Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Business and Planning, Cabinet Member for Environment and Highways
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
The report will be seeking the following
- approval to proceed with implementation of the proposals on
Aldwych as part of the wider Strand Aldwych public realm
- approval to commit the funding to allow the implementation of the
proposals on Aldwych
That the Cabinet Member for Business and Planning agreed:
1.1 That the implementation of the proposed public realm improvements on both the Aldwych and the Strand as set out in section 4 and shown in the Background papers of this report be approved
1.2 That capital expenditure of £18,090,232 to carry out the implementation stage of the proposals of the Aldwych and Meanwhile measures on the Strand be approved. All costs to be funded by WCC funding covered in the Capital Strategy approved by Full Council on 4th March 2020.
1.3 That the Director of City Highways be delegated authority to approve minor modifications as necessary to the approved scheme, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Business and Planning and the Cabinet Member for Environment and Highways.
That the Cabinet Member for Environment and Highways agreed:
1.4 That approval to modify and make traffic regulation orders in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984, necessary to accommodate the new two-way traffic movement on the Aldwych and associated highway improvements be approved.
1.5 That the Director of City Highways be delegated authority to approve minor modifications as necessary to the approved scheme, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Business and Planning and the Cabinet Member for Environment and Highways.
1.6 That the Cabinet Member for Environment and Highways concurs with the decisions of the Cabinet Member for Business and Planning to the extent that these are within his terms of reference
Reasons for Decision
To allow the implementation of the two-way traffic movement on the Aldwych and “Meanwhile Strand” as a first phase of the full Strand Aldwych scheme. The scheme will achieve the project’s objectives to: support the area’s economy, improve air quality, improve links for walking and cycling, improve the public realm, support culture, education and innovation, and facilitate better and safer movement of traffic.
Stuart Love, Chief Executive,
Westminster City Hall,
64 Victoria Street
Publication Date: |
11 December 2020 |
Implementation Date:
18 December 2020 at 5pm |
Publication date: 11/12/2020
Date of decision: 11/12/2020