Agenda and minutes

Planning Applications Sub-Committee (1) - Tuesday 5th March, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Rooms 18.01 & 18.03, 18th Floor, 64 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QP

Contact: Katherine Stagg, Committee and Councillor Coordinator  Email:


No. Item



The Sub-Committee noted that Councillor Laila Cunningham had replaced Councillor Ed Pitt-Ford.


To note any further changes to the membership.


1.1       It was noted that Councillor Cunningham substituted for Councillor Hitchcock.



Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations by Members and Officers of the existence and nature of any pecuniary interests or any other significant interest in matters on this agenda.


2.1       Councillor MD Shamsed Chowdhury declared an interest in Item 1, that the application falls within his ward, however he has not had any discussion regarding this application.


2.2       Councillor MD Shamsed Chowdhury also declared that Councillor Paul Fisher, who was speaking on Item 3, was a friend and colleague but he had had no discussions with him regarding the application.


2.3       Councillor Jason Williams declared an interest that he had met one of the speakers at a previous committee who will be speaking on Item 3.


2.4       Councillor Jason Williams also declared an interest in Item 5 that he had attended a meeting in Pimlico where the application had been discussed but he did not give a view on the application.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 140 KB

To sign the minutes of the last meeting as a correct record of proceedings.


3.1       RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 19 December 2023 be signed by the Chair as a correct record of proceedings.



Planning Applications

Applications for decision


Ground and Basement Unit, 195-197 Edgware Road, London, W2 1ES pdf icon PDF 820 KB


Proposed ‘under’ enforcement notice, as follows:


That the Notice take effect 35 days after the date of service and requires within 2 months from the date it takes effect, the following:


1) Cease use of the highway at the Edgware Road frontage of the property for the placement of tables and chairs for customer use, except to the extent that:

a) The 6 tables and 12 chairs must only be placed within the part of the highway shown outlined by green lines on Plan A, with the area to be enclosed by barrier banners only;

b) The 6 tables and 12 chairs must only be placed on the highway, between the hours of 09:00 and 23:00 daily;

c) The 6 tables and 12 chairs must only be used by customers of the Property;

d) No additional tables, chairs, screens or any other furniture or equipment shall be placed on the highway; and

e) The 6 tables and 12 chairs may only be placed on the highway until [one year after date of service].

That authority for the issue of the Enforcement Notice also includes authority to withdraw any such notice

and to issue further notices if it becomes necessary to do this in order to remedy the breach of planning control to which this notice relates



1. That "under" enforcement notice regarding provision of tables and chairs on the highway at the Star Street elevation and the Edgware Road elevation, and installation of fixed screen at Star Street elevation be served.



Templar Court, 43 St John's Wood Road, London, NW8 8QJ pdf icon PDF 989 KB


Construction of a new three storey dwelling with external terrace and patio located in between 7 & 8 Squire Gardens.


An additional representation was received by Cllr Mendoza (27.02.24) and a representative of Templar Court & Squire Gardens Management Company Ltd (27.02.24).


A late representation was received by a representative of Templar Court & Squire Gardens Management Company Ltd (29.02.24).


Daniel James addressed the Sub-Committee in support of the application.


The Committee Officer Jessica Barnett addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of Anuj Anand, who was due to attend online but could no longer attend, in objection to the application.


Chair requested informative to remind applicant of the need to satisfy building control requirements regarding the reconfigured fire escape stairs.



1.     That conditional permission be granted.



19 South Street, London, W1K 2XB pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Partial demolition to rear wing and roof; excavation of a new basement storey and extension at rear second floor level with erection of a new single story roof extension with rear terrace at third floor; installation of plant with screening on the second-floor terrace; installation of sedum roof at main roof level; and

associated works all in association with the continued use as a single-family dwelling.


An additional representation was received from Triglyph Property Consultants Ltd (17.7.23)


Sam Farmer addressed the Sub-Committee in support of the application.


Tessa Green addressed the Sub-Committee in objection to the application.


Diane Baines addressed the Sub-Committee in objection to the application.


Belinda Harley, representing the Resident’s Society of Mayfair and St James’s, addressed the Sub-Committee in objection to the application.


Cllr Paul Fisher, in their capacity as Ward Councillor for the West End Ward, addressed the Sub-Committee in objection to the application.





1. That the Committee agreed to defer making a decision on the application on the basis that there was a high level of local community objections, it would be beneficial for the Committee to visit the site to obtain a greater sense and understanding of what is happening on the ground.



Second Floor Flat, 27 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 8GN pdf icon PDF 796 KB


Use of the second floor as a sui generis use comprising part residential and part medical accommodation for a temporary period of five years.



1.     That conditional permission be granted.



Globe House, 89 Eccleston Square, London, SW1V 1PN pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Use of building as hotel (Class C1) and part of ground floor as flexible commercial, business or service premises (Class E).


Additional representations were received from Centro Planning Consultancy (28.02.24) and Criterion Capitol (29.02.24).


A late representation was received from a representative of The Between the Squares Residents’ Association (03.03.24)


Luke Raistrick addressed the Sub-Committee in support of the application.


Anthony Smith addressed the Sub-Committee in objection to the application.


Cllr Jim Glen, in his capacity as Ward Councillor for the Pimlico North Ward, addressed the Sub-Committee in objection to the application.




1.                                 That permission be refused.

Reason: that insufficient information has been submitted to demonstrate no interest in continued use of building within CAZ as offices.