Decision details

Dockless Bike Scheme

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve the establishment of designated bays for dockless bike parking across the city.


Summary of Decision


·       The Cabinet Member has approved the proposal by Westminster City Council to establish and designate approximately 220 bays for both dockless bike and e-scooter parking across the city. The recommendation from officers is that all bays are established via Experimental Traffic Orders to allow for flexibility regarding both bay locations and either an increase or decrease in demand.


·       The Cabinet Member has delegated authority to the Executive Director for Environment, Climate and Public Protection to agree on final arrangements, and to enter into any formal agreements with dockless bike operators where necessary.


·       The Cabinet Member has delegated authority to the Executive Director for Environment, Climate and Public Protection to approve any future development or adaptation of the scheme based upon changes in the market or review in demand. Any approved development is expected to be delivered on a cost-neutral basis.


Reasons for Decision


·       Provide our residents, businesses and tourists access to on demand dockless bike hire within Westminster;

·       Increase the uptake of e-bike usage in the borough to support our environmental objectives set out in the Fairer Westminster strategy and reduce reliance on private car and capacity restricted public transport;

·       Promote responsible and safe dockless bike usage, including responsible parking of the vehicles; and to

·       Provide a designated bay network for e-bike users that encourages growth across all user groups and accessibility in all areas across the city.


Publication date: 22/08/2023

Date of decision: 22/08/2023

Effective from: 31/08/2023

Accompanying Documents: