Agenda item


To consider a report on Tackling Childhood Obesity Together.


7.1       Eva Hrobonova gave a presentation on the Tackling Childhood Obesity Together programme and began by informing Members that nationally one in five of 4 to 5 year olds and one in three of 10 to 11 year olds were classified as obese. She advised that the earlier the issue was tackled, the more effective the outcome. Members were informed of the costs of obesity to services and the implications for individuals and to society in general. Eva