Agenda item

Fund Financial Management

Report of the Tri-Borough Director of Treasury and Pensions.


7.1       Billie Emery (Pension Fund Manager) presented the report and confirmed that there had been no changes to the Risk Register from the meeting held on 10 December 2018. In respect of cashflow, Billie Emery advised that although payments from the bank account continued to exceed receipts on a monthly basis, cash inflow was expected to exceed cash outflow on an annual basis due to improved levels of deficit recovery contributions.


7.2       Members sought an update in respect of security and systems. In reply, Phil Triggs (Tri-Borough Director of Treasury and Pensions) advised that internal audit had undertaken a large scale exercise and reports had gone to the Audit and Performance Committee. Internal audit controls were now fully compliant and the Audit and Performance Committee would receive updates on this matter.


7.3       RESOLVED:


1.    That the Risk Register for the Pension Fund be noted.


2.    That the cash flow position and the three year forecast be noted.


3.    That the Forward Plan be noted.

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