Agenda item



Redevelopment of the site at 325 Harrow Road, comprising the retention, refurbishment, and conversion of the Grade II Listed Building and cell blocks to accommodate 25 residential units; demolition of the ancillary outbuildings to the rear of the main building, and the erection of two  buildings comprising ground, first, second and third floors to accommodate 38 residential units (63 residential units in total); creation of a basement car park accessed via Woodfield Road to the rear of the site to provide 32 spaces; and provision of 144 cycle parking spaces, refuse facilities, hard and soft landscaping and associated works.


Additional representations were received from Peter D Kyte (12.03.15), Davies Murch (12.03.15), Charlotte Ferguson (11.03.15), Paddington Arts (10.03.15) and a number of local residents:

Miss Fatima Islam (12.03.15)
Mr Charles Dumas (11.03.15)
Ms Sarah Lutyens (11.03.15)
Miss Francesca Goldsworthy & Mr Christos Tsimaris (10.03.15)
Mr Jens Irion (10.03.15)
Ms Allison Bennett (10.03.15)
Ms Anna Harding-Cox (10.03.15)
Mr Mark Lutyens (10.03.15)
Ms Honor Riely (06.03.15)
Ms Lakshmi Gunasinghe (13.03.15)


Late representations were received from WCC Programme Manager, Economy and Infrastructure (16.03.15), Enabling Projects (17.03.15), Davies Murch (17.03.15), Councillor Hug(16.3.2015) Curtin&Co (16.03.15 and 13.03.15) and a number of local residents:


Ms Honor Riley (17.03.15)

Ms Allison Bennett (16.03.15)
Mrs Shauntavia Dumas (16.03.15)
Mr Mark Lutyens (16.03.15)
Miss Emma Wennington (16.03.15)
Ms Lucy Yeomans (16.03.15x2 )
Mrs Anita Maksimovic (16.03.15)
Mr John Pitts (16.03.15)
Miss Jo Plismy (16.03.15)
Mr Frederic Michel (16.03.15)

Ms Samatha Wilkins(13.3.2015)

Anne Mallinson (13.3.2015)

Dr Marc Zanchetta( 12.3.2015)

Mrs Chandra Gunasinghe(14.3.2015)


The presenting officer stated in his presentation that the educational contributions as specified in the committee report were incorrect and the correct sums were £67,854 towards primary school provision and £70,987 towards secondary school provision.  The City Council’s Environmental Inspectorate have also requested a £29,000 per annum contribution toward their monitoring of the construction of the development.   The applicant is now willing to make financial contributions of £67,000 towards the Paddington Arts Centre Street life Project and £85,000 towards the Harrow Road High Street Fund in lieu of onsite social and community use.

Councillors David Boothroyd, Adam Hug and Guthrie McKie made representations to the committee objecting to the proposed development.



1.That Committee agreed that 1.  the overall regeneration benefits of the scheme outweigh the policy presumption to retain a social and community use on the site .2 the applicant make a financial contribution( £1million)  towards social , community or healthcare facilities in the NWEDA area in lieu of on site or off site provision . Committee  agreed that the parking mitigation payment of £63,000 should be used towards the Harrow Road High Street Fund .
2. Subject to 1 and 2 above to grant conditional planning permission, subject to a S106 legal agreement to secure:


a)    14 Affordable Units on-site comprising 6 Intermediate Affordable (5 x 1 bed and 1 x 2 bed) and 8 Affordable Rent (2 x 4 bed and 6 x 3 bed) units;

b)    Education contribution of £67,854 towards primary school provision and £70,987 towards secondary school provision (index linked and payable on commencement of development);

c)    A contribution of £1,000,000 toward social, community and healthcare provision in the NWEDA(North Westminster Economic Development Area) (index linked and payable on commencement of development);

d)    A contribution of £67,000 toward the Paddington Arts Centres ‘Street life’ Project (index linked and payable on commencement of development);

e)    A contribution of £148,000 toward the Harrow Road High Street Fund (index linked and payable on commencement of development);

f)     A contribution of £29,000 ( per annum) toward the Environment Inspectorate’s monitoring of the construction impact of the development (index linked and payable on commencement of development);

g)    A contribution of £20,000 toward public realm improvements in the area, including tree planting (index linked and payable on commencement of development);

h)    Highways works associated with the creation of a new access on Woodfield Road (southern arm) and the closure of the existing access on Woodfield Road (eastern arm), including relocation of on-street parking;

i)      Provision of car club membership (minimum 25 years) for all 63 flats;

j)      On-site parking spaces to be unallocated; and

k)    The costs of monitoring the S106 agreement.


3.  If the S106 legal agreement has not been completed by 5 April 2015 then:


a)    The Operational Director shall consider whether it would be possible and appropriate to issue the permission with additional conditions attached to secure the benefits listed above. If so, the Operational Director is authorised to determine and issue the decision under Delegated Powers; however, if not;

b)    The Operational Director shall consider whether the permission should be refused on the grounds that the proposals are unacceptable in the absence of the benefits which would have been secured; if so, the Operational Director is authorised to determine the application and agree appropriate reasons for refusal under Delegated Powers.


4.  Grant conditional listed building consent.


5.  Agree the reasons for granting listed building consent as set out in Informative 1 of the draft decision letter.


Supporting documents: