Agenda item

Westminster Design Review Panel


4.1      The Committee received a report which provided an update on the progress in establishing a Design Review Panel for Westminster. The Westminster          Design Review Panel (DRP) is being established to provide an expert,                   independent voice on design which will support internal decision makers to

promote exemplary, sustainable design standards and negotiate design improvements. The establishment of a Design Review Panel was a manifesto commitment and responds to both the National Planning Policy Framework and London Plan policy, which strongly recommend that local planning authorities have design review processes in place. The DRP will be in operation from Autumn 2023.


4.2       Members had an in-depth discussion and noted the following: -


4.2.1   That DRP Members would be remunerated, and this practice was consistent             with panels that are operated by other Local Planning Authorities. The         expenses paid would be a small amount and individuals would only receive      payments for DRP that they took part in.


4.2.2   That the selection criteria for recruiting Panel Members were published on the             Council’s website and it was preferred for prospective applicants to have a        good knowledge of Westminster. The advertisement for Panel Members          had generated a good response from a diverse range of individuals and this      was the objective of the recruitment process. The DRP membership is     expected to be reviewed every two years.


4.2.3    That DRP members’ expertise and knowledge would determine which DRP        they are selected to take part in, and this would also be dependent on                    which planning schemes were due to be considered. Officers responsible for

the planning scheme would also liaise with Chairs and Applicants in what expertise was required for proposals and this would be reflected on the membership and to ensure that advice provided is able to enhance schemes. The best practices of DRPs of other local Planning Authorities and the Greater London Authority have been reviewed to ensure that the procedures put in place are suitable and effective.


4.2.4    That DRP members would be required to keep abreast of changes in the          planning process and design in their areas of expertise. The Committee noted             that the planning system was dynamic and constantly evolving and that      DRP would need to accommodate new innovations and any changes to the Planning Legislation or National Policy Framework. Members noted that there      were differing views in areas such as sustainability and that the expertise of     DRP would ensure that right advice is provided in areas that are constantly             developing. 


4.2.5   That the DRP would provide technical information only and that Planning                 Officers would continue to be responsible for drafting recommendations for       schemes. The Committee were advised that DRP would have an input into       schemes and therefore advice could come under legal review and this would be dependent on the circumstances of each case. Officers advised that most             London Local Planning Authorities used DRP, and academic research            indicated that they added value to planning regimes and provided in depth        expertise on subject matters. The Panel would continue to be monitored to                ensure that it continues to meet its objectives and findings would be reported          to the Committee.


4.2.6   That costings of administering the DRP had now been formulated and that                fees for using the service would meet the cost of the service. Officers          advised that the service area would be adequately resourced to ensure that      full support is provided to the DRP, and this would continue to be reviewed.


4.2.7   That DRP would operate primarily at the pre-application stage and Design       Officers would continue to attend Sub-Committees to provide advice on       design and give views on the suggestions of the DRP. The Committee were             advised that Design Officers were in support of DRP and a small number are             members of these forums in other Local Planning Authorities. Officers             advised Members that there were no indications from other DRPs of conflicts           arising in relation to the attribution of weight given to the views of the Design             Officers and those of the DRP or known Judicial Reviews regarding this             matter. 


4.2.8   That Planning Sub-Committees would have a record in their reports on        whether schemes have been considered by a DRP. This may be in a format      such as a summary in the report of the DRPs recommendations. The             Committee was advised that DRP Chairs may also attend and address Sub-    Committees and the format in which views of DRP are provided would be      tailored to the Committee requirements.


4.2.9   Members were advised that the Design Review Panel was the ‘brand name’ of the scheme and term was widely used and understood. The Committee   agreed that future discussion could be held about what titles should be given          to the Panel and the pool of members that make up its membership.




1.     That the selection criteria for Design Review Panel member be circulated to the Committee.


2.     That the Committee receive a verbal update about the Design Review Panel at their next meeting


3.     That the report be noted,


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