300 Harrow Road - Officer Delegations ref: 2133 | 20/10/2023 | 20/10/2023 | Not for call-in |
Adpar Street: Digital fixed line infrastructure Wayleave Agreement ref: 2080 | 21/11/2023 | 21/11/2023 | Not for call-in |
Torridon House Car Park: Digital fixed line infrastructure Wayleave Agreement ref: 2078 | 21/11/2023 | 21/11/2023 | Not for call-in |
Queens Park Court: Digital fixed line infrastructure Wayleave Agreement ref: 2079 | 20/11/2023 | 20/11/2023 | Not for call-in |
Waste and Recycling Infrastructure - Housing Estates ref: 1986 | 17/11/2023 | 25/11/2023 | Call-in expired |
Avenues Youth Project ref: 1975 | 17/11/2023 | 25/11/2023 | Call-in expired |
Kerbside Household Waste and Recycling bins and On-Street Litterbins ref: 1976 | 17/11/2023 | 25/11/2023 | Call-in expired |
Parking Fee Structure Review ref: 1974 | 15/11/2023 | 25/11/2023 | Call-in expired |
Shepherd Market public realm improvement scheme ref: 1973 | 10/11/2023 | 10/11/2023 | Not for call-in |
Approval of recommendations from the Rating Advisory Panel - 31.10.23 ref: 1972 | 13/11/2023 | 13/11/2023 | Not for call-in |
Torridon House: s106 Unilateral Undertaking, changing the tenure of 8 homes from Intermediate Rent to Social Rent ref: 1970 | 10/11/2023 | 10/11/2023 | Not for call-in |
Balmoral Castle and Darwin House Development Legal Agreements ref: 1971 | 10/11/2023 | 10/11/2023 | Not for call-in |
Ebury Bridge Estate Renewal - Phase 1 Agreements ref: 2049 | 10/11/2023 | 10/11/2023 | Not for call-in |
Variation to Existing Lease and Agreement to Reversionary Lease at Alfred Road, W2 ref: 1967 | 07/11/2023 | 07/11/2023 | Not for call-in |
Revenues & Benefits service - Utilisation of the existing contract extension facility ref: 1968 | 07/11/2023 | 15/11/2023 | Call-in expired |
Balmoral Castle and Darwin House: Phase 2 - Appropriation of land at Balmoral Castle Public House and Vacant Garages ref: 1969 | 06/11/2023 | 06/11/2023 | Not for call-in |
Review of housing delivery governance and arrangements ref: 1952 | 30/10/2023 | 08/11/2023 | Call-in expired |
VCS Core Funding ref: 1957 | 30/10/2023 | 08/11/2023 | Call-in expired |
Capital investment in community assets ref: 1956 | 30/10/2023 | 08/11/2023 | Call-in expired |
Appointment of Specialist Development Support Services ref: 1950 | 27/10/2023 | 04/11/2023 | Call-in expired |
Direct award for contracts for Home Care Services ref: 1948 | 25/10/2023 | 02/11/2023 | Call-in expired |
Writing off of irrecoverable debt (quarterly report) - Quarter 2 2023/24 ref: 1949 | 25/10/2023 | 02/11/2023 | Call-in expired |
New core funding grant agreement for the Abbey Centre ref: 1943 | 23/10/2023 | 31/10/2023 | Call-in expired |
470 Harrow Road Contract Variation ref: 1946 | 23/10/2023 | 31/10/2023 | Call-in expired |
Lisson Arches Development ref: 1945 | 20/10/2023 | 28/10/2023 | Call-in expired |
Approval of recommendations from the Rating Advisory Panel - 19.09.23 ref: 1944 | 19/10/2023 | 19/10/2023 | Not for call-in |
Approval of recommendations of the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) Review Panel 12.09.23 ref: 1940 | 10/10/2023 | 10/10/2023 | Not for call-in |
Grant of rights to UKPN of WCC land at Woodfield Road, London W9 ref: 1941 | 10/10/2023 | 10/10/2023 | Not for call-in |
Property Management Support Advice ref: 1938 | 09/10/2023 | 17/10/2023 | Call-in expired |
Older People's Day Opportunities Preventative Services ref: 1937 | 06/10/2023 | 14/10/2023 | Call-in expired |
Huguenot House Delivery Route ref: 1936 | 05/10/2023 | 13/10/2023 | Call-in expired |
The Appropriation of land for planning purposes at 45 Kilburn Park Road ref: 1935 | 05/10/2023 | 13/10/2023 | Call-in expired |
North Paddington Programme Project Work: First Year ref: 1933 | 25/09/2023 | 03/10/2023 | Call-in expired |
Recognition of HyPER as an amenity society ref: 1932 | 25/09/2023 | 25/09/2023 | Not for call-in |
Response to Petition: Sussex Street Play Area ref: 1931 | 20/09/2023 | 20/09/2023 | Not for call-in |
CCS Energy Purchase Agreement for 2024 - 25 Supply Period ref: 1929 | 15/09/2023 | 15/09/2023 | Not for call-in |
Delegation of authority to approve reservations and sale terms of units at Ebury Phase 1 ref: 1930 | 15/09/2023 | 23/09/2023 | Call-in expired |
Ashbridge, Ashmill & Cosway sites - settlement of the main construction contract final account with Geoffrey Osborne Limited ref: 1928 | 13/09/2023 | 21/09/2023 | Call-in expired |
Minutes of the last meeting ref: 1924 | 11/09/2023 | 11/09/2023 | Not for call-in |
Oxford Street Programme ref: 1925 | 11/09/2023 | 20/09/2023 | Call-in expired |
Neighbourhood CIL Applications (Greenhouse Sports Centre) ref: 1926 | 11/09/2023 | 20/09/2023 | Call-in expired |
Citizens Climate Assembly - Recommendations ref: 1927 | 11/09/2023 | 11/09/2023 | Not for call-in |
Amenity Societies - Interim Approach to Recognition ref: 1923 | 07/09/2023 | 07/09/2023 | Not for call-in |
Maida Hill Market, Public Realm Improvements ref: 1922 | 30/08/2023 | 07/09/2023 | Call-in expired |
Neighbourhood CIL Decisions: Spring 2023 Application Round ref: 1921 | 30/08/2023 | 30/08/2023 | Not for call-in |
NATIONAL POLICY & PLANNING REFORM UPDATE ref: 1647 | 30/03/2022 | 30/03/2022 | Not for call-in |
PDHU Renewal and Decarbonisation - Technical Services ref: 1920 | 23/08/2023 | 01/09/2023 | Call-in expired |
Extending the Free Meal Offer to Nurseries and Secondary Westminster Pupils ref: 1919 | 23/08/2023 | 31/08/2023 | Call-in expired |
Achieving Health Equity: A proposal to launch a new Public Health partnership fund for voluntary and community organisations serving Westminster residents ref: 1907 | 22/08/2023 | 31/08/2023 | Call-in expired |
Dockless Bike Scheme ref: 1908 | 22/08/2023 | 31/08/2023 | Call-in expired |
Direct award for interim contracts for Learning Disability accommodation based services ref: 1906 | 21/08/2023 | 30/08/2023 | Call-in expired |
Granting of new lease in WC2 ref: 1905 | 10/08/2023 | 10/08/2023 | Not for call-in |
Leisure Contract Variation ref: 1904 | 09/08/2023 | 17/08/2023 | Call-in expired |
Westmead Development - Approval of the Full Business Case and the appointment of the Main Contractor to deliver the new development ref: 1903 | 08/08/2023 | 16/08/2023 | Call-in expired |
Writing off of irrecoverable debt (quarterly report) - Quarter 1 2023/24 ref: 1902 | 04/08/2023 | 12/08/2023 | Call-in expired |
Adoption of Westminster’s Statement of Community Involvement ref: 1901 | 04/08/2023 | 04/08/2023 | Not for call-in |
Westminster Advice Partnership - Contract Extension ref: 1899 | 02/08/2023 | 10/08/2023 | Call-in expired |
Ebury Bridge Estate Renewal - Phase Two Demolition ref: 1898 | 01/08/2023 | 09/08/2023 | Call-in expired |
Response to petition: "Petition calling on Councillors to donate 45% pay rise to charity" ref: 1897 | 26/07/2023 | 26/07/2023 | Not for call-in |
