Internal alterations, re-modelling of basement rear extension, enlarged window from basement to garden, alterations to rear garden, balcony to ground floor rear over basement extension.
Additional representations were received from resident (01.03.23), (01.03.23), (28.02.23), (28.02.23), (04.07.23) and (05.07.23) and a resident (19.12.22) and (06.01.23)
Late representations were received from Barton Enginees (Unknown) and (Unknown), resident (11.07.23), (09.07.23), (07.07.23) (04.07.23), (05.01.23) and (06.01.23) and resident (09.11.23) Councillor Max Sullivan (06.01.23) and (11.07.23)
The Presenting Officer tabled the following revisions to the Drawings
Item No. 4: 23 Sutherland Place
Revised drawings / information from applicant
Revised drawings have been received since report publication to address some of
the final points made by objectors, and to correct some discrepancies or minor
refinements to the proposals as found by officers. These drawings are numbered as
below and replace their preceding versions as previously set out in the report.
01.11 Rev.B – Demo Rear Elevation
02.01 Rev.B – Proposed Basement Plan
02.02 Rev.B – Proposed Ground Floor Plan
02.06 Rev.B – Proposed Section A
02.08 Rev.B – Proposed Section D
02.09 Rev.B – Proposed Section E
02.11 Rev.B – Proposed Rear Elevation
These revisions can be summarised as below.
• Clarification of extent of lower-ground floor surface to be lowered (to correlate
with submitted demo plans)
• Minor corrections to how the rear sash and side closet wing windows are
shown in the drawings
• Existing stone sill to rear window reused and lowered for the new French
The applicant’s Conservation Engineer has also submitted a brief response to some
of the final points raised by objectors, as well as a Structural Statement
Simon Moxey addressed the committee in support of the application.
Martin Lugg addressed the committee in objection to the application.
1. That Conditional Permission be granted.
2. That Conditional Listed Building Consent be granted.
3. That reasons for granting conditional listed building consent as set out in Informative 1 of the draft decision notice be agreed.
basement to garden, alterations to rear garden, balcony to ground floor rear over basement extension.
Additional representations were received from resident (01.03.23), (01.03.23), (28.02.23), (28.02.23), (04.07.23) and (05.07.23) and a resident (19.12.22) and (06.01.23)
Late representations were received from Barton Enginees (Unknown) and (Unknown), resident (11.07.23), (09.07.23), (07.07.23) (04.07.23), (05.01.23) and (06.01.23) and resident (09.11.23) Councillor Max Sullivan (06.01.23) and (11.07.23)
The Presenting Officer tabled the following revisions to the Drawings
Item No. 4: 23 Sutherland Place
Revised drawings / information from applicant
Revised drawings have been received since report publication to address some of
the final points made by objectors, and to correct some discrepancies or minor
refinements to the proposals as found by officers. These drawings are numbered as
below and replace their preceding versions as previously set out in the report.
01.11 Rev.B – Demo Rear Elevation
02.01 Rev.B – Proposed Basement Plan
02.02 Rev.B – Proposed Ground Floor Plan
02.06 Rev.B – Proposed Section A
02.08 Rev.B – Proposed Section D
02.09 Rev.B – Proposed Section E
02.11 Rev.B – Proposed Rear Elevation
These revisions can be summarised as below.
• Clarification of extent of lower-ground floor surface to be lowered (to correlate
with submitted demo plans)
• Minor corrections to how the rear sash and side closet wing windows are
shown in the drawings
• Existing stone sill to rear window reused and lowered for the new French
The applicant’s Conservation Engineer has also submitted a brief response to some
of the final points raised by objectors, as well as a Structural Statement
Simon Moxey addressed the committee in support of the application.
Martin Lugg addressed the committee in objection to the application.
1. That Conditional Permission be granted.
2. That Conditional Listed Building Consent be granted.
3. That reasons for granting conditional listed building consent as set out in Informative 1 of the draft decision notice be agreed.
Supporting documents: