Application 1 Comprehensive residential-led mixed-use redevelopment, including demolition of Kylestrome House, Lochmore House, Laxford House, Stack House, Walden House and structures attached to Coleshill Flats; tree removal and pollarding; erection of a partial sub-basement, basement and buildings varying in height from five to 11 storeys, to provide affordable homes (Class C3), market homes (Class C3), senior living accommodation (comprising Class C3 and / or Class C2), alongside a range of uses at partial sub-basement, basement and ground floor level including retail (Class A1), restaurants / cafes (Class A3), drinking establishments (Class A4); offices (Class B1), community space (Class D1), cinema (Class D2); use of the lower ground floor of the Coleshill Flats as retail and / or workspace (Class A1 and / or B1); provision of new pedestrian routes; basement car parking; basement and ground floor circulation, servicing, refuse,, ancillary plant and storage; provision of hard and soft landscaping; landscaping works and creation of new play facilities at Ebury Square; rooftop PV panels; rooftop plant equipment; refurbishment and relocation of Arnrid Johnston obelisk to elsewhere within the site; refurbishment and relocation of the water fountain on Avery Farm Row; repair and relocation of the telephone boxes on Orange Square; and other associated works.(This is a phased development for CIL purposes). Application 2 Demolition of structures attached to Coleshill Flats on Pimlico Road; works to the eastern boundary wall at the eastern side of Coleshill Flats on Pimlico Road; minor alterations to the rear facade of the Coleshill Flats at lower ground floor; refurbishment and relocation of the Arnrid Johnston obelisk to elsewhere within the site; refurbishment and relocation of the water fountain on Avery Farm Row; repair and relocation of telephone boxes on Orange Square; and other associated works in connection with comprehensive residential-led mixed-use development.
Additional representations were submitted by The Greater London Authority (25.05.21) and Grosvenor (02.06.21).
Late representations were received from a local resident (07.06.21). The minutes from the Sub-Committee meeting held on 16 February 2021 were also circulated.
The presenting officer circulated the following additional conditions:
Condition 62
You must apply to us for approval of a management plan for the Class C3 independent living units. The management plan should set out the occupancy restrictions for this type of accommodation and should be consistent with condition 63. You must not occupy any Class C3 independent living units until we have approved what you have sent us. Thereafter you must manage Class C3 accommodation in accordance with the details approved.
Condition 63
The primary occupants of the Class C3 independent living units shall only be persons over 65 years of age.
Condition 64
Pre-commencement condition – Notwithstanding the information submitted, you must apply to us for approval of a construction logistics plan. You must not start any work until we have approved what you have sent us. Thereafter you must carry out the development in accordance with the details approved.
James Wright addresses the Sub-Committee in support of the application.
Anna Bond addresses the Sub-Committee in support of the application.
Councillor Murad Gassanly addressed the Sub-Committee in his capacity as Ward Councillor in support of the application.
Application 1
That subject to the views of the Mayor of London, conditional permission, as amended, be granted subject to:
1. An additional informative with regards to the reduced structural slab and the need to ensure there was adequate sound insulation between the floors, subject to Building Control approval.
2. A legal agreement to secure the following:
a) Provision of 88 x affordable housing units, made up of 44 x social rent tenure (the new social rent units to be provided on the same terms as flats within Walden House including security of tenure, service charges and rental levels) and 44 x intermediate rent tenure (rents set at London Living Rent values for Churchill ward up to a maximum household income of £60,000.) The units within Building A not to be occupied until all 44 social rent affordable housing units are ready for occupation. The units within Building B1 not to be occupied until all 44 intermediate affordable housing units are ready for occupation. The obligation to be subject to an early and late stage review.
b) Undertaking of highways works on Ebury Street, Cundy Street, Ebury Square, Avery Farm Row and Pimlico Road including associated traffic management orders, tree planting, cycle parking, re-paving of all footways, loading pads, changes to parking bays, changes to kerb lines, footway widening, relocated memorial fountain, relocated TfL bus stop on Pimlico Road and any other associated works to accommodate the development. Highway works to have been agreed and alterations to traffic orders to have been confirmed prior to commencement of relevant phase of development.
c) A Walkways Agreement to secure access for the public across the site.
d) An Employment and Skills Plan, including operational phase employment targets for the commercial elements, and a contribution of £181,973.61 (index linked) to support the Westminster Employment Service (payable and submitted prior to the commencement of development)
e) Car club membership for the occupiers of all residential units for a period of 25 years.
f) A financial contribution of £220,000 (index linked) towards an extended or new TfL Cycle Hire docking station(s) (payable prior to commencement of development).
g) A financial contribution of £50,000 (index linked) towards cycle improvements as part of Quietway 15 (payable prior to commencement of development).
h) A payment of £15,000 (index linked) for a micro recycling centre in lieu of on-site provision. (payable prior to commencement of development).
i) A financial contribution of £70,000 (index linked) towards tree planting and maintenance, with the planting and maintenance priority order to be:
i. Zone 1: In or close to the locations shown on planning application drawing ref 288_P20.100 Rev B
ii. Zone 2: Within 200m of the development site
iii. Zone 3: Within Churchill and/or Belgravia wards
iv. Zone 4: Any sites outside Zone 1-3 within the administrative boundary of the City of Westminster
j) The submission of an updated energy assessment report and payment of between £989,000 to £1.43m (index linked) towards the City Council’s Carbon Off Set fund. (payable prior to commencement of relevant phase of development) and to secure energy monitoring and management over the lifetime of the development.
k) The long term retention, access to and maintenance of any play space within the development.
l) A payment of £100,000 (index linked) for provision and future maintenance of local play space improvements in lieu of the shortfall of play space as required by Mayor of London, Play and Informal Recreation SPG (payable prior to commencement of development) with the priority order to be within the vicinity (200m) of the site and then within Churchill and/or Belgravia wards.
m) The provision of a 154 sqm community space facility to be provided in perpetuity at peppercorn rent.
n) The provision of affordable workspace and / or retail units to be provided at basement level of Coleshill Flats at 50% of the market rate, and 50% service charge, for a 20-year period.
o) Provision of public art to the value of £75,000.
p) The provision of a travel plan and the cost of monitoring the plan.
q) The setting up of a Community Forum for the duration of the development works.
r) The costs of monitoring the S106 legal agreement.
3. That if the legal agreement had not been completed within six weeks of the date of the Committee resolution, then:
a) The Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning should consider whether the permission could be issued with additional conditions attached to secure the benefits listed above. If this was possible and appropriate, the Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning was authorised to determine and issue such a decision under Delegated Powers; however, if not
b) The Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning should consider whether permission should be refused on the grounds that it had not proved possible to complete an agreement within the appropriate timescale, and that the proposals were unacceptable in the absence of the benefits that would have been secured; if so, the Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning was authorised to determine the application and agree appropriate reasons for refusal under Delegated Powers.
4. That the Sub-Committee authorised the making of a draft agreement pursuant to s38 of the Highways Act 1980 for the dedication of land currently adjacent to Ebury Street to enable this development to take place. That the Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning, Executive Director of City Management, or other such proper officer of the City Council responsible for highway functions, be authorised to take all necessary procedural steps in conjunction with the dedication and to make the final agreement. The applicant would be required to cover all costs of the City Council in progressing the agreement.
Application 2
1. That conditional listed building consent be granted.
2. That the reasons for granting conditional listed building consent as set out in Informative 1 attached to the draft decision letter be agreed.
Supporting documents: