Issue details

Use of Site B Car Park for Church Street Market Traders


The Church Street Market is a key part of the local area and sells a range of products including food, clothing and other convenience items to the local population at affordable prices. The Church Street Market’s vibrant aspect contributes to the unique character of the area and its vitality. The decision will allow Westminster City Council to let individual storage units within the Site B Car Park as soon as they become available and ensure continuity of trade for the Site A Market Traders.


To approve the grant of 31 individual tenancies at will of individual storage units within the Site B Car Park to the Site A Market Traders.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: Church Street;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/12/2024

Decision due: 19 Dec 2024 by Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning

Department: Regeneration, Economy and Planning
