
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
300 Harrow Road ref: 223419/10/202319/10/2023Not for call-in
300 Harrow Road - Officer Delegations ref: 213320/10/202320/10/2023Not for call-in
Adpar Street: Digital fixed line infrastructure Wayleave Agreement ref: 208021/11/202321/11/2023Not for call-in
Torridon House Car Park: Digital fixed line infrastructure Wayleave Agreement ref: 207821/11/202321/11/2023Not for call-in
Queens Park Court: Digital fixed line infrastructure Wayleave Agreement ref: 207920/11/202320/11/2023Not for call-in
Waste and Recycling Infrastructure - Housing Estates ref: 198617/11/202325/11/2023Call-in expired
Avenues Youth Project ref: 197517/11/202325/11/2023Call-in expired
Kerbside Household Waste and Recycling bins and On-Street Litterbins ref: 197617/11/202325/11/2023Call-in expired
Parking Fee Structure Review ref: 197415/11/202325/11/2023Call-in expired
Shepherd Market public realm improvement scheme ref: 197310/11/202310/11/2023Not for call-in
Approval of recommendations from the Rating Advisory Panel - 31.10.23 ref: 197213/11/202313/11/2023Not for call-in
Torridon House: s106 Unilateral Undertaking, changing the tenure of 8 homes from Intermediate Rent to Social Rent ref: 197010/11/202310/11/2023Not for call-in
Balmoral Castle and Darwin House Development Legal Agreements ref: 197110/11/202310/11/2023Not for call-in
Ebury Bridge Estate Renewal - Phase 1 Agreements ref: 204910/11/202310/11/2023Not for call-in
Variation to Existing Lease and Agreement to Reversionary Lease at Alfred Road, W2 ref: 196707/11/202307/11/2023Not for call-in
Revenues & Benefits service - Utilisation of the existing contract extension facility ref: 196807/11/202315/11/2023Call-in expired
Balmoral Castle and Darwin House: Phase 2 - Appropriation of land at Balmoral Castle Public House and Vacant Garages ref: 196906/11/202306/11/2023Not for call-in
Review of housing delivery governance and arrangements ref: 195230/10/202308/11/2023Call-in expired
VCS Core Funding ref: 195730/10/202308/11/2023Call-in expired
Capital investment in community assets ref: 195630/10/202308/11/2023Call-in expired
Appointment of Specialist Development Support Services ref: 195027/10/202304/11/2023Call-in expired
Direct award for contracts for Home Care Services ref: 194825/10/202302/11/2023Call-in expired
Writing off of irrecoverable debt (quarterly report) - Quarter 2 2023/24 ref: 194925/10/202302/11/2023Call-in expired
New core funding grant agreement for the Abbey Centre ref: 194323/10/202331/10/2023Call-in expired
470 Harrow Road Contract Variation ref: 194623/10/202331/10/2023Call-in expired
Lisson Arches Development ref: 194520/10/202328/10/2023Call-in expired
Approval of recommendations from the Rating Advisory Panel - 19.09.23 ref: 194419/10/202319/10/2023Not for call-in
Approval of recommendations of the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) Review Panel 12.09.23 ref: 194010/10/202310/10/2023Not for call-in
Grant of rights to UKPN of WCC land at Woodfield Road, London W9 ref: 194110/10/202310/10/2023Not for call-in
Property Management Support Advice ref: 193809/10/202317/10/2023Call-in expired
Older People's Day Opportunities Preventative Services ref: 193706/10/202314/10/2023Call-in expired
Huguenot House Delivery Route ref: 193605/10/202313/10/2023Call-in expired
The Appropriation of land for planning purposes at 45 Kilburn Park Road ref: 193505/10/202313/10/2023Call-in expired
North Paddington Programme Project Work: First Year ref: 193325/09/202303/10/2023Call-in expired
Recognition of HyPER as an amenity society ref: 193225/09/202325/09/2023Not for call-in
Response to Petition: Sussex Street Play Area ref: 193120/09/202320/09/2023Not for call-in
CCS Energy Purchase Agreement for 2024 - 25 Supply Period ref: 192915/09/202315/09/2023Not for call-in
Delegation of authority to approve reservations and sale terms of units at Ebury Phase 1 ref: 193015/09/202323/09/2023Call-in expired
Ashbridge, Ashmill & Cosway sites - settlement of the main construction contract final account with Geoffrey Osborne Limited ref: 192813/09/202321/09/2023Call-in expired
Minutes of the last meeting ref: 192411/09/202311/09/2023Not for call-in
Oxford Street Programme ref: 192511/09/202320/09/2023Call-in expired
Neighbourhood CIL Applications (Greenhouse Sports Centre) ref: 192611/09/202320/09/2023Call-in expired
Citizens Climate Assembly - Recommendations ref: 192711/09/202311/09/2023Not for call-in
Amenity Societies - Interim Approach to Recognition ref: 192307/09/202307/09/2023Not for call-in
Maida Hill Market, Public Realm Improvements ref: 192230/08/202307/09/2023Call-in expired
Neighbourhood CIL Decisions: Spring 2023 Application Round ref: 192130/08/202330/08/2023Not for call-in
NATIONAL POLICY & PLANNING REFORM UPDATE ref: 164730/03/202230/03/2022Not for call-in
PDHU Renewal and Decarbonisation - Technical Services ref: 192023/08/202301/09/2023Call-in expired
Extending the Free Meal Offer to Nurseries and Secondary Westminster Pupils ref: 191923/08/202331/08/2023Call-in expired
Achieving Health Equity: A proposal to launch a new Public Health partnership fund for voluntary and community organisations serving Westminster residents ref: 190722/08/202331/08/2023Call-in expired
Dockless Bike Scheme ref: 190822/08/202331/08/2023Call-in expired
Direct award for interim contracts for Learning Disability accommodation based services ref: 190621/08/202330/08/2023Call-in expired
Granting of new lease in WC2 ref: 190510/08/202310/08/2023Not for call-in
Leisure Contract Variation ref: 190409/08/202317/08/2023Call-in expired
Westmead Development - Approval of the Full Business Case and the appointment of the Main Contractor to deliver the new development ref: 190308/08/202316/08/2023Call-in expired
Writing off of irrecoverable debt (quarterly report) - Quarter 1 2023/24 ref: 190204/08/202312/08/2023Call-in expired
Adoption of Westminster’s Statement of Community Involvement ref: 190104/08/202304/08/2023Not for call-in
Westminster Advice Partnership - Contract Extension ref: 189902/08/202310/08/2023Call-in expired
Ebury Bridge Estate Renewal - Phase Two Demolition ref: 189801/08/202309/08/2023Call-in expired
Response to petition: "Petition calling on Councillors to donate 45% pay rise to charity" ref: 189726/07/202326/07/2023Not for call-in
Carlton Dene Stage 1 contract award ref: 189521/07/202329/07/2023Call-in expired
Approval of recommendations from the Rating Advisory Panel - 11.07.23 ref: 189420/07/202320/07/2023Not for call-in
Approval of recommendations of the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) Review Panel 04.07.23 ref: 189320/07/202320/07/2023Not for call-in
Ebury Bridge Estate Renewal - Supplemental Agreement to the Building Contract with Bouygues (UK) Ltd. Phase 1 ref: 189020/07/202328/07/2023Call-in expired
Approval to award contract for Speech & Language Therapy Education Services ref: 189219/07/202328/07/2023Call-in expired
Westmead - The Appropriation of Land for Planning Purposes ref: 188919/07/202327/07/2023Call-in expired
Commemorative Green Plaque for Café Monico at 11-17 Shaftesbury Avenue, WC2H 8AD ref: 188813/07/202313/07/2023Not for call-in
Medium Term Financial Planning (2024/25 to 2026/27) ref: 188610/07/202310/07/2023Not for call-in
Council Response to the Future of Westminster Commission Recommendations ref: 188410/07/202310/07/2023Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 188310/07/202310/07/2023Not for call-in
Outturn Report ref: 188710/07/202310/07/2023Not for call-in
Church Street Regeneration - Site A Compulsory Purchase Order Resolution ref: 188510/07/202310/07/2023Not for call-in
Ebury Bridge Estate Renewal - Electrical Substation Lease ref: 188011/07/202311/07/2023Not for call-in
Approval of recommendations from the Rating Advisory Panel - 13.06.23 ref: 188111/07/202311/07/2023Not for call-in
Co-operative Councils' Innovation Network ref: 187706/07/202306/07/2023Not for call-in
UKSPF - Supplier Readiness Grant Agreement ref: 187605/07/202305/07/2023Not for call-in
St. James's new BID Proposal - 2023 - 2028 ref: 187503/07/202303/07/2023Not for call-in
Appointment of a main contractor for works to the Tresham Centre ref: 187403/07/202311/07/2023Call-in expired
Waste, Recycling and Street Cleansing Contract with Veolia ES Ltd ref: 187829/06/202307/07/2023Call-in expired
Parking Fee Structure Review - Approval of Concept ref: 189626/06/202326/06/2023Not for call-in
Coroners Court Refurbishment and Extension ref: 187223/06/202301/07/2023Call-in expired
Decision on the Future plan for the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement contract ref: 187023/06/202301/07/2023Call-in expired
Approval of recommendations of the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) Review Panel 06.06.23 ref: 187123/06/202323/06/2023Not for call-in
Fees for the Westminster Design Review Panel ref: 186920/06/202320/06/2023Not for call-in
Torridon House Car Park: Appropriation of Land for Planning Purposes ref: 186620/06/202320/06/2023Not for call-in
Queens Park Court: Appropriation of Land for Planning Purposes ref: 186720/06/202320/06/2023Not for call-in
Adpar Street Car Park: Appropriation of Land for Planning Purposes ref: 186820/06/202320/06/2023Not for call-in
Print Management and Mailroom Service ref: 186401/06/202308/06/2023Call-in expired
Contract award for the cleansing and maintenance of public conveniences ref: 186301/06/202308/06/2023Call-in expired