Carlton Dene Stage 1 contract award ref: 1895 | 21/07/2023 | 29/07/2023 | Call-in expired |
Approval of recommendations from the Rating Advisory Panel - 11.07.23 ref: 1894 | 20/07/2023 | 20/07/2023 | Not for call-in |
Approval of recommendations of the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) Review Panel 04.07.23 ref: 1893 | 20/07/2023 | 20/07/2023 | Not for call-in |
Ebury Bridge Estate Renewal - Supplemental Agreement to the Building Contract with Bouygues (UK) Ltd. Phase 1 ref: 1890 | 20/07/2023 | 28/07/2023 | Call-in expired |
Approval to award contract for Speech & Language Therapy Education Services ref: 1892 | 19/07/2023 | 28/07/2023 | Call-in expired |
Westmead - The Appropriation of Land for Planning Purposes ref: 1889 | 19/07/2023 | 27/07/2023 | Call-in expired |
Commemorative Green Plaque for Café Monico at 11-17 Shaftesbury Avenue, WC2H 8AD ref: 1888 | 13/07/2023 | 13/07/2023 | Not for call-in |
Medium Term Financial Planning (2024/25 to 2026/27) ref: 1886 | 10/07/2023 | 10/07/2023 | Not for call-in |
Council Response to the Future of Westminster Commission Recommendations ref: 1884 | 10/07/2023 | 10/07/2023 | Not for call-in |
Minutes ref: 1883 | 10/07/2023 | 10/07/2023 | Not for call-in |
Outturn Report ref: 1887 | 10/07/2023 | 10/07/2023 | Not for call-in |
Church Street Regeneration - Site A Compulsory Purchase Order Resolution ref: 1885 | 10/07/2023 | 10/07/2023 | Not for call-in |
Ebury Bridge Estate Renewal - Electrical Substation Lease ref: 1880 | 11/07/2023 | 11/07/2023 | Not for call-in |
Approval of recommendations from the Rating Advisory Panel - 13.06.23 ref: 1881 | 11/07/2023 | 11/07/2023 | Not for call-in |
Co-operative Councils' Innovation Network ref: 1877 | 06/07/2023 | 06/07/2023 | Not for call-in |
UKSPF - Supplier Readiness Grant Agreement ref: 1876 | 05/07/2023 | 05/07/2023 | Not for call-in |
St. James's new BID Proposal - 2023 - 2028 ref: 1875 | 03/07/2023 | 03/07/2023 | Not for call-in |
Appointment of a main contractor for works to the Tresham Centre ref: 1874 | 03/07/2023 | 11/07/2023 | Call-in expired |
Waste, Recycling and Street Cleansing Contract with Veolia ES Ltd ref: 1878 | 29/06/2023 | 07/07/2023 | Call-in expired |
Parking Fee Structure Review - Approval of Concept ref: 1896 | 26/06/2023 | 26/06/2023 | Not for call-in |
Coroners Court Refurbishment and Extension ref: 1872 | 23/06/2023 | 01/07/2023 | Call-in expired |
Decision on the Future plan for the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement contract ref: 1870 | 23/06/2023 | 01/07/2023 | Call-in expired |
Approval of recommendations of the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) Review Panel 06.06.23 ref: 1871 | 23/06/2023 | 23/06/2023 | Not for call-in |
Fees for the Westminster Design Review Panel ref: 1869 | 20/06/2023 | 20/06/2023 | Not for call-in |
Torridon House Car Park: Appropriation of Land for Planning Purposes ref: 1866 | 20/06/2023 | 20/06/2023 | Not for call-in |
Queens Park Court: Appropriation of Land for Planning Purposes ref: 1867 | 20/06/2023 | 20/06/2023 | Not for call-in |
Adpar Street Car Park: Appropriation of Land for Planning Purposes ref: 1868 | 20/06/2023 | 20/06/2023 | Not for call-in |
Print Management and Mailroom Service ref: 1864 | 01/06/2023 | 08/06/2023 | Call-in expired |
Contract award for the cleansing and maintenance of public conveniences ref: 1863 | 01/06/2023 | 08/06/2023 | Call-in expired |