Issue - meetings

Declarations of Interest

Meeting: 09/01/2018 - Planning Applications Sub-Committee (3) (Item 2)

Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations by members and officers of the existence and nature of any personal or prejudicial interests in matters on this agenda.


2.1     Councillor Andrew Smith explained that a week before the meeting, all four Members of the Committee were provided with a full set of papers including a detailed officer’s report on each application; together with bundles of every single letter or e-mail received in respect of every application, including all letters and e-mails containing objections or giving support. Members of the Committee read through everything in detail prior to the meeting. Accordingly, if an issue or comment made by a correspondent was not specifically mentioned at this meeting in the officers’ presentation or by Members of the Committee, it did not mean that the issue had been ignored. Members will have read about the issue and comments made by correspondents in the papers read prior to the meeting.


2.2       Councillors Smith and Rigby declared that in respect of Item 4 they had sat on a previous Planning Sub-Committee which had considered an application at the same site.


2.3       In respect of Item 7 Councillors Smith, Bush and Rigby declared that they had all previously sat on the Planning Sub-Committee held on 7 November 2017 which had deferred the application.