Agenda item

Pitch 945 Oxford Street, W1C 1DH


Site Name & Address


Licensing Reference No.

West End

N/A *


Pitch 945 Oxford Street, W1C 1DH

Rescindment of Designating Resolution




*Cumulative Impact Area
** Special Consideration Zone





Thursday 6 October 2022


Membership:           Councillor Angela Piddock (Chair), Councillor Iman Less and Councillor Melvyn Caplan


Officer Support:       Legal Advisor:         Michael Carson

                                Committee Officer:  Sarah Craddock

                                Presenting Officer:  Shannon Pring



Application to vary the designation resolution passed by the Council on 25 July 1990 to rescind the designation of Pitch 945 Oxford Street






Pitch Designation


John Princes Street West footway in line with Oxford Street building line, central between kerb and building line.




Westminster City Council’s Licensing Street Trading Team


Interested Parties


Mr Warren (Licence Holder) and David Chambers (West End Street Trading Association)




West End


Summary of Application


The Licensing Sub-Committee is asked to vary the designating resolution passed by the Council on 25 July 1990 to rescind the designation of Pitch 945 Oxford Street as recommended by officers.

Representations Received


Three representations were received in support of the application

(The Licence Holder, West End Street Trading Association and Highways Planning)




Policy Considerations


1.     Street Trading Policy


a)          Policy ST5 within the City of Westminster Statement of Street Licensing Policy relates to the designation and de-designation of street trading pitches. However, the Licensing Service requests that the committee consider this application as an exception to this policy.


Designation and De-designation- Policy ST5


(i)  The Licensing authority will designate specific resolution for licensed street trading.


(ii)The Licensing authority may de-designate pitches that are no longer suitable for licensed street trading.


(iii)   The Licensing authority will not designate any new isolated street trading pitches, apart from in exceptional circumstances.


Policy ST5(2) states that the Licensing authority may, subject to the appropriate consultation and notification procedures, de-designate street trading pitches where in the opinion of the licensing authority, they are no longer suitable for street trading. The circumstances under which a location may be considered not suitable include:


(a)    It has not been used for trading for a period of greater than six months;

(b)    There has been altered circumstances due to the increased pedestrian footfall resulting from altered highways layouts, public realms improvements or construction projects;

(c)    Where there is new development and the siting and operation of the trading pitch would adversely affect local pedestrian flow or cause congestion, including close to the transport stops or stations.





Ms Shannon Pring, the Presenting Officer, introduced the application.  She advised that the Licence Holder, the West End Street Trading Association and Highways Planning were in support of the application.


Mr David Chambers, West End Street Trading Association, briefly outlined the history of the designation of this particular pitch. He confirmed that the West End Street Trading Association supported the application to vary the designation resolution passed by the Council on 25 July 1990 to rescind the designation of Pitch 945 Oxford Street.  The Sub-Committee noted that there were no objections to the application.




Having carefully considered the committee papers and the submissions made by all the parties, both orally and in writing, the Sub-Committee has decided, after taking into account all the circumstances of this application that approval be given that the  designation resolution passed by the Council on 25 July 1990 be varied to rescind the designation of street trading Pitch 945 Oxford Street.


This is the Full Decision of the Licensing Sub-Committee which takes effect forthwith


The Licensing Sub-Committee

6 October 2022

Supporting documents: