Venue: This will be a Virtual Meeting
Contact: Tristan Fieldsend Committee and Governance Officer Tel: 7641 2341; Email:
No. | Item |
WELCOME TO THE MEETING The Chair to welcome everyone to the meeting. Minutes: 1.1 Councillor Sarah Addenbrooke welcomed everyone to the meeting. The Board confirmed that as the meeting had been due to be held within RBKC, Councillor Addenbrooke would chair the meeting in line with the agreed memorandum of understanding.
MEMBERSHIP To report any changes to Membership, and any Apologies for Absence. Minutes: 2.1 Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Josh Rendall (RBKC), DCI Liam Adams (Metropolitan Police), Anna Bokobza, (Imperial College Healthcare), Robyn Doran (CNWL), Bernie Flaherty (Executive Director for ASC and Health), Sue Harris, (Executive Director Environmental Services), Daniel Heard (Central London CCG), Sarah Newman (Executive Director for Children’s Services), Hilary Nightingale (Westminster Community Network), Dr Neville Purssell (Central London CCG), Jennifer Travassos (Head of Rough Sleeping), Gareth Wall (Bi-Borough Director of Integrated Commissioning) and Lesley Watts and Dominic Conlin, (both of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital). |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations by Members and Officers of the existence and nature of any pecuniary interests or any other significant interest in matters on this agenda. Minutes: 3.1 Councillor Butler Thalassis declared that she worked for the BME Health Forum, a partnership of statutory, voluntary and community organisations that aimed to reduce health inequalities affecting Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities. |
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING PDF 236 KB To agree the minutes of the joint Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster Health & Wellbeing Board meeting on 9 July. Minutes: RESOLVED:
4.1 That the minutes of the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster City Council joint Health & Wellbeing Board meeting held on 9 July 2020 be agreed as a correct record of proceedings.
COVID-19 General Update PDF 401 KB 1) Verbal Update on COVID-19 (Russell Styles, Director of Public Health (Interim))
2) COVID-19 Health disparities update report (Russell Styles) Minutes: 5.1 Councillor Addenbrooke prefaced the discussion by thanking all partners around the table for the excellent collaborative work in tackling Covid-19. 5.2 Russell Styles (Interim Director of Bi-Borough Public Health) gave a commentary on his slides (Covid-19 Epidemiology Update) that had been circulated at the meeting; a copy of these slides has been placed on the Minute Book.
5.3 Mr Styles referred to a steep upwards trajectory in cases in both RBKC and Westminster. Both RBKC and Westminster had a similar Covid-19 case incident rate exceeding 50 per 100,000. This rate was likely to exceed 50 for the foreseeable future. 5.4 Olivia Clymer reminded the Board of the work the local Healthwatch had done to document the Covid-19 experiences of local people (as had been reported to the Board’s last meeting). Healthwatch was keen to work with and support the local authorities she added, and Mr Styles confirmed that Public Health would be in touch. 5.5 In response to questions from Members of the Board Mr Styles added the miscellaneous points that: -
(i) any lockdown was likely to be on a regional level; (ii) younger adults were currently the biggest proportion of new cases; (iii) there had been only a slight uptake in local hospital admissions due to Covid-19; and (iv) there had been no particular cluster to any single neighbourhoods. 5.6 Mr Styles closed by stating that more resources had been put into testing, communications, mortality planning, event licensing and support for shielded residents.
5.7 Sarah Crouch (Deputy Director of Bi-Borough Public Health) gave an overview of the Covid-19 Disparities Update report contained with the agenda. In collaboration with academic partners a review had been done on the effect of Covid-19 on local residents. As detailed in paragraph 4 of the report the local data reflected the national findings that Covid-19 had disproportionately affected a range of groups including older people, black, Asian and minority ethnic groups and those with pre-existing conditions. 5.8 Ms Crouch then gave further details of the Action Plan (paragraph 5 of the report) and the Immediate Actions already taken (paragraph 6). She particularly mentioned the commissioning of Support When It Matters (SWIM) to provide culturally sensitive information and support to residents. Valuable work was also being done by the Health Champions. 5.9 Councillor Butler-Thalassis thought there was a need to provide further support to black and minority ethnic groups particularly around areas such as vaccination, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. She and Ms Crouch agreed to speak about this matter further after the meeting. 5.10 Prompted by Olivia Clymer’s contributions in the chat column, Councillor Addenbrooke reiterated that Public Health was requested to make further contact with Healthwatch.
Update on the development of the Integrated Care System PDF 132 KB Additional documents: Minutes: 6.1 Jo Ohlson (Accountable Officer, Collaboration of North West London CCGs) gave a brief commentary on the main points of this overview report on the North West London Integrated Care System (ICS). She drew attention to pages 19-24 of the report where it was demonstrated that robust plans were in place for a second surge of Covid-19.
6.2 During the first Covid-19 outbreak services had stopped but Ms Ohlson confirmed that it was now expected to continue elective surgery during Covid-19 outbreaks both at present and in the future. Imperial College Healthcare and Chelsea & Westminster were both back on the targets expected of them. All cases on the waiting list had been reviewed. Persons who had waiting for over 52 weeks tended to be in the lower priority categories. Details were kept in respect of patients who had refused to come in after a long delay.
6.3 Olivia Clymer referred to the proposed transitional structure of the ICS (on page 5 of the report) and expressed Healthwatch’s disappointment that it had not been included. The matter had been referred to Healthwatch England she added. Ms Ohlson responded that the transitional ICS structure was evolving, and she would discuss the matter of Healthwatch inclusion with ICS colleagues.
6.4 The Board noted from page 8 of the report the existence of the North West London Board focusing on reducing health inequalities. Local GP Dr Andrew Steeden (Chair of West London CCG) spoke of the tools used to identify and support patients at risk during Winter. |
Joint Winter Pressure Plans PDF 459 KB Minutes: 7.1 Senel Arkut (Bi-Borough – Director of Health Partnerships) introduced this report joined by Jane Wheeler (Assistant Director for Mental Health and Integrated Care, WLCCG) and Louise Proctor (Managing Director, West London CCG). She stated that the Programme would evolve throughout the winter and had two main priorities. Firstly, to manage people in the community to avoid unnecessary hospital admissions. Secondly, where people did go to hospital, to have robust systems in place for timely and safe discharge. This year for the first time there was a social care winter plan, with clear expectations from Adult Social Care.
7.2 Ms Proctor gave details of the new system of Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) that would shortly be fully operational. People would receive care on the day but without hospital admittance. She added that planning work had started earlier this year and reaffirmed the importance of joint working.
7.3 In subsequent discussion Dr Steeden sought to reassure the Board that there was no attempt to rationalise services and he expected no problems due to delays. In the forthcoming year there would be a lot of diagnostic work using blood tests and this should help to ensure that persons at risk would not slip through the net.
7.4 The Board agreed to approve and sign off the Winter Pressures Programme and noted it would receive further updates in due course. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: 8.1 Andrew Carpenter (Dementia Programme Lead) sought the Board’s final approval to the Dementia Plan. He confirmed that only slight changes had been made since the Plan was enthusiastically received by the Board back in February. Subsequently some further additions had been made in respect of Covid-19.
8.2 That the Dementia Plan (2020-2025) for RB Kensington and Chelsea and the City of Westminster be approved. |
· Quarterly BCF Update (Q1) – (Grant Aitken) · BCF Programme 2020-21 (Grant Aitken)
Additional documents: Minutes: 9.1 Senel Arkut gave a brief introduction to this report on the Better Care Fund (BCF). She confirmed that the BCF Plan was on target and as expected the previous year’s plan was rolled over, hence investments remained the same. She would keep this Board informed of the review of the individual schemes in the BCF Plan that was being carried out in the light of Covid-19.
9.2 The Board noted the 2020/21 BCF Programme Q1 as included in Appendix 1 of the report. |
Any Other Business Minutes: 10.1 At the suggestion of Senel Arkut the Board agreed to request a report to the next meeting from NHS North West London Collaboration of CCGs on changes to urgent and emergency care.
10.2 The future of the Gordon Hospital in Pimlico had been discussed at the Board’s last meeting. It was noted that there would be a report on this matter to the meeting of Westminster’s Adult and Children’s Services Policy and Scrutiny Committee on 20 October.
10.3 The Board agreed to place on record its thanks to Angeleca Silversides for the insightful contributions she had made to the Board. Ms Silversides had represented Healthwatch, RBKC on this Board for several years. |