
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

19/10/2023 - 300 Harrow Road ref: 2234    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning

Decision published: 01/07/2024

Effective from: 19/10/2023


Summary of Decision


The Executive Director for Regeneration, Economy and Planning has approved the signing of the updated Unilateral Undertaking which changes the Private Homes to Social Rent and one additional Intermediate Rent Home, and has moved the Social Homes from the General Fund to the HRA as per the Cabinet Members’ Approval for the Appropriation of Land. The Executive Director has also given approval to sign the lease with Westminster Housing Development Ltd (Westminster Builds) for the 35 Intermediate Homes, subject to Cabinet Member approval.


Reasons for Decision


This will allow for the implementation of the Truly Affordable Housing Cabinet Paper (approved on 11/10/2022) and the Appropriation of Land for Housing Purposes (approved on 14/12/21).


Wards affected: Harrow Road;

Lead officer: Debbie Jackson

20/10/2023 - 300 Harrow Road - Officer Delegations ref: 2133    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning

Decision published: 01/03/2024

Effective from: 20/10/2023


Summary of Decision

The Executive Director, Regeneration, Economy and Planning has agreed to sign the Legal Documents listed below which are required to undertake the scheme Development:

1) BT Wayleave

2) Virgin Media Wayleave

3) Stopping Order for the Land (shown on the Plan attached).

4) Dedication Agreement – For the dedication of Highways Land (show on the Plan Attached)

5) Walkways Agreement in line with the requirements of the s106 Agreement

6) Over-sailing agreement for the land shown on the stopping up plan.

Reasons for Decision

This decision has been made in accordance with the authority delegated by the Cabinet Member Decision of 14 December 2021 ‘Appropriation of Land for Housing Purposes’.

Wards affected: Harrow Road;

21/11/2023 - Adpar Street: Digital fixed line infrastructure Wayleave Agreement ref: 2080    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning

Decision published: 21/11/2023

Effective from: 21/11/2023


Summary of Decision

Approve and enter into a Digital fixed line infrastructure wayleave agreement with Community Fibre Limited.


Reasons for Decision

To allow the progress of the project in line with the agreed programme and costs, as set out within the FBC Cabinet Member report.


21/11/2023 - Torridon House Car Park: Digital fixed line infrastructure Wayleave Agreement ref: 2078    For Determination

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning

Decision published: 21/11/2023

Effective from: 21/11/2023


Summary of Decision


Approve and enter into a Digital fixed line infrastructure wayleave agreement with Community Fibre Limited in line with authority delegated at the Cabinet Member Report.



Reasons for Decision

To allow the progress of the project in line with the agreed programme and costs, as set out within the FBC Cabinet Member report.


20/11/2023 - Queens Park Court: Digital fixed line infrastructure Wayleave Agreement ref: 2079    For Determination

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning

Decision published: 20/11/2023

Effective from: 20/11/2023


Summary of Decision

Approve and enter into a Digital fixed line infrastructure wayleave agreement with Community Fibre Limited.


Reasons for Decision

To allow the progress of the project in line with the agreed programme and costs, as set out within the FBC Cabinet Member report.


17/11/2023 - Waste and Recycling Infrastructure - Housing Estates ref: 1986    Recommendations Approved





Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality

Decision published: 17/11/2023

Effective from: 25/11/2023



That Appendices A, B and C be exempt from disclosure by virtue of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A Part 1, paragraph 3 (as amended), in that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

That the Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality approves the spend of £1.5M for the Purchase and installation of Smart housing bins infrastructure across council housing estates through Veolia ES (UK) Ltd.


Reasons for Decision 

To improve the recycling rates across the City of Westminster, helping to protect the environment and meeting the council’s fairer environment commitment. 


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Mark Banks

17/11/2023 - Kerbside Household Waste and Recycling bins and On-Street Litterbins ref: 1976    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality

Decision published: 17/11/2023

Effective from: 25/11/2023



That Appendices A, B and C be exempt from disclosure by virtue of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A Part 1, paragraph 3 (as amended), in that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

That the Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality approves the spend of £3.5M for the Purchase and installation of Kerbside waste and recycling bins and on-street litterbins through Veolia ES (UK) Ltd.

Reasons for Decision

To improve the recycling rates across the City of Westminster, helping to protect the environment and meeting the council’s fairer environment commitment. 



Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Mark Banks

17/11/2023 - Avenues Youth Project ref: 1975    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development

Decision published: 17/11/2023

Effective from: 25/11/2023


Summary of Decision


The Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development has approved the grant award to the Avenues Youth Project (04045031) of £353,222 in financial year 2022/23.


Reasons for Decision


A new approach is being taken by the Council to support the resilience of the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) to ensure they survive and thrive in Westminster. The VCS is a key partner which works towards achieving the shared social, health, economic and environmental outcomes stipulated in the Fairer Westminster Strategy. However, long term under investment in the sector combined with the challenges of the Covid Pandemic has led to organisational and financial challenges impacting on the sector’s ability to deliver additional or enhanced outcomes or expedite the delivery of outcomes.


Discretionary capital funding, alongside other revenue grants (VCS Sector Core grants) is being proposed to improve the financial and organisational resilience of the sector.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ezra Wallace

15/11/2023 - Parking Fee Structure Review ref: 1974    Recommendations Approved


The Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality has approved the following:

·       The proposed charging regime and necessary operational changes for the pay-to-park scheme, as outlined in section 6.

·       The proposed charging regimes and necessary operational changes for the resident permit scheme, as outlined in section 7.

·       The necessary amendments to the existing Parking Place Traffic Management Orders to enable the new schemes.

·       The proposed Implementation schedule and dates, as summarised in section 13.



Reasons for Decision

The proposals for both the pay-to-park and resident permit schemes align with the Fairer Westminster strategy and complement a number of corporate environmental policies, strategies and commitments as outlined in section 4.2 of the May 2023 report - ‘Parking Fee Structure Review – Approval Of Concept’. The improvement of air quality is an important priority for the Council and these policies support this aspiration.


Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality

Decision published: 16/11/2023

Effective from: 25/11/2023

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Darren Montague

10/11/2023 - Shepherd Market public realm improvement scheme ref: 1973    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 10/11/2023

Wards affected: West End;

13/11/2023 - Approval of recommendations from the Rating Advisory Panel - 31.10.23 ref: 1972    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 13/11/2023

Effective from: 13/11/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member has approved the recommendations of the Rating Advisory Panel held on 31 October 2023 and determines the applications for NNDR Discretionary and Hardship relief set out in Appendix A. 


Reasons for Decision

The Rating Advisory Panel has set out the reasons for the recommendations in each case considered by the Panel in the recommendations in Appendix A. 


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Gemma Williams

10/11/2023 - Balmoral Castle and Darwin House Development Legal Agreements ref: 1971    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning

Decision published: 10/11/2023

Effective from: 10/11/2023


Summary of Decision

To enter into the following legal agreements in relation to the Balmoral Castle and Darwin House Development scheme.


·       Substation lease with UKPN

·       Dead of Easement with Cadent

·       Section 105, Section 104 and Section 116 application with Thames Water



Reasons for Decision

To allow the progress of the project in line with the agreed programme and costs, as set out within the FBC Cabinet Member report.


Wards affected: Pimlico South;

10/11/2023 - Torridon House: s106 Unilateral Undertaking, changing the tenure of 8 homes from Intermediate Rent to Social Rent ref: 1970    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning

Decision published: 10/11/2023

Effective from: 10/11/2023


Summary of Decision

To sign the updated Unilateral Undertaking which changes the 8 Intermediate Rent homes to Social Rent


Reason for Decision

To implement the Truly Affordable Housing Cabinet Paper approved on 11/10/2022





Wards affected: Maida Vale;

10/11/2023 - Ebury Bridge Estate Renewal - Phase 1 Agreements ref: 2049    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning

Decision published: 10/11/2023

Effective from: 10/11/2023


Summary of Decision

Approval to enter into other agreements and property documents including but not limited to leases, warranties, substation leases, wayleaves, licences, deeds of easement, asset protection agreements, section 104 agreements, section 185 agreements and any other statutory agreements and utilities agreements in connection with ancillary works required to facilitate the construction works at Phase 1 of the Ebury.


Reasons for Decision

All utilities agreements are required to complete the constructions works and handover for occupation by Westminster City Council.


Authority was delegated to the Executive Director for Regeneration, Economy and Planning in the Cabinet Member Decision of 11 July 2023.

07/11/2023 - Variation to Existing Lease and Agreement to Reversionary Lease at Alfred Road, W2 ref: 1967    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 07/11/2023

Effective from: 07/11/2023


Summary of Decision


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform has:


1.              Approved the principle of the Council varying the existing lease between DLL and the Mayor and the Citizens of the City of Westminster and entering into an Agreement For Lease (AFL) between the same parties, on the terms set out in the report; and


2.              Delegated authority to the Director of Corporate Property following consultation with the Executive Director of Finance and Resources, to approve the Council entering into any necessary legal documents required to facilitate the transactions.



Reasons for Decision

Subject to approval, the variation and the agreement for lease enables the Council to receive a significant rental increase from the tenant and ensures the Council receives income from the asset for the longer term. Not proceeding with the recommendation would result in a lower rental return and a lack of certainty of income at the end of the current lease in 2030.


Wards affected: Westbourne;

Lead officer: Sarah-Jayne Hurst

07/11/2023 - Revenues & Benefits service - Utilisation of the existing contract extension facility ref: 1968    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 07/11/2023

Effective from: 15/11/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform has approved the utilisation of the existing contractual option to extend the current Revenues & Benefits contract with Capita Business Services Ltd by three years from 1 November 2025 to 31 October 2028 for an amount listed in the exempt Part B report.


Reason for the Decision

The recommendation for the utilisation of the existing contractual extension option is made on the basis of very good service provision to date (including throughout the pandemic and the current cost of living crisis). These factors, alongside the costs of re-tendering, and associated implementation costs if we were to transfer to a new provider, means that utilising the existing contract extension provision is the most economical advantageous option for provision of this service.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Martin Hinckley

06/11/2023 - Balmoral Castle and Darwin House: Phase 2 - Appropriation of land at Balmoral Castle Public House and Vacant Garages ref: 1969    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning

Decision published: 06/11/2023

Effective from: 06/11/2023


Summary of Decision

The purpose of this appropriation is to move the land at the former Balmoral Public House and 23 vacant garages including an area of land measuring 378 sq. metres forming part of an open space (Balmoral Phase 2) from planning purposes for development (General Fund (GF)) to housing use (Housing Revenue Account (HRA)). This will enable the delivery of a housing development scheme, including 34 new community supported housing units, by the Council.


The Council gave authority to appropriate by way of a Cabinet Member decision on 11 May 2023. In accordance with that decision the Executive Director of Growth, Planning and Housing now directs that the Balmoral Phase 2 land be transferred from the GF Account to the HRA at the current red book value.



Reasons for the Decision

The Council is satisfied that the scheme will contribute towards meeting the Fairer Westminster objectives, specifically Fairer Housing, Environment, communities, and Fairer Council.


The development offers an opportunity to deliver housing that will meet the needs of residents and social care users in Westminster through the provision of housing that is both greener and more genuinely affordable.


The proposals for development are in line with both the existing and emerging London Plans and Westminster City Plans. The proposed development will contribute to achieving the promotion or improvement of the Economic, Social, and Environmental well-being of the area.

Wards affected: Pimlico South;

30/10/2023 - Review of housing delivery governance and arrangements ref: 1952    Recommendations Approved

This report will note the findings of a review of the Council’s affordable housing delivery programme and the governance of subsidiary companies.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 30/10/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 30/10/2023

Effective from: 08/11/2023


Cllr Hug introduced the item and invited Cllr Noble to speak to the report.


Cllr Noble noted that this item was the product of an extensive programme of work, with the work undertaken by 31Ten carried out in tandem with the Future of Westminster Commission, as well as he and the officer team looking at the existing delivery programme.


Cllr Noble noted that the recommendations are brief and that most are either already in place or being taken forward, and where they aren’t they were not suitable for Westminster and its existing policies.


Cllr Noble noted that the new governance arrangements will ensure a more strategic vision and bring together stakeholders from across WCC.


James Green highlighted that the key point of the report is a collaborative approach to decision making with a strategic board to run monthly and will give opportunities to Members to contribute to key projects and decisions.


James Green noted that the recommendations were already strongly aligned to work the Council is doing and only a few were a surprise and had since been adopted over the past year, which gave confidence that the Council is doing the right thing to deliver as much affordable housing as possible.


James Green advised that the proposal is to explore a housing working group that sits across the wholly owned subsidiaries and is in essence a joint board that will report into the Shareholder Committee. 


Cllr Barraclough highlighted the upcoming work the Council is undertaking which will back up the drive for affordable housing with changing to planning policies and City Plan revisions in the new year.


Cllr Barraclough noted that the initial draft of the Housing Needs Assessment indicated that the majority of new housing provision should be affordable. The final document will be published in the New Year. He added that officers were also working on new policies covering retrofitting and that these would support the building of new affordable housing.  


Cllr Hug agreed that the new governance model will help the Council achieve its ambitions.


RESOLVED: Cabinet approved the following recommendations:

1.     Note the findings of the 31Ten report and the Council’s proposals for developing their recommendations.

2.     Approve the creation of a Member-led Housing Supply Strategic Board (HSSB).

3.     Note the proposals for changes to Westminster Builds Board which will be tabled at a future shareholder committee for approval.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: James Green

30/10/2023 - VCS Core Funding ref: 1957    Recommendations Approved

This report will seek approval for a programme of core funding grants for small to medium sized voluntary and community sector organisations as well as approval for a wider approach to supporting key strategic VCS partners in the borough, especially those considered community anchor organisations.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 30/10/2023

Effective from: 08/11/2023

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Serena Simon

30/10/2023 - Capital investment in community assets ref: 1956    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 30/10/2023

Effective from: 08/11/2023

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ezra Wallace

27/10/2023 - Appointment of Specialist Development Support Services ref: 1950    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 27/10/2023

Effective from: 04/11/2023


Summary of Decision


The Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Regeneration and Renters has approved:

·       Appointments of both Pick Everard and Arcadis to provide specialist development and commercial support services to the regeneration and development programme for a contract term of 2 years (+ 1 year extension option) and a total maximum contract value of £750,000 exc. VAT each.



Reasons for Decision


The Regeneration and Development Team require specialist development services support to ensure the successful delivery of the Council’s regeneration and development programme of affordable housing delivery, and require interim and shorter-term experienced resource available to supplement project teams whilst a permanent staffing structure is established.


Both providers are trusted partners and suppliers to the Council and have the experience and capability to provide the scope of services required.

Lead officer: Vikki Everett

25/10/2023 - Direct award for contracts for Home Care Services ref: 1948    Recommendations Approved

Approval of direct award of contracts to four patch home care providers in Westminster until November 2024.


Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Voluntary Sector

Decision published: 25/10/2023

Effective from: 02/11/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Public Health and Voluntary Sector has authorised:

(i)          the direct award of contracts to four patch home care providers in Westminster for a for total contract period covering dates and costs associated with each contract are set out in table 1 below.

(ii)         a waiver of the Contract Regulations from the requirement to undertake a competitive tendering exercise in order to directly award the above contracts.


Reasons for Decision

The Council has a statutory duty under the Care Act 2014 to:

·     Ensure appropriate personalised care and support to meet the individual assessed needs of Service Users

·     Maximise independence, focusing on choice and control for people in receipt of Home Care

·     Ensure consistency and continuity of care, minimising service disruption for vulnerable adults and younger adults with disabilities receiving home care.

Over the last year commissioning has been working on developing the new model for home care and the transformational strategy. As these are some of the most significant social care contracts that the Council lets, sufficient time has been needed to develop a new, innovative, and sustainable home care model. In the short term it provides consistency of providers and carers to ensure the continuation of positive outcomes for people in receipt of home care and offer stability to a volatile market during a period of extreme unrest due to the pandemic.


The transformation strategy for homecare is a five - seven year plan with ambitions to radically change all aspects associated with care in the home including the way the provider market is structured offering a wider choice of providers including commissioned, personal assistants, self-employed and micro organisations; a new onboarding processes for vetting and setting up suppliers quickly; a tiered approach to the types of interventions being delivered  so the complexity of the activity delivered is paid accordingly and staff have the right training and skills; and new arrangement and payment of care and support and a greater use of digital technologies.



Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Sharon Grant

25/10/2023 - Writing off of irrecoverable debt (quarterly report) - Quarter 2 2023/24 ref: 1949    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 25/10/2023

Effective from: 02/11/2023


Summary of Decision

That, having taken all appropriate action, the Cabinet Member approves the write-off of debts over £100k, as set out in section 5.


That the amounts shown in paragraph 6.4, as written-off under officer delegated authority, be noted.


Reasons for Decision 

The recommendation to write-off the amounts detailed in this report is proposed as all other avenues available to the Council for the recovery of these debts have been exhausted, including, where appropriate, the issue of court and distress proceedings.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Martin Hinckley

23/10/2023 - New core funding grant agreement for the Abbey Centre ref: 1943    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Voluntary Sector

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 31/10/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Voluntary Sector has approved the award of a grant to Abbey Community Association Limited for a term of 10 years and a total value of £1.7m (plus indexation) as detailed in the report.


Reasons for Decision 

This decision will enable the well-performing grant arrangement that the council has with the Abbey Centre to continue, supporting communities that benefit from the services of the Abbey Centre.

A Cabinet Member Decision is required due to the value of the decision.


Wards affected: St James's;

Lead officer: Genevieve Peattie

23/10/2023 - 470 Harrow Road Contract Variation ref: 1946    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 31/10/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development has approved the contract variation of £280,267.49 required for the Council to settle Rooff Limited’s final account submitted for payment.


Reasons for Decision

The works have now been completed and the contractor’s Final Account has been finalised with the contractor. Approval is required for the contractor’s Final Account sum so it can be paid by the Council.

A Cabinet Member Decision is required due to the total contract value.  


Wards affected: Harrow Road;

Lead officer: Gaurav Choksi

20/10/2023 - Lisson Arches Development ref: 1945    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 20/10/2023

Effective from: 28/10/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform has, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Climate Action Regeneration and Renters and the Cabinet Member for Housing Services:


·         Approved the additional £3,203,958 variance spend to the original signed construction contract so the final account to be agreed between the Council and ULS for the works delivered shall be £27,801,133.


·         Noted the increase in budget of £3.3m will be funded from the Affordable Housing Fund receipts.


Reasons for Decision

The project is approaching the practical completion stage and under the construction contract, a final account agreement is required between the WCC and ULS.

The original Cabinet Member decision was published on 8th March 2021. Throughout the course of the project, a number of changes have been instructed under the contract. There have also been loss & expense claims submitted by the contractor. WCC and ULS have now come to a commercial agreement with regards to the final account. The proposed final account now stands at £27,801,133 this represents a variance of £3,203,958 against the original contract sum approved and awarded by the Council.


Wards affected: Church Street;

Lead officer: James Green

19/10/2023 - Approval of recommendations from the Rating Advisory Panel - 19.09.23 ref: 1944    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 19/10/2023

Effective from: 19/10/2023


Summary of Decision


The Cabinet Member has approved the recommendations of the Rating Advisory Panel held on 19 September 2023 and determines the applications for NNDR Discretionary and Hardship relief set out in Appendix A.


Reasons for Decision

The Rating Advisory Panel has set out the reasons for the recommendations in each case considered by the Panel in the recommendations in Appendix A.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Gemma Williams

10/10/2023 - Approval of recommendations of the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) Review Panel 12.09.23 ref: 1940    Recommendations Approved

Approval of recommendations of the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) Review Panel to be held on 12 September 2023.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 10/10/2023

Effective from: 10/10/2023


Summary of Decision

the Cabinet Member has approved the recommendations of the Discretionary Housing Payment Review Advisory Panel meeting of 12 September 2023


Reasons for Decision 

The Discretionary Housing Payment Review Advisory Panel has set out the reasons for the recommendations in each case considered by the Panel in the recommendations in Appendix A, which are more fully set out in the case papers submitted to the Panel.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Gwyn Thomas

10/10/2023 - Grant of rights to UKPN of WCC land at Woodfield Road, London W9 ref: 1941    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 10/10/2023

Effective from: 10/10/2023


Summary of Decision


That the Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform approve the disposal of a leasehold interest on the terms in Appendix 1.


Reasons for Decision


Under the Council’s constitution Cabinet Member approval is required to enter into a lease of more than 25 years.

Wards affected: Harrow Road;

Lead officer: Rupert Grass

09/10/2023 - Property Management Support Advice ref: 1938    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 09/10/2023

Effective from: 17/10/2023


Reasons for Decision


The Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Regeneration and Renters in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform has approved the appointment of SAY Property Consulting LLP to provide property management support and advice at a maximum contract value of £600,000 (excluding VAT and £720,000 including VAT) and for a maximum contract period of 4 years.


Summary of Decision


The appointment of SAY Property Consulting LLP will enable the development and implementation of a standardised and consistent approach to management, maintenance, operational costs and service charges across the Regeneration and Development programme, tailored only to any specifics of a scheme.





Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Vikki Everett

06/10/2023 - Older People's Day Opportunities Preventative Services ref: 1937    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Voluntary Sector

Decision published: 06/10/2023

Effective from: 14/10/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Voluntary Sector has approved:


The interim short term direct award contracts for the following services:





Provider Category


Direct Award Period

Value of the

Direct Award Contract


London Care




Westbourne Dementia Day Service

1.10.2020 – 30.9.2024


(£2,138,760 inc VAT)



London Care



Pullen OP & Dementia

Day Service

1.10.2020 – 30.9.2024


(£956,073.60 inc VAT)






Not for profit

Befriending & Outreach

1.10.2022 – 30.9.2024


(£309,928.80 inc VAT)


Open Age




Community Hubs

1.10.2022 – 30.9.2024


(£522,686.40 inc VAT)


Westway Community Transport




Community Transport

1.10.2022 – 30.9.2024


£407,155.20 (inc VAT)






To waive the requirement under Westminster City Council’s Procurement Code to undertake competitive exercises in respect of the services listed above.  


Reasons for Decision

Westminster City Council (WCC) has clear duties around service provision and prevention under the Care Act 2014. The Council must provide or arrange services that help prevent people developing needs for care and support or delay people deteriorating such that they would need ongoing care and support.


These older people’s day opportunities preventative services are required to meet the statutory duties as well as the aims and objectives of the Council.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Sharon Thurley

05/10/2023 - The Appropriation of land for planning purposes at 45 Kilburn Park Road ref: 1935    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 05/10/2023

Effective from: 13/10/2023


Summary of Decision


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Regeneration and Renters and the Cabinet Member for Housing Services, has approved:

1.          The appropriation of the Council’s land at 45 Kilburn Park Rd, London NW6 5XD shown for planning purposes pursuant to section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972 and subsequent use of the Council’s powers under section 203 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016.


2.          To delegate authority to the Executive Director for Regeneration, Economy and Planning:

2.1.     To appropriate the Council’s land at the Site from planning purposes pursuant to section 232 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to those purposes permitted under Section 17 of the Hosing Act 1985 including the construction of homes;

2.2.     To deal with any necessary arrangements to record the appropriation of the land at the Site for purposes permitted under Section 17 of the Housing Act 1985 including the transfer of the land from the General Fund account to the Housing Revenue Account at the current red book value;

2.3.     To deal with any necessary arrangements to record the appropriation of the Site for planning purposes;

2.4.     To negotiate and enter into agreements by deed and payment of compensation for the release of third-party rights where this can be achieved on reasonable terms within a reasonable timescale; and

2.5.     To take all necessary steps to settle claims for compensation under section 204 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016.


Reasons for Decision


The former Carlton Dene care home and Peebles House buildings were no longer fit for purpose and no longer met the modern standards for a care facility. The care home was closed in 2020 and both the Carlton Dene and Peebles House dwellings have been demolished. Therefore, the site isno longer required for the purpose for which it is held by the Council.


To progress the scheme and avoid delays to the programme, officers are seeking Cabinet Member authority to be able to appropriate the Site and authorise the use of any necessary powers under section 203 Housing and Planning Act 2016 if required. By exercising its powers, the Council will ensure that its development of the land proceeds in accordance with the planning permission already granted.


Appropriating the land for planning purposes would enable certain private third-party rights to be overridden, subject to payment of statutory compensation to those affected. This will help to ensure that development of the Site can proceed in accordance with the planning permission granted and meet the scheduled completion date.


After appropriating for planning purposes the Council will need to further appropriate the land at the Site for its intended permanent purpose to provide 100% affordable housing at social rents. This report is therefore seeking delegated authority to further appropriate for the intended permanent use of the land.


Wards affected: Maida Vale;

Lead officer: Farah Hassan

05/10/2023 - Huguenot House Delivery Route ref: 1936    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 05/10/2023

Effective from: 13/10/2023


Summary of Decision


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform has:

1.              Approved the Outline Business Case for the redevelopment of Huguenot House by means of a partnership delivery model via a development agreement with headlease;

2.              Approved any additional legal agreements to facilitate the recommendations; and

3.              Noted the procurement strategy – competitive procedure with negotiation to support preparation of the Final Business Case


Reasons for Decision

The outline business case has been prepared to give assurance over the viability of the proposals. The Council is satisfied that the redevelopment of Huguenot House may enable Westminster City Council to meet its commitments to the Fairer Westminster strategy. This has been designed to ensure that we can build a more inclusive city that celebrates our diverse communities, and where residents, workers and visitors from all backgrounds will feel welcome and safe.


A process of resident and stakeholder consultation determined redevelopment as the optimum solution when considering possible interventions whereby to do nothing would:

·         realise no change or improvement from the existing provision

·         not improve the income into the Council to support services

·         not have the full support of resident and local stakeholders

Wards affected: St James's;

Lead officer: Beth McNeil

25/09/2023 - North Paddington Programme Project Work: First Year ref: 1933    Recommendations Approved

This paper seeks Cabinet Member approval for the Programme’s first year of project delivery and authorisation to commence these works. It will outline the decision making process and outline how projects under the programme will be monitored.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development

Decision published: 25/09/2023

Effective from: 03/10/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development has approved:

1.          The programme of works for North Paddington area and updated governance arrangements, as set out in the report and appendices.

2.          The revised funding allocations for the Programme as set out in section 9.3 of this report.

3.          The delegation of authority to the Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning in consultation with the Director of Legal Services to commence with the programme of works, agree commercial terms and allocation of approved funding and enter into all associated legal agreements.


Reasons for Decision 

A decision is required to initiate practical delivery of the first-year programme of work, for the Programme to respond to the findings of the Future of Westminster Commission about the needs of the North Paddington area.

These decisions reflect approvals for the programme of work, delegated authority, the governance, and the community engagement approach, which will govern the overall Programme.

Finally this paper sets out the Community Engagement approach, which will underpin, inform, and drive delivery and the development of the strategic transformation programme.

Wards affected: Harrow Road; Queen's Park; Westbourne;

Lead officer: Sarah Crampton

25/09/2023 - Recognition of HyPER as an amenity society ref: 1932    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Resident Participation, Consultation Reform and Leisure

Decision published: 25/09/2023

Effective from: 25/09/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Resident Participation, Consultation Reform and Leisure, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development, has agreed to formally recognise HyPER as an amenity society within the area of Hyde Park


Reasons for Decision 


HyPER has demonstrated that it meets the council’s criteria for recognising amenity societies. 


Wards affected: Hyde Park;

Lead officer: Serena Simon

20/09/2023 - Response to Petition: Sussex Street Play Area ref: 1931    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 20/09/2023

Effective from: 20/09/2023


Summary of Decision


The Cabinet Member has approved the examination of options for the redevelopment of the site at the corner of Sussex Street and Alderney Street to include public open space.


Reasons for Decision


This report has been written in response to a petition received and sets out the Administration’s approach to the site.


Wards affected: Pimlico North;

Lead officer: Claire Nangle

15/09/2023 - Delegation of authority to approve reservations and sale terms of units at Ebury Phase 1 ref: 1930    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Regeneration and Renters

Decision published: 15/09/2023

Effective from: 23/09/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Regeneration and Renters, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform, has approved:

·       The sale of homes to Returning Leaseholders, as defined in the Council’s Unilateral Undertaking dated 6 October 2021.

·       The delegation of authority to the Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning or Director of Development and Regeneration and Heads of Development and Development Services to:

o   Approve reservations and the sale terms of private sales homes at Phase 1 of Ebury Bridge.

o   Approve reservations and the sale terms to Returning Leaseholders in Phase 1 of Ebury Bridge.

o   Enter into all associated legal agreements.


Reasons for Decision

The disposal of private sale homes at Phase 1 of Ebury Bridge will cross subsidise the provision of affordable housing at the scheme as well as supporting the overall affordability of Ebury Bridge Estate regeneration.

When the Council sells an asset with a value greater than £500,000, the scheme of delegation and financial regulations require the disposal to be approved by a Cabinet Member. By delegating the ability to accept offers above a minimum threshold the Council can act at a pace in line with normal market practice while ensuring the required cross subsidy is achieved.


Wards affected: Knightsbridge and Belgravia;

Lead officer: James Green

15/09/2023 - CCS Energy Purchase Agreement for 2024 - 25 Supply Period ref: 1929    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 15/09/2023

Effective from: 15/09/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform has approved:

·       The continued commitment to the CCS energy framework (RM6011) for the provision of gas and electricity for a further 12-month period from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 at a cost of circa £18m.   

·       The delegation to the Director of Corporate Property to enter into such legal agreements as may be necessary for WCC to achieve paragraph 1 above.


Reasons for Decision 


This decision will ensure the supply of Gas and Electricity continues at favourable market rates to all Westminster corporate and housing assets for the period April 2024 to March 2025. 

The CCS energy framework has a deadline of 15 September 2023 for WCC to be included in the purchasing window for energy supplies for 2024-25. If it does not meet this deadline the Council would have to seek its energy provision elsewhere which may lead to increased costs.


Reasons for Urgency

Under provision 33.14 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules in the Council’s Constitution, the Council may apply a case of special urgency to the rule to publish notice of a decision 28 days in advance of that decision being taken with the agreement of the Chair of the relevant Policy and Scrutiny Committee. Cllr Paul Fisher, Chair of the Finance, Planning and Economic Development Policy and Scrutiny Committee agreed to this decision being treated as a matter of special urgency on 15 September 2023. The decision could be taken immediately after this agreement was given.


Adherence to the normal access to information rules, and specifically the 28 day rule, are not practical in these circumstances as Westminster City Council must commit to the purchase window for the 2024/25 financial year by 15 September 2023, and not doing so would leave the Council liable to increased costs.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Claire Barrett

13/09/2023 - Ashbridge, Ashmill & Cosway sites - settlement of the main construction contract final account with Geoffrey Osborne Limited ref: 1928    Recommendations Approved

Settlement of main construction contract account

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 13/09/2023

Effective from: 21/09/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform and the Cabinet Member for Climate Action Regeneration and Renters in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing Services have:


·       Approved the additional £7,760,002 variance sum to the signed construction contract between the Council and Geoffrey Osborne Limited. The interim final account for the works delivered and agreed with the contractor amount to £51,250,000 (excluding VAT).


·       Approved the additional spend of £8.8m against the previously approved spend set out in the FBC to complete the scheme.


·       Noted the increase in budget requirement of £4.347m above existing provision which will be funded from the Affordable Housing Fund.


Reasons for Decision

The project is approaching the practical completion stage and under the construction contract, a final account statement is required to be agreed and signed between the Council and Osborne.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: James Green

11/09/2023 - Minutes of the last meeting ref: 1924    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 11/09/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 12/09/2023

Effective from: 11/09/2023


Cabinet agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 10th July 2023 were a true and correct record of the proceedings.

11/09/2023 - Oxford Street Programme ref: 1925    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 11/09/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 12/09/2023

Effective from: 20/09/2023


Cabinet approved the following recommendations:

1.     Approve the full business case for the Oxford Street and Oxford Circus projects;

2.     Approve the draw-down of £7.767m from the OSP budget for Stage 2 of the Oxford Street project, Stage 1 of the Oxford Circus project and all associated costs for both.


Reasons for decision


A new full business case has been prepared, which considers the costs and benefits of the Oxford Street and Oxford Circus projects and confirms the case for investment in consideration of the proposed funding strategy.


Expenditure is required to progress the Oxford Street and Oxford Circus design which forms the basis for engagement with local communities and other stakeholders.

Wards affected: Marylebone; West End;

11/09/2023 - Citizens Climate Assembly - Recommendations ref: 1927    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 11/09/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 12/09/2023

Effective from: 11/09/2023


Cabinet approved the following recommendations:


1.     Notes the final recommendations from the Westminster Citizens’ Climate Assembly, as set out under Appendix 1 of this report.

2.     Approves the initiation of a programme of cross-council work, led by individual Cabinet Members, to develop responses to each recommendation of the Climate Assembly, identifying what action is possible or where the Council may need to influence stakeholders to take them forward.

3.     Approves that all recommendations brought forward for implementation will be subject to further financial and legal consideration and, where necessary, individual Cabinet or Cabinet Member decisions will need be undertaken.


Reasons for decision


The Westminster Citizens’ Climate Assembly was commissioned as part of the Council’s efforts to address climate change, strengthen the citywide response to the climate crisis and improve representation of residents’ views on how to tackle the climate emergency. The Assembly has now delivered its final recommendations, please see Appendix 1 of this report.


The Council has committed to working together with Westminster residents to respond to the climate emergency. The Assembly forms part of this process. The Council will continue to work in partnership with Assembly participants to review progress in addressing the outputs of the Assembly and collectively develop further work to help tackle the climate emergency in Westminster.


All Assembly recommendations will be considered and assessed individually with a view to determining a response. This will have due regard to the council’s ability to deliver on recommendations directly, in partnership with wider stakeholders, or via external engagement (where actions sit outside of the council’s direct control). Where required, further financial and legal consideration will have to be undertaken before implementation.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

11/09/2023 - Neighbourhood CIL Applications (Greenhouse Sports Centre) ref: 1926    Recommendations Approved

Greenhouse Sports is seeking funding to repair the roof of its Grade II listed building. Greenhouse provides sporting activities to young people in the local area, but has been closed since November 2021 following identification of water ingress and structural issues with the roof. The NCIL would leverage other funding from other sources to support the works which are required before Greenhouse Sports can reopen. 


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 11/09/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 12/09/2023

Effective from: 20/09/2023


Cabinet approved the following recommendations:

1.     Approves in principle £0.45m of NCIL funding to Greenhouse Sports.

2.     Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Innovation & Change to produce a final funding agreement in conjunction with the Director of Law and Governance that ensures value for money and safeguards the investment for community benefit.


Reasons for decision


Allocating £0.45m to Greenhouse Sports will provide 10% match funding for the total cost of the scheme, meeting a funding shortfall. This will make sure that service delivery is not put at risk and enable Greenhouse Sports to develop and grow its offer to the local community, supporting the delivery of the council’s Fairer Community strategic outcome.


These improvements to the Greenhouse Centre deliver on the priority in the council’s CIL Spending Policy Statement to support community facilities, and will contribute towards creating an enhanced sports centre to meet the anticipated additional demand for local facilities that will be created by local development, in particular the nearby Church Street regeneration scheme.


This decision, and supporting grant agreement, will ensure robust and effective expenditure and reporting in line with the Planning Act (2008) and the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) and in accordance with the council’s strategic priorities, the revised CIL Spending Policy Statement (2022), and the council’s frameworks for resource allocation and management.

Wards affected: Church Street;

Lead officer: Alex Csicsek

07/09/2023 - Amenity Societies - Interim Approach to Recognition ref: 1923    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development

Decision published: 07/09/2023

Effective from: 07/09/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Resident Participation, Consultation Reform and Leisure and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development have agreed to:

·       Approve the amendment to the existing process for recognising amenity societies to allow the submission of interim applications from amenity groups seeking to be recognised as amenity societies.  

·       At any time prior to the next full review milestone in 2028 applications be assessed against the current criteria as and when they are submitted to the Council.


Reasons for Decision

This decision will offer organisations with aspirations of becoming a recognised group within their area a process to apply without waiting for the 10 year full review cycle.

A strategic goal set out in the council’s Fairer Westminster strategy is to build a more inclusive city that celebrates its diverse communities, and where residents are at the heart of decision making.  The purpose of assessing individual applications between review times, (currently at 10 year intervals) helps to ensure that the process for recognition of amenity societies is more inclusive and effective and aligns with our council commitment to more effectively include the resident voice in decision making. 


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Serena Simon

30/08/2023 - Neighbourhood CIL Decisions: Spring 2023 Application Round ref: 1921    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development

Decision published: 30/08/2023

Effective from: 30/08/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development has approved the following Neighbourhood CIL bids:

i)                Covent Garden Conservation Area Audit

ii)               Feathers Club Management System and Operations

iii)             Marylebone Bangladesh Society Basement Improvements

iv)             Marylebone War Memorial (The Annunciation Bryanston Street) Revitalisation

v)              Soho Poly Theatre Restoration Supplement

vi)             Christ Church Bentinck CE Primary School - Community Playground /Pitch Renovation

vii)           St Peter’s Eaton Square Primary School - Playground Extension Feasibility and Design

viii)          Soho Public Convenience Project Feasibility Study


The Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development has approved the following Carbon Offset bids:

i)                    English National Opera LED Lighting Replacement

ii)                  WECH Power Station


Reasons for Decision 

With regard to Neighbourhood CIL, the decision ensures robust and effective expenditure and reporting in line with the Planning Act (2008) and the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) and in accordance with the council’s strategic priorities, the revised CIL Spending Policy Statement (2022), and the council’s frameworks for resource allocation and management.


The decision ensures with regard to carbon offset funds robust and effective expenditure in line with the Town and Country Planning Act (1990), the Greater London Authority guidance for London’s Local Planning Authorities on establishing carbon offset funds (2022), and in accordance with the council’s strategic priorities, the Westminster Carbon Offset Fund Guidance (2023), and the council’s frameworks for resource allocation and management.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Alex Csicsek

30/08/2023 - Maida Hill Market, Public Realm Improvements ref: 1922    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development

Decision published: 30/08/2023

Effective from: 07/09/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Members have approved:

·       To proceed with detailed design and implementation of the proposed public realm improvements on Maida Hill Market.  

·       The capital expenditure commitment of £2.713m necessary to carry out the detailed design and implementation of the proposals for the Maida Hill Market Public Realm Project.

·       The modification and making of traffic regulation orders in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984, necessary to accommodate the new highways improvements for the scheme. 


The Cabinet Members have delegated authority to the Director of City Highways and Transportation to approve minor modifications as necessary to the approved scheme and any advance order of materials to meet the programme outlined.



Reasons for Decision 


The recommendations in the report will lead to a significant improvement to the public space at Maida Hill Market, supporting the local high street by providing an important space of respite away from the busy road and pavements.


A Cabinet Member Decision is required in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation due to the value of the decision.

Wards affected: Harrow Road;

Lead officer: Sarah Crampton

30/03/2022 - NATIONAL POLICY & PLANNING REFORM UPDATE ref: 1647    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning & City Development Committee

Made at meeting: 30/03/2022 - Planning & City Development Committee

Decision published: 29/08/2023

Effective from: 30/03/2022


4.1       The Committee received a report which provided an update on changes to     national planning policy & planning reform that has occurred following the            government’s Planning White Paper that was published in August 2020. It           also identified the impacts these changes are having in Westminster.


4.2       The government set out plans for extensive and ambitious changes to the             planning system in its ‘Planning for the Future’ White Paper, published in      August 2020. The White Paper received in excess of 40,000 representations           in response to consultation held during the second half of 2020 and the            Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has been             considering these consultation responses in the period since. To date there       has been no firm commitment from government on when a formal response to      the consultation on the white paper may be expected. Recent press             speculation indicates that that a significant number of the proposals for reform    in the white paper may be dropped or scaled back and that planning reform           may now form part of a wider package of reforms included in a Levelling Up       and Regeneration bill, which is likely to be laid before Parliament later in            2022.


4.3       Principal Changes to Planning Legislation and Guidance Since August 2020      includes: -


·       Amendments to the Use Classes Order & Associated Permitted Development Rights

·       Amended Requirements for Removal of Statues, Monuments and Memorials

·       Introduction of the National Model Design Code Amended National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

·       Fire Safety – Introduction of Planning Gateway One

·       Environment Act 2022 – Introducing Biodiversity Net Gain

·       Permitted Development Rights for Moveable Structures ‘Levelling Up the United Kingdom’ White Paper


4.4       Members held a discussion and noted the following: -


·       That there will be consultation on the Design and Heritage SPDs later in 2022/ early 2023.


·       Members welcomed the reduction in the pre-application advice fees for sustainability improvements and were advised that this would encourage householders to use the service. The Service will also shortly be publishing ‘How to Guides’ to support applicants to make more successful applications for sustainability improvements to their homes.


·       That the committee report format was to be amended following changing focus of the National Planning Policy, the adoption of the new City Plan and new London Plan in 2021, and the adoption of the Environmental SPD in March 2022. The updated format will focus greater attention on material considerations such as energy performance and sustainability, biodiversity gain, community engagement and economic benefits, as well as ensuring that the reports identify relevant policies in made neighbourhood plans. The new reports will be introduced from late April 2022 onwards.


·       Members noted that there were new limits on the use of Article 4 Directions which could restrict permitted development rights and that specific evidence of significant harm was required for streets and areas for this protection to be introduced. Officers reminded Members that the Class E Use Class was much wider than previous Use Classes that it replaced and encompassed a wide range of land uses. The Sub-Committee were advised that the City Plan policy areas and Town Centre Health Checks could be used to support identification of which areas of the City need to be protected using Article 4 Directions.


·       That the built environment in Westminster is ‘hyper mixed used’. Members were informed that this position enabled for a large amount of data to be collated about ‘mixed usage’ in comparison to other Local Planning Authorities and this ensured that decisions were fully evidence based and help determined what was feasible in areas and were specific. Members were reminded that the aims of permitted development rights were to increase housing stock, and this was aligned with the City Plan.


·       Members agreed that the local community, Amenity Societies, and planning experts should be engaged when creating Design Codes and noted that the Early Community Engagement guidance promotes this type of engagement. Members further noted that there had been interest from the aforementioned parties in contributing to formulation of future policies. There have been pilot schemes undertaken by other Local Planning Authorities regarding Design Codes and learning from these examples will be taken into consideration.


·       That the Conservation Area Audits would be considered when devising Design Codes. It is planned that the existing audits will be updated, with the aspiration that this process will lead to full coverage of all conservation areas.


·       That the heritage setting of sites would be taken into consideration when devising Design Codes and that these areas were protected. Members were advised that amenity societies and neighbourhood forums had approached the Service around this issue.


·       Members agreed that ‘Moveable Structures’ which were allowed under the Permitted Development Rights should be closely monitored by the Planning Enforcement Team where concerns about them were reported to the Service.


·       That they would appreciate clarification as to whether the future statutory requirement for delivery of 10% biodiversity net gain applied to all new developments (major and non-major development) and development that is permitted development. Members noted that officers would review the legislation and report back on what type of development the statutory requirement for 10% biodiversity net gain will apply to.


·       That conditions imposed on Class E developments to limit the use of developments within Class E were widely acknowledged by developers and planning agents as being reasonable and necessary to control the impacts of new development. Members were informed that conditions must meet the tests set out in the NPPF if they are to be enforceable.


·       Members noted that officers were liaising with the Department for Levelling Up and Communities (DLUC) to ensure that an Article 4 Direction that meets the tests in the NPPF can be introduced for the CAZ to protect certain areas within the CAZ from harmful changes of use from Class E to residential which would erode the contribution the CAZ makes to the Westminster economy and the wider London and UK economy. Officers advised Members that where there is not an Article 4 Direction, applicants proposing Class E to residential permitted development are still required to seek prior approval and that the prior approval regime is more extensive than for many other permitted developments rights.


·       That the New Article 4 Direction relating to parts of the CAZ is expected to come into force in August 2022 


·       Members requested that prior approval applications for change of use from Class E to residential be included in the Weekly List.


·       That the Affordable Housing and Planning Obligations SPD was being consulted on and that the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) now includes First Homes as a type of affordable housing. Officers advised that First Homes would be unlikely to be an appropriate form of affordable housing in Westminster due to the cost of housing in many parts of the city. Officers are working on the council’s position on First Homes.


4.5       Members held a discussion regarding imposing a deadline for the submission of late representations to Planning Sub-Committees and were advised by officers that a transitional period would need to be factored before a cut off period is introduced. Members were informed that deadlines for late representations could be reviewed and formalised as part of the ‘Statement of Community Involvement’. Members were advised that clear protocols which provided guidance and timeframes would be required and were informed that this area was potentially an area that could be subject to legal challenge should clear protocols not be adopted.


4.6       Members agreed that a pilot scheme should take place before deadlines for          late representations are adopted and that the new process would need to be      embedded and carefully worded. Members agreed that Ward Councillors      should also be encouraged to adhere to these deadlines and that the Chair             should retain some discretion regarding accepting late representations.          Members agreed that the proposed process should be fair and should guard        against attempts to delay determinations. 




1.     Members noted the contents of the report and noted the recent changes to national planning policy and guidance and the implications these have for planning decision making in Westminster, as detailed in the report. 


2.     That Officers explore introducing a deadline for late representations being submitted to Planning Applications Sub-Committees.


3.     That prior approval applications for change of use from Class E to residential be included in the Weekly List


23/08/2023 - PDHU Renewal and Decarbonisation - Technical Services ref: 1920    Recommendations Approved

Summary of Decision


The Cabinet Member has approved the appointment of Aecom to provide technical services support to the PDHU Renewal and Decarbonisation Outline Business Case


The Cabinet Member has also approved a maximum expenditure of £524,751 for the Outline Business Case (stage 2) to cover design services up to the end of the Outline Business Case. This will be a maximum fee and will be reduced where efficiencies are possible.



Reasons for Decision


Pimlico District Heat Undertaking (PDHU) is an important asset for Westminster City Council. PDHU provides heating and hot water to 3,300 homes and over 50 commercial buildings in the Pimlico area.


The existing PDHU network is over 50 years old. Due to its age, maintenance costs are increasing and WCC spend £1.97m per annum maintaining and repairing the network, with a further £1.7m on in flat repairs related to PDHU. The number of leaks from the network is increasing every year, a growing problem as the pipework deteriorates.

PDHU is currently powered by three 8MW natural gas boilers which emit 16k Tonnes of CO2 per annum, this equates to 39% of the Council’s total carbon emissions in 2021/22. Reducing this carbon footprint is considered vital in reaching the Councils 2030 net zero target and Fairer Environment ambitions outlined in the ‘Fairer Westminster Delivery Plan’


The project is an opportunity to modernise the network including installation of advanced heat metering technology, improved energy management and greater control – all of which improve the experience for residents connected to the network


Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Housing Services

Decision published: 23/08/2023

Effective from: 01/09/2023

Wards affected: Pimlico South;

Lead officer: Chief Executive

23/08/2023 - Extending the Free Meal Offer to Nurseries and Secondary Westminster Pupils ref: 1919    Recommendations Approved

Summary of Decision


The Cabinet Member for Young People, Culture and Learning approves:

·       a total of £932,030 (£2.47) to enable nurseries to develop a universal meal offer based on £2.47 per meal to nurseries for academic year 2023-24.

·       a total of £771,780 to enable schools to provide a Free Lunch Offer to resident pupils in KS3 (Years 7-9) academic year 2023-24.

·       A total of £189,924 to top up the meal price for the Mayor of London’s offer from £2.65 per meal to £3 per meal for the academic year 2023-24.


The Cabinet Member for Young People, Culture and Learning accepts the GLA’s allocation of £1,390,478.00 and transferring this to primary schools so that they are able to implement a free lunch offer.



Reasons for Decision




·       The Cost-of-Living crisis is one of the greatest challenges currently facing the city council and other Local Authorities. In Westminster, around a quarter of households across the city (approximately 32,000 households) are particularly vulnerable to rises in living costs, with some people facing extreme hardship. At a meeting of Full Council on 21st September 2022, Councillors approved a motion to declare a Cost-of-Living Emergency, stating that the scale of the challenge needs “urgent and substantial action” from the Council, Government, and others with the ability to help.

·       The impact on children and young people is a real concern, and we have growing evidence of families in Westminster finding themselves unable to cover the costs of necessities. Schools tell us that they are seeing a lot more families struggling, including those not eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), which is manifesting in what they can afford to put into a child’s lunchbox. FSM play a crucial role in ensuring that all eligible children can eat a healthy and nutritious meal, which in turn supports their ability to learn and improves their mental health.


New Mayor of London Free School Meal Offer in Primary School Pupils


·       The original key decision committed the council to funding £2,781,784 of which £1,053,864 was allocated to fund the Spring and Summer terms in 2023 and £1,627,920 was allocated to fund the 2023/24 academic year. This cost was based on £3 per pupil per day.

·       Since this decision was taken, the Mayor of London has made the decision to fund the extension of a free meal offer to primary aged pupils in London attending state schools. This will commence from September 2023 and will last one academic year. The Greater London Assembly (GLA) have allocated £1,390,478 for Westminster schools, and this is based on a meal cost of £2.65 per pupil per day and will be based on190 days a year and at a take up of 90% of pupils.

·       The Council has already allocated £1,014,814 for the Spring and Summer terms in 2023 for the Council led scheme that commenced in January 2023. However, as a result of the Mayor’s offer, the Council will be able to extend the Free Lunch Offer to Support more pupils in the Borough.


Health, Wellbeing and Educational attainment


·       Currently, one in five children start school overweight or with obesity. Offering free nutritional meals from an early age, will enable children and their families to develop good habits in relation to healthy eating and nutritional meals. This in return, will enable children to access the early years curriculum more consistently as poor nutrition and development impacts not only children’s health, but also their readiness to learn. This will enable our most vulnerable two-year-old children and all of our three- and four-year-old children to have the best possible start in life by developing good habits around their diet and nutrition, increasing their attendance and accessing education and learning more effectively. This additional offer to early years children could potentially have a huge impact on children’s future attainment and in essence, improve their life chances. 


Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Young People, Culture and Learning

Decision published: 23/08/2023

Effective from: 31/08/2023

Wards affected: (All Wards);

22/08/2023 - Achieving Health Equity: A proposal to launch a new Public Health partnership fund for voluntary and community organisations serving Westminster residents ref: 1907    Recommendations Approved

Voluntary and community organisations in Westminster work daily with the people the Council most wants to reach, support and empower to improve their health.  In 2023/24, a £1m investment is proposed to enable selected voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations to initiate health-promoting activities with target communities and codesign a further three-year £4m funding programme to improve resident health and wellbeing and address health inequalities.


Public Health will administer the grants, with support from the Communities directorate initially with future administration of the fund being part of the codesign process.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Voluntary Sector

Decision published: 22/08/2023

Effective from: 31/08/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member has approved the launch of a new voluntary and community sector (VCS) grant programmes, totalling up to £5m, to be mobilised over the next four years to: build capacity and expertise of the VCS to improve health outcomes of residents through health-based training; deliver health improvement activities and advice which improve health behaviours and address the wider determinants of health which may present as barriers to resident engagement; and ensure sustained health promotion in the community past the funding period. 



Reasons for Decision 


Westminster has the highest life expectancy for males in the country (85 years) and the third highest in the country for females (87 years). It also has the highest life expectancy gap in the country for males.


A needs assessment on the health inequalities experienced by Global Majority communities in Westminster suggests that people may face specific barriers to getting the health services that they need, due to experiences of discrimination, challenges navigating the health system and receiving care, understanding of health conditions and barriers to accessibility, and that their experiences and outcomes from services can be poorer. 


Population-level interventions that are less reliant on individual choice aim to alter the environments in which people live, and they are the most effective and equitable way to improve physical activity, reduce smoking, improve diets, reduce harmful alcohol use and promote social connection.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Sarah Crouch

22/08/2023 - Dockless Bike Scheme ref: 1908    Recommendations Approved

To approve the establishment of designated bays for dockless bike parking across the city.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality

Decision published: 22/08/2023

Effective from: 31/08/2023


Summary of Decision


·       The Cabinet Member has approved the proposal by Westminster City Council to establish and designate approximately 220 bays for both dockless bike and e-scooter parking across the city. The recommendation from officers is that all bays are established via Experimental Traffic Orders to allow for flexibility regarding both bay locations and either an increase or decrease in demand.


·       The Cabinet Member has delegated authority to the Executive Director for Environment, Climate and Public Protection to agree on final arrangements, and to enter into any formal agreements with dockless bike operators where necessary.


·       The Cabinet Member has delegated authority to the Executive Director for Environment, Climate and Public Protection to approve any future development or adaptation of the scheme based upon changes in the market or review in demand. Any approved development is expected to be delivered on a cost-neutral basis.


Reasons for Decision


·       Provide our residents, businesses and tourists access to on demand dockless bike hire within Westminster;

·       Increase the uptake of e-bike usage in the borough to support our environmental objectives set out in the Fairer Westminster strategy and reduce reliance on private car and capacity restricted public transport;

·       Promote responsible and safe dockless bike usage, including responsible parking of the vehicles; and to

·       Provide a designated bay network for e-bike users that encourages growth across all user groups and accessibility in all areas across the city.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Daisy Gadd

21/08/2023 - Direct award for interim contracts for Learning Disability accommodation based services ref: 1906    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Voluntary Sector

Decision published: 21/08/2023

Effective from: 30/08/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Voluntary Sector has:

·       Approved the direct award of contracts for four learning disability supported housing and living services from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025

·       Approved a waiver of the Procurement Code from the requirement to undertake a competitive tendering exercise in order to directly award the contracts.


Reasons for Decision 

The Council has a statutory duty under the Care Act 2014 to:

·     Ensure appropriate personalised care and support to meet the individual assessed needs of Service Users

·     Maximise independence, focusing on choice and control for people in receipt of Learning Disability Services

·     Ensure consistency and continuity of care, minimising service disruption for vulnerable adults with learning disabilities living in the community.


Under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation, a Cabinet Member Decision is required due to the value of the contracts.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Shazia Ghani

10/08/2023 - Granting of new lease in WC2 ref: 1905    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 10/08/2023

Effective from: 10/08/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform has approved the principle of the Council accepting the surrender of the existing lease between Q Park Limited, Q Park NV and the Mayor and the Citizens of the City of Westminster and the granting a new lease between the same parties, at the Leicester Square car park.


Reasons for Decision

Subject to approval, the agreements enable the Council to receive 4% annual growth on the rental income from the Q-Park lease. The surrender of the existing lease and granting of the new lease at Leicester Square car park for a 10-year term enables the Council to receive income from the asset for a longer term. Not proceeding the recommendation would provide a lack of support to one the Council’s largest tenant who is seeking certainty in their future rent projections.

Wards affected: St James's;

Lead officer: Sarah-Jayne Hurst

09/08/2023 - Leisure Contract Variation ref: 1904    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 09/08/2023

Effective from: 17/08/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform and the Cabinet Member for Resident Participation, Consultation Reform and Leisure have approved the contract variation under the terms of the Deed of Variation including the surrender of SLM’s existing lease of Seymour Leisure Centre and replacement with a new lease expiring on 29 February 2024.

Reason for Decision

It is of key strategic importance to the Council to have an operational leisure service that provides benefits to Westminster’s residents. The Deed of Variation is of significant financial value and decisions to vary the contract is delegated to Cabinet Members.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Coreen Brown

08/08/2023 - Westmead Development - Approval of the Full Business Case and the appointment of the Main Contractor to deliver the new development ref: 1903    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 08/08/2023

Effective from: 16/08/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Climate Action Regeneration and Renters and the Cabinet Member for Housing Services has approved the Westmead Full Business Case, the Contract award appointing WDC to undertake the main construction works and the expenditure of £40.978m.


Reasons for Decision


The former Westmead care home no longer met the modern standards for a care facility and was no longer fit for purpose. The care home was closed in 2020 and is now vacant. Therefore, the site is no longer required for the purpose for which it is held by the Council.


The Full Business Case represents the final business case stage in the project and reconfirms that project remains the most suitable option for the Council to deliver. The Full Business Case has shown that there is still a strong strategic, economic, commercial, financial and management case for the project to progress to the delivery phase. In August 2022, following a rigorous procurement strategy, WDC was identified as the preferred contractor through a technical evaluation.


Wards affected: Westbourne;

04/08/2023 - Writing off of irrecoverable debt (quarterly report) - Quarter 1 2023/24 ref: 1902    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 04/08/2023

Effective from: 12/08/2023


Summary of Decision


That the Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform has approved the write-off of debts over £100k, having taken all appropriate action.



Reasons for Decision 

The recommendation to write-off the amounts detailed in this report is proposed as all other avenues available to the Council for the recovery of these debts have been exhausted, including, where appropriate, the issue of court and distress proceedings.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Martin Hinckley

04/08/2023 - Adoption of Westminster’s Statement of Community Involvement ref: 1901    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development

Decision published: 04/08/2023

Effective from: 04/08/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development has approved the adoption of the Statement of Community Involvement and authorised its publication.



Reason for Decision


The Council’s vision for a Fairer Westminster sets out a commitment to putting community engagement first and ensuring all voices are heard in the planning process.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Brandon Avery

02/08/2023 - Westminster Advice Partnership - Contract Extension ref: 1899    Recommendations Approved


This report sets out the rationale for continuing this contract by directly awarding a new contract to Westminster CAB for the Westminster Advice service without competition. There will be no material changes to the existing contract services or to the terms and conditions of contract.?The contract has highly performed against all KPIs for the last five years, delivering value for money for the council and communities – for every £1 spent, residents were able to claim £4 of money due to them.  


The contract is planned to commence on the16th September 2023 for a period of up to 24 months. The contract value will be £2,568,000 over the 24-month period. This equates to the same value as the old contract, plus an agreed 7% inflationary uplift funded from existing sources of funding within the council.  



Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Protection

Decision published: 02/08/2023

Effective from: 10/08/2023

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Christine Mead

01/08/2023 - Ebury Bridge Estate Renewal - Phase Two Demolition ref: 1898    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 01/08/2023

Effective from: 09/08/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Climate Action Regeneration and Renters and the Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform have approved the demolition of the Phase 2 Buildings, the spend of £6.4m for the demolition of the Phase 2 Buildings and associated enabling works and the variation to the J F Hunt contract by way of Deed of Variation.


Reasons for Decision

The approvals are required to progress the delivery of the Ebury Bridge Estate regeneration in accordance with WCC’s commitment to the renewal of the site. The approvals will also enable a contractor with historic and current knowledge of the site to be appointed and secure continuity of works into Phase 2 whilst the main contractor for the Phase 2 works is procured.



Wards affected: Knightsbridge and Belgravia;

26/07/2023 - Response to petition: "Petition calling on Councillors to donate 45% pay rise to charity" ref: 1897    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 26/07/2023

Effective from: 26/07/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform has acknowledged the Petition and advised that it is for Members to individually decide how to use their Allowance.


Reasons for Decision 


No decision will be taken in relation to this petition. It is not in the remit of the Cabinet Member to decide how Members use the Allowance they have been awarded.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Parveen Akhtar

21/07/2023 - Carlton Dene Stage 1 contract award ref: 1895    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Regeneration and Renters

Decision published: 21/07/2023

Effective from: 29/07/2023


Summary of Decision

That the Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Climate Action Regeneration and Renters and the Cabinet Member for Housing Services has approved entering into the following contracts with Lovell Partnership Limited for a value of £5,882,671.


Reasons for Decision

The Carlton Dene scheme will deliver an additional 87 social rent units towards WCC’s targets to deliver truly affordable housing. 65 of the above-mentioned units will be classified as ‘Extra Care’ and will replace the former Carlton Dene care home that did not meet modern standards for care. These units will assist in meeting WCC’s demand for adult social care product.

This is a Cabinet Member Decision due to the value of the contract, in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation.

Wards affected: Maida Vale;

20/07/2023 - Approval of recommendations from the Rating Advisory Panel - 11.07.23 ref: 1894    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 20/07/2023

Effective from: 20/07/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member has approved the recommendations of the Rating Advisory Panel held on 11 July 2023 and determines the applications for NNDR Discretionary and Hardship relief set out in Appendix A. 


Reasons for Decision

The Rating Advisory Panel has set out the reasons for the recommendations in each case considered by the Panel in the recommendations in Appendix A. 


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Gemma Williams

20/07/2023 - Approval of recommendations of the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) Review Panel 04.07.23 ref: 1893    Recommendations Approved

Approval of recommendations of the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) Review Panel to be held on 04 July 2023.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 20/07/2023

Effective from: 20/07/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member has approved the recommendations of the Discretionary Housing Payment Review Advisory Panel meeting of 4 July 2023.


Reasons for Decision 

The Discretionary Housing Payment Review Advisory Panel has set out the reasons for the recommendations in each case considered by the Panel in the recommendations in Appendix A, which are more fully set out in the case papers submitted to the Panel.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Gwyn Thomas

19/07/2023 - Approval to award contract for Speech & Language Therapy Education Services ref: 1892    Recommendations Approved

The Speech & Language Education Service, commissioned jointly with the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea, delivers a variety of statutory and non-statutory activities to children and young people with Speech, Language and Communication Needs, as well consultation, guidance and training for partners and parents/carers.


A re-procurement exercise is currently being undertaken, jointly with RBKC, to identify the most suitable supplier to meet our updated specification and delivery requirements for the next 5-7 years.


This Key Decision will seek approval to award the new contract to the supplier which is recommended at the conclusion of the re-procurement process. The contract is anticipated to start on 1st September 2023 for a period of 5 years to 31st August 2028, with the option to extend for an additional 2 years up to 31st August 2030.


Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Young People, Learning and Leisure

Decision published: 20/07/2023

Effective from: 28/07/2023


The Cabinet Member for Young People, Culture and Learning has approved the following recommendations:

·       The award of a new 5+2-year contract for the Speech and Language Therapy Education Service, worth £10,218,808 to CLCH as the recommended supplier at the conclusion of the procurement process.

·       The award a 2+2-year contract to CLCH to implement and deliver the Intensive Targeted Support pilot using the NHS monies, for up to £2.106m across the Bi-Borough. The Council will establish a Partnership Board with CLCH, Schools, and parents to develop the operating model which means that costs to CLCH for their delivery of the pilot may vary if it is agreed that schools also deliver part of the provision.

Reasons for Decision

The decision was taken in February 2023 to undertake a competitive re-procurement process to determine the award of a new contract from September 2023 onwards. This has provided an opportunity to update the service specification and delivery model, test the market and derive value for money, and to secure continuity of service for a longer period of 5-7 years.

The service is jointly commissioned with The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and is currently delivered in both boroughs by CLCH.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Annabel Saunders

20/07/2023 - Ebury Bridge Estate Renewal - Supplemental Agreement to the Building Contract with Bouygues (UK) Ltd. Phase 1 ref: 1890    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 20/07/2023

Effective from: 28/07/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Regeneration and Renters and the Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform have approved the variation to the contract made by way of Deed of variation including increasing the contract sum by £3.5m and approved the associated budget by £3.5m.


Reasons for Decision

Entering into the Deed of Variation is required to continue the delivery of Phase 1 of the Ebury Bridge Estate Regeneration in accordance with WCC’s policies and commitments to the renewal of the site.

The DoV closes out a significant amount of commercial items and reflects a fair and reasonable cost to the Council with future risk of both delay and additional cost transferred to the contractor.


Wards affected: Knightsbridge and Belgravia;

Lead officer: Setareh Neshati

19/07/2023 - Westmead - The Appropriation of Land for Planning Purposes ref: 1889    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 19/07/2023

Effective from: 27/07/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform and the Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Regeneration and Renters have approved the appropriation of the Council’s land at the former Westmead Care Home 4 Tavistock Road, London W11 1BA shown edged red in the plan attached at Appendix A (the Site) for planning purposes pursuant to section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972 and subsequent use of the Council’s powers under section 203 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016.



Reasons for Decision


The former Westmead care home no longer met the modern standards for a care facility and was no longer fit for purpose. The care home was closed in 2020 and is now vacant. Therefore, the site isno longer required for the purpose for which it is held by the Council.  


Appropriating the land for planning purposes would enable certain private third-party rights to be overridden, subject to payment of statutory compensation to those affected. This will help to ensure that development of the Site can proceed in accordance with the planning permission granted and meet the scheduled completion date.


After appropriating for planning purposes the Council will need to further appropriate the land at the Site for its intended permanent purpose. This will be to provide affordable housing, of which 70% are social and 30% intermediate rent.  The report therefore seeks delegated authority to further appropriate for the intended permanent use of the land.


Wards affected: Westbourne;

Lead officer: Farah Hassan

13/07/2023 - Commemorative Green Plaque for Café Monico at 11-17 Shaftesbury Avenue, WC2H 8AD ref: 1888    Recommendations Approved

Proposal to install a Green Plaque to commemorate the site of Café Monico at 11-17 Shaftesbury Avenue, WC2H 8AD

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Young People, Culture and Learning

Decision published: 13/07/2023

Effective from: 13/07/2023


Executive Summary

Café Monico was founded in 1877 by brothers Giacomo and Battista Monico who emigrated from the Swiss canton of Ticino. The Café soon became an institution within central London, famous for its fashionable interior and French style dining.


The magnificent Shaftesbury Avenue façade formed an important part of the wider Piccadilly Circus setting and the corner of Piccadilly Circus and Shaftesbury Avenue and became known as ‘Monico’s Corner’.


Giacomo and Battista Monico were two of many immigrants from Ticino who established themselves as restaurateurs, chefs, waiters and entrepreneurs in London, thereby promoting the cultural and gastronomic scene of the city. In this context, Café Monico can be regarded as representative of the distinct contributions that immigrants from Ticino made to cultural life in Westminster from the 19th century onwards.


The proposed wording is:


Café Monico

Once stood adjacent to this site

Founded in 1877 by Giacomo & Battista Monico from Ticino, Switzerland

Famous for its fashionable interior & fine cuisine



That the nomination for a Westminster Commemorative Green Plaque to Café Monico at 11-17 Shaftesbury Avenue is approved.


Reasons for decision


The nomination is supported by the independent Green Plaque panel who believe the contribution of the Ticinese community to the gastronomic life of London is an important one that deserves to be marked



Wards affected: West End;

Lead officer: Claire Appleby

10/07/2023 - Outturn Report ref: 1887    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 10/07/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 12/07/2023

Effective from: 10/07/2023


Cabinet noted/approved the following recommendations.


·       Cabinet noted the outturn position for 2022/23.


·       Cabinet approved the reprofiling from the 2022/23 capital programme into future years as set out in Appendix 1 (GF) and Appendix 2 (HRA).

Wards affected: (All Wards);

10/07/2023 - Minutes ref: 1883    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 10/07/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 12/07/2023

Effective from: 10/07/2023


Councillor Adam Hug, with the consent of the Members present, agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 15th May were a true and correct record of the proceedings. 

10/07/2023 - Church Street Regeneration - Site A Compulsory Purchase Order Resolution ref: 1885    Recommendations Approved

Resolution to progress to the making of a Compulsory Purchase Order of land and property required for the redevelopment of Site A of the Church Street Regeneration Project


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 10/07/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 12/07/2023

Effective from: 10/07/2023


Cabinet approved the following recommendation:


Agreed, subject to the consideration of the matters set out in the report, to the making of a Compulsory Purchase Order pursuant to Section 226(1)(a) of the TCPA and section 13 of the 1976 Act in respect of the Order Land, to facilitate delivery of the CPO Scheme.


Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Growth, Planning and Housing (subject to any expenditure to be incurred to be within the budget approved for the promotion of the CPO and the acquisition of the property and rights necessary to enable the redevelopment of Site A) to:


(a) agree amendments to the Draft Order Plan and finalise the CPO schedule of interests before the making of the Order (if required to give effect to any of the matters delegated pursuant to the recommendation);


(b) agree the precise scope of rights to be acquired over properties that surround the Order Land (if required to give effect to any of the matters delegated pursuant to the recommendation);


(c) agree amendments and approve the final form of the Statement of Reasons before making the Order;


(d) agree amendments and approve the Equalities Impact Assessment before making the Order;


(e) to agree the terms of and enter into any documentation required to settle any property rights / matters necessary to progress the regeneration of the Order Land;


(f) take all steps to secure the making, confirmation and implementation of the Order including the publication and service of all notices and the promotion of the Council’s case at any public inquiry;


(g) negotiate, agree terms and enter into agreements with affected parties including agreements for the withdrawal of blight notices and/or the withdrawal of objections to the Order and/or undertakings not to enforce the Order on specified terms, including (but not limited to) where appropriate seeking the exclusion of land from the Order, making provision for the payment of compensation and/or relocation;


(h) in the event the Order is confirmed by the Secretary of State or an Inspector in the case of delegation, to advertise and give notice of confirmation and thereafter to take all steps to implement the Order including, as applicable, to execute General Vesting Declarations and/or to serve Notices to Treat and Notices of Entry in respect of interests and rights in the Order Land; and

(i) take all steps in relation to any legal proceedings relating to the Order including defending or settling claims referred to the Upper Tribunal and/or applications to the courts and any appeals.


Reasons for Decision


Church Street is one of the five priority estates identified in the Renewal Strategy as needing significant improvement and investment. In line with the Council’s strategy for Fairer Westminster 2022 - 2026, the overarching objective of regenerating Church Street is to create a comprehensive renewal that brings about physical, economic and sustainable change that creates additional homes and improves the lives of residents, businesses and visitors alike. The Order Land is a key part of the regeneration area.


Whilst significant progress with property owners has been made in discussing acquisitions that will be necessary to deliver the proposals, land assembly remains a critical issue for the delivery of the CPO Scheme. Clearly the estate renewal cannot be delivered across properties that are not wholly in the ownership or under the control of the Council and without this, certainty cannot be gained to the likely programme for delivery of the complete renewal of the Order Land.


To enable the comprehensive redevelopment of the Order Land all relevant land interests will need to be acquired, in a timely way. The government recognises in the Guidance, that if acquiring authorities wait for negotiations to break down, this can have detrimental impacts on the timing of delivery of projects. Therefore, depending on when the land is required, the Guidance considers it sensible for an acquiring authority to: • plan a compulsory purchase as a contingency measure; and • initiate formal procedures.


Importantly, the Guidance expressly recognises that such steps " to make the seriousness of the authority’s intentions clear from the outset, which in turn might encourage those whose land is affected to enter more readily into meaningful negotiations".


The Guidance requires acquiring authorities to attempt to acquire land by agreement before embarking on the CPO process, although it is recognised that for schemes involving the acquisition of the number of interests, it is sensible to run the CPO process in parallel with ongoing negotiations.


This report seeks Members’ support for a resolution for the making of a compulsory purchase order to assemble the Order Land and rights needed to bring forward the CPO Scheme.


The report for the in-principle resolution acknowledged that before the making of the Order members would need to be satisfied on the following:

• that there was a compelling case in the public interest;

• that there were no planning, funding or other legal impediments to the Order Land being delivered or where impediments exist there are reasonable prospects for overcoming those within a reasonable timescale;

 • that all reasonable attempts to acquire all interests by agreement have not been successful; • that there is justification for any interference with the human rights of those with an interest in the land affected; and

 • that any assessment of the impacts on residents, visitors and employees be measured and evaluated, with special focus on the likely effect of the proposals on those sharing protected characteristic (race, pregnancy, age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnerships, religion/belief, sex, sexual orientation (as defined by the Equality Act 2010)) be made, in order for the Council to fully understand those impacts, and to consider measures to mitigate impact, make reasonable adjustment, and foster good relations between those sharing protected characteristics, and those who do not.


 The remainder of this report and the draft Statement of Reasons at Appendix 2 set out the justification for the making of the Order under section 226 of the TCPA.


The main benefit of the use of compulsory purchase is the certainty of being able to obtain vacant possession to a planned programme. This is vital in order give the Council confidence that the entirety of the Order Land will be delivered and be reassured of the effective use of public funds deployed in the development of the project.


The use of compulsory purchase provides a level of certainty on project programming which in turn would allow the Council to enter into commercially sound construction contracts. This is because, once the Order is confirmed and the legal challenge period has passed, the Order can be implemented and a date for vacant possession fixed in accordance with the project programme which can immediately follow or coincide with the programme for redevelopment.

Wards affected: Church Street;

10/07/2023 - Council Response to the Future of Westminster Commission Recommendations ref: 1884    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 10/07/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 12/07/2023

Effective from: 10/07/2023


Cabinet approved the following recommendation:


Cabinet was asked to note the initial responses to the Commission’s recommendations across the three remaining reviews (Appendix A) and to agree that all recommendations brought forward for implementation will be subject to further financial and legal consideration and where necessary, individual Cabinet or Cabinet Member decisions will be undertaken.


Reason for the Decision


The Future of Westminster Commission was established to advise the Council on areas of policy that are critical to the future success of the City and central to the delivery of a Fairer Westminster. The Commission has now delivered its final report and recommendations, please see Appendix B of this report.


All recommendations have been considered individually (as outlined in Appendix A), with a view to accepting, rejecting, or otherwise considering each. The proposed responses are put forward with due regard to the strategic priorities of the council and with the recognition that, where required, further financial and legal consideration will have to be undertaken before implementation.

Lead officer: Angela Bishop

10/07/2023 - Medium Term Financial Planning (2024/25 to 2026/27) ref: 1886    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 10/07/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 12/07/2023

Effective from: 10/07/2023


Cabinet approved the following recommendation:


·       That Cabinet note the revised medium term financial planning forecast to 2026/27 and to agree the budget process approach as set out in the report.


Reasons for Decision


The preparation of the budget and three-year medium term financial plan is the first stage of the annual business planning cycle for the forthcoming financial year 2024/25. There is a statutory requirement to set an annual balanced budget and submit budget returns to the department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC). Approval of the revenue estimates constitutes authority for the incurring of expenditure in accordance with approved policies. It is considered good practice to produce medium financial plans.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

11/07/2023 - Ebury Bridge Estate Renewal - Electrical Substation Lease ref: 1880    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 11/07/2023

Effective from: 11/07/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Climate Action Regeneration & Renters and the Cabinet Member for Finance & Council Reform have:

·       Delegated to the Executive Director of Growth Planning and Housing authority to approve and enter into a lease of an electricity substation chamber at Phase 1 of the Ebury Bridge Estate regeneration.

·       Delegated to the Executive Director of Growth Planning and Housing authority to approve and enter into other agreements and property documents including but not limited to leases, warranties, substation leases, wayleaves, licences, deeds of easement, asset protection agreements, section 104 agreements, section 185 agreements and any other statutory agreements and utilities agreements in connection with ancillary works required to facilitate the construction works at Phase 1 of the Ebury Bridge Estate regeneration.


Reasons for Decision

The substation lease and all other statutory and utility leases/ easements/ wayleaves/leases/licences/deeds and agreements are deemed necessary contractual documents in order to complete all connections and disconnections to Phase 1 of the project to meet the critical path programme with the main contractor to complete the construction handover for occupation by Westminster City Council.

The power to grant leases of over 25 years are delegated to the relevant Cabinet Member.



Wards affected: Knightsbridge and Belgravia;

Lead officer: Setareh Neshati

11/07/2023 - Approval of recommendations from the Rating Advisory Panel - 13.06.23 ref: 1881    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 11/07/2023

Effective from: 11/07/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member has approved the recommendations of the Rating Advisory Panel held on 13 June 2023 and determines the applications for NNDR Discretionary and Hardship relief set out in Appendix A.


Reasons for Decision

The Rating Advisory Panel has set out the reasons for the recommendations in each case considered by the Panel in the recommendations in Appendix A.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Gemma Williams

06/07/2023 - Co-operative Councils' Innovation Network ref: 1877    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision published: 06/07/2023

Effective from: 06/07/2023


Summary of Decision

The Leader of the Council has agreed that Westminster City Council (WCC) become a member of the Co-operative Councils Innovation Network.


Reasons for Decision 


The Co-operative Councils’ Innovation Network is a collaboration between local authorities who are working together to find better ways of working for, and with, local people for the benefit of their local community.


The Fairer Westminster strategy puts residents at the heart of decision-making and emphasises the importance of collaboration and engagement in order to build a Fairer Westminster for all.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ezra Wallace

05/07/2023 - UKSPF - Supplier Readiness Grant Agreement ref: 1876    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development

Decision published: 05/07/2023

Effective from: 05/07/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development have approved the Council to enter into a grant funding for c.£683,200 from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) to deliver the Supplier Readiness Programme by 31 March 2025.


Reasons for Decision

Business & Enterprise, Responsible Economy and Procurement & Commercial Services have a common goal to deliver the following council objectives relating to business support and community wealth building.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Sian Treen

03/07/2023 - Appointment of a main contractor for works to the Tresham Centre ref: 1874    Recommendations Approved

The report will seek approval to appoint a main contractor following a procurement exercise to provide construction services for works to the Tresham Centre


Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 03/07/2023

Effective from: 11/07/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member has approved the appointment of T&B (Contractors) Ltd (Companies House registration no, 01667869) to the contract for works to the Tresham Centre for a contract amount of £1,978,734 inclusive of VAT.


Reasons for Decision

The Disabled Resource service operate from part of the Tresham Centre and provide services for disabled children aged 5-18 years of age (the Short Breaks Service).  Up until September 2021, the remainder of the building was leased to another occupier who have terminated their lease.  Demand for the disabled children’s service has been increasing significantly and an opportunity therefore presents itself to expand the service into the entire building following completion of major works.  The service currently operate from several locations and consolidation at the Tresham Centre will provide greater efficiencies and a better service for users.


The second-stage negotiation has used the pricing criteria agreed in the original procurement and first stage agreement.  T&B (Contractors) Ltd have worked with their supply chain to secure quotations for each work package for the completed design.  The council has reviewed these proposals with advice and support from the Faithful + Gould Quantity Surveyor.  This review has concluded that value for money has been achieved and therefore recommended the Council to enter into the second stage Design & Build Agreement with T&B (Contractors) Ltd to deliver the works.

Wards affected: Church Street;

Lead officer: Claire Nangle

03/07/2023 - St. James's new BID Proposal - 2023 - 2028 ref: 1875    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development

Decision published: 03/07/2023

Effective from: 03/07/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member has endorsed HOLBA’s new St. James’s BID proposal and requested the Chief Executive as the City Council’s Returning Officer and “ballot holder” to hold a ballot for HOLBA in respect of the St. James’s BID Proposal.


Reasons for Decision 

HOLBA have successfully managed to generate and invest over £45million directly into the heart of London’s West End and are seeking to amplify their reach, delivery and impact. This decision will allow a ballot to be held to establish a new BID to cover the St James’s area.


Wards affected: St James's;

Lead officer: Rachel Thevanesan

29/06/2023 - Waste, Recycling and Street Cleansing Contract with Veolia ES Ltd ref: 1878    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality

Decision published: 29/06/2023

Effective from: 07/07/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality has approved the extension of the Waste and Recycling Collections, Street Cleansing and Ancillary Services Contract with Veolia ES (UK) Ltd for up to three years; from 16th September 2024 to 15th September 2027 for a value of spend during the extension period of £201.1m (excl VAT).


Reasons for Decision 


The proposed contract extension will enable the council time to secure and develop additional land to offer to bidders to ensure a level playing field when the contract is next competitively tendered. The proposed extension period will include a break clause in the event that the council is able to secure and develop land in less than three years.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Mark Banks

26/06/2023 - Parking Fee Structure Review - Approval of Concept ref: 1896    Recommendations Approved

Report seeks approval for the introduction of parking-related emissions-based charging schemes for both pay-to-park and resident permits.


Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality

Decision published: 26/06/2023

Effective from: 26/06/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality has approved the agreement in principle for Parking Services to develop new charging schemes for its pay-to-park and resident parking schemes.



Reasons for Decision


The proposals for both the resident permit and pay-to-park schemes align with the Fairer Westminster strategy and complements a number of corporate environmental policies, strategies and commitments. The improvement of air quality is an important priority for the Council and these policies support this aspiration.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Darren Montague

23/06/2023 - Decision on the Future plan for the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement contract ref: 1870    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 23/06/2023

Effective from: 01/07/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform has approved:

a)    The direct award by way of an extension to the existing call off contract with the current provider Trustmarque (company number 02183240) for a further period of 2 years from 1 June 2024 to 31 May 2026 at a total contract extension cost of £5,122,069.  

b)    The early licence upgrade from E3 to E5 and for the Azure consumption for the period commencing 1 June 2023 to 31 May 2024 at a cost of £1,013,000. 



Reasons for Decision 

Given the disaggregation of the IT service, the desire to move to an E5 licencing model and the imminent ending of the EA, Microsoft have proposed an extension of the existing EA by 2 years. This will give the Council better value for money over the 3-year period by locking in the unit costs under the protected pricing within the existing framework.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Oliver Partridge

23/06/2023 - Coroners Court Refurbishment and Extension ref: 1872    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 23/06/2023

Effective from: 01/07/2023


Summary of Decision

To approve the variation to the contract for the delivery of the new extension and refurbishment of the Coroners Court with CBRE Managed Services Limited in terms of additional costs and time.  The additional budget spend amounts to £907,020 excluding VAT (£1,088,422 including VAT


Reasons for Decision

As the project has progressed there have been some issues encountered which have resulted in CBRE seeking an Extension of Time (EOT).Utilising CBRE Managed Services for additional works whilst they are on-site provides greater value for money rather than progressing at a later date at a greater cost and avoids service disruption.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Claire Nangle

23/06/2023 - Approval of recommendations of the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) Review Panel 06.06.23 ref: 1871    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 23/06/2023

Effective from: 23/06/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member has approved the recommendations of the Discretionary Housing Payment Review Advisory Panel meeting of 6 June 2023


Reasons for Decision 

The Discretionary Housing Payment Review Advisory Panel has set out the reasons for the recommendations in each case considered by the Panel in the recommendations in Appendix A.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Gwyn Thomas

20/06/2023 - Fees for the Westminster Design Review Panel ref: 1869    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development

Decision published: 20/06/2023

Effective from: 20/06/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member has agreed to the proposed fees for the Design Review Panel as set out in the report.



Reasons for Decision 

The fees set will ensure cost recovery for provision of the Westminster Design Review service.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Jane Hamilton

20/06/2023 - Torridon House Car Park: Appropriation of Land for Planning Purposes ref: 1866    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 20/06/2023

Effective from: 20/06/2023


Summary of Decision


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Regeneration and Renters and the Cabinet Member for Housing Services, has approved the appropriation of the Council’s land required for the development comprising the former Torridon Carpark site (edged red on the plan attached at Appendix A) for planning purposes pursuant to section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972 and subsequent use of the Council’s powers under section 203 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016.



Reasons for Decision


The former carpark is no longer required for the purpose for which they are held by the Council. The appropriation for planning purposes will subsequently allow the Council to use its powers under section 203 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 to override any easements (including rights of light) and other rights of the affected neighbouring properties that are infringed upon.   


To progress the scheme and avoid the risk of delays to the programme, a Cabinet Member decision is being sought to appropriate the land required to deliver the development for planning purposes and authorize the use of any necessary powers under section 203 Housing and Planning Act 2016 if required. By exercising its powers, the Council will ensure that its development of the land proceeds in accordance with the planning permission already granted.


Wards affected: Maida Vale;

Lead officer: Simon Griffin

20/06/2023 - Queens Park Court: Appropriation of Land for Planning Purposes ref: 1867    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 20/06/2023

Effective from: 20/06/2023


Summary of Decision


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Regeneration and Renters and the Cabinet Member for Housing Services, has approved the appropriation of the Council’s land required for the development comprising the former Queens Park Court site (edged red on the plan attached at Appendix A) for planning purposes pursuant to section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972 and subsequent use of the Council’s powers under section 203 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016.



Reasons for Decision


The former carpark is no longer required for the purpose for which it is held by the Council. The appropriation for planning purposes will subsequently allow the Council to use its powers under section 203 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 to override any easements (including rights of light) and other rights of the affected neighbouring properties that are infringed upon.  


To progress the scheme and avoid the risk of delays to the programme, a Cabinet Member decision is being sought to appropriate the land required to deliver the development for planning purposes and authorise the use of any necessary powers under section 203 Housing and Planning Act 2016 if required. By exercising its powers, the Council will ensure that its development of the land proceeds in accordance with the planning permission already granted.

Wards affected: Queen's Park;

Lead officer: Simon Griffin

20/06/2023 - Adpar Street Car Park: Appropriation of Land for Planning Purposes ref: 1868    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 20/06/2023

Effective from: 20/06/2023


Summary of Decision


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Regeneration and Renters and the Cabinet Member for Housing Services, has approved the appropriation of the Council’s land required for the development comprising the former Adpar Car Park site (edged red on the plan attached at Appendix A) for planning purposes pursuant to section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972 and subsequent use of the Council’s powers under section 203 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016.



Reasons for Decision


The former carpark is no longer required for the purpose for which it is held by the Council. The appropriation for planning purposes will subsequently allow the Council to use its powers under section 203 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 to override any easements (including rights of light) and other rights of the affected neighbouring properties that are infringed upon.  


To progress the scheme and avoid the risk of delays to the programme, a Cabinet Member decision is being sought to appropriate the land required to deliver the development for planning purposes and authorize the use of any necessary powers under section 203 Housing and Planning Act 2016 if required. By exercising its powers, the Council will ensure that its development of the land proceeds in accordance with the planning permission already granted.


Wards affected: Little Venice;

Lead officer: Simon Griffin

01/06/2023 - Print Management and Mailroom Service ref: 1864    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform

Decision published: 01/06/2023

Effective from: 08/06/2023


Summary of Decision

The Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform has approved the award of a contract to Ricoh UK Ltd for print, post and document management services from 1 June 2023 to 31 May 2025 with an option of a one year extension to 31 May 2026 for a total value of £3,477,000.



Reasons for Decision 

The rationale for directly awarding a contract, through Kent County Council KCS Framework for the provision of Managed Services for Business Solutions Y20023, with the existing provider is multi-faceted. It is proposed that Ricoh will work with Westminster City Council (WCC) over the next two years to digitalise our services. As agile and digital ways of working continue to evolve, there is a need to introduce new solutions to improve services across the council, reduce costs and make efficiencies. The strategy is to reduce the volume of physical mail being handled by staff and make a transition to electronic hybrid-mail for both inbound and outbound services.


These initiatives will provide the opportunity to review the feasibility to consolidate the Mail and Print teams by utilising the existing Senior Street building and relocating the current City Hall Print Operation on the ground floor. It is anticipated that this part of the project will deliver £90,000 in cost efficiency annually.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ivano Spiteri

01/06/2023 - Contract award for the cleansing and maintenance of public conveniences ref: 1863    Recommendations Approved

Decision following the review of Public Conveniences and Urinals.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality

Decision published: 01/06/2023

Effective from: 08/06/2023


Summary of Decision


The Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality has approved a direct award to Carlisle Cleansing Services Limited of up to 12 months (with the potential to extend for a further 6 months) from 1st June 2023, for cleansing and maintenance of Westminster public conveniences for a contract amount as mentioned in Part B report.  



Reasons for Decision   

The current contract for cleansing and maintenance of public conveniences with Carlisle Cleansing Services Limited is due to expire 31 May 2023 A direct award will allow the continuity of services as well as a coterminous end date with the other contract relating to cleansing, compliance, and maintenance of the automatic public conveniences and urinals, thereby allowing time for a full review of service requirements and a re-procurement exercise. 


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Amy Jones