Agenda and draft minutes

Planning (Major Applications) Sub-Committee - Tuesday 3rd September, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: 18th Floor, 64 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QP

Contact: Steve Clarke, Committee and Councillor Coordinator  Email:


No. Item



To note any changes to the membership.


1.1      There were no changes to the membership.


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations by Members and Officers of the existence and nature of any pecuniary interests or any other significant interest in matters on this agenda.


2.1      The Chair explained that a week before the meeting, all Members of the Sub-Committee were provided with a full set of papers including a detailed officer’s report on each application; together with bundles of every single letter or e-mail received in respect of every application, including all letters and emails containing objections or giving support. Members of the Sub-Committee read through everything in detail prior to the meeting. Accordingly, if an issue or comment made by a correspondent was not specifically mentioned at this meeting in the officers’ presentations or by Members of the Sub-Committee, it did not mean that the issue had been ignored. Members would have read about the issue and comments made by correspondents in the papers read prior to the meeting.

2.2      Councillor Robathan declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 2 as the application site was within her ward, it was noted that, although Cllr Robathan had corresponded with residents on the application, she had not expressed any views on the matter. Councillor Robathan remained in the room for the duration of item 2 and took part in the debate and vote.

2.3      Councillor Jim Glen declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 2 as a trustee of the Westminster Tree Trust. Councillor Glen remained in the room for the duration of item 2 and took part in the debate and vote.

2.4      Councillor Ruth Bush declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 2 as a trustee of the Westminster Tree Trust. Councillor Bush remained in the room for the duration of item 2 and took part in the debate and vote.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 111 KB

To approve the minutes of 25 June 2024 and 6 August 2024 as a correct record of the proceedings.

Additional documents:




3.1      That the minutes of the meeting held on 06 August 2024 be signed by the Chair as a correct record of proceedings.


3.2      With regard to the minutes of the meeting held on 25 June 2024, it was highlighted that agenda item 1, 63-65 Curzon Street W1, was determined by the Chair’s casting vote and that the minutes should record how each Member had voted on the application. It was agreed that the minutes would be amended to incorporate the change and brought back to a future meeting for approval by the Committee.


Planning Applications

Applications for decision


4.1      The items were taken in the following order: 2 and 1.


1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET pdf icon PDF 6 MB


Retention of two storey basement and demolition of existing building above ground level. Construction to provide a building comprising retained basement, ground and nine upper floors for use as retail, restaurant, leisure/experience, medical (Class E (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)) and office (Class E(g)(i)) uses together with associated ancillary spaces to those uses. Provision of public realm enhancements, including new landscaping. Provision of short and long stay cycle parking, on-site servicing, refuse storage, plant and other ancillary and associated works.


Additional submissions were received from the Presenting Officer (29.08.2024), the Arboricultural Officer (27.08.2024), the Lead Local Flood Authority (29.08.2024), and the Queen Anne’s Gate Residents’ Association (30.08.2024).


Late submissions were received from the Principal Air Quality Officer (28.08.2024 and 03.09.2024), the Environmental Health Officer (03.09.2024), London Heritage Quarter (02.09.2024), and Ptolemy Dean Architects Ltd (02.09.2024).


The Presenting Officer tabled the following amendments to the recommended conditions:


Revised Condition 7 – short stay cycle parking

Notwithstanding the information provided, you must apply to us for approval of details of short stay cycle parking to show the number and location of the short stay parking. You must not start work on this part of the development until we have approved what you have sent us. You must then carry out the development in accordance with the details approved.


Revised Condition 41 – OMP for Units 04, 05 and 06

In the event the flexible Class E units 04 and 05 at ground floor are used for the sale of food and drink principally to visiting members of the public, where consumption of that food and drink is mostly undertaken on the premises, and unit 6 used for gym purposes, you must apply to us for approval of details of an operational management plan for each unit. You must not use the unit for these purposes until we have approved what you have sent us. You must then manage the use in accordance with the details approved. The plan should include details of the numbers of covers and management of servicing, smoking and arrival and departure processes.


Additional Condition 47 – provide six units

You must provide the flexible retail units as six separate units. You must not amalgamate the units.


Additional Condition 48 – drainage strategy

Notwithstanding the information provided, you must apply to us for approval of details of a Drainage Strategy for the approved development. You must not start any work until we have approved what you have sent us. You must then carry out the development in accordance with the details approved.


Additional Condition 49 – contaminated land

You must carry out a detailed site investigation to find out if the building or land are contaminated with dangerous material, to assess the contamination that is present, and to find out if it could affect human health or the environment. This site investigation must meet the water, ecology and general requirements outlined in ‘Contaminated Land Guidance for Developers submitting planning applications’ – produced by Westminster City Council in January 2018.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.


1-4 Eaton Mews West, London, SW1W 9ET pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Redevelopment of 1-4 Eaton Mews West including demolition behind a part retained facade and replacement building comprising ground and first floor with a new part mansard roof level, to provide six residential (Class C3) units, and provision of office (Class E(g)(i)) accommodation. Creation of rear gardens at ground floor level, installation of plant, and other associated works.


Additional submissions were received from the Applicant (30.08.2024).


Late submissions were received from the Belgravia Society (30.08.2024).


George Brooksbank (Leconfield) addressed the Sub-Committee in support of the application.


Jeremy Courtenay-Stamp (Member of the public) addressed the Sub-Committee in support of the application.


Siobhan Gallagher (Member of the public) addressed the Sub-Committee in general support of the application, though raised objection to a small number of matters with the application.


Monica Lucas (Belgravia Neighbourhood Forum) addressed the Sub-Committee in support of the application.




That the Planning (Major Applications) Sub-Committee grant conditional permission subject to the completion of a S106 legal agreement to secure the following:


a)    Financial contribution of £40,590 towards the Council's carbon offset fund. (Index linked and payable on commencement of construction works.)

b)    Two houses (Nos. 01 and 06) not being eligible for on-street parking permits.


If the S106 legal agreement has not been completed within six weeks of the Committee resolution, then:


a)    The Director of Town Planning and Building Control shall consider whether the permission can be issued with additional condition to secure the benefits listed above. If this is possible and appropriate, the Executive Director for Regeneration, Economy and Planning is authorised to determine and issue such a decision under Delegated Powers, however, if not;

b)    The Director of Town Planning and Building Control shall consider whether permission be refused on the grounds that it has not proved possible to complete an agreement within an appropriate timescale, and the proposal is unacceptable in the absence of the benefits that would have been secured; if so, the Executive Director for Regeneration, Economy and Planning is authorised to determine the application and agree appropriate reason for refusal under Delegated Powers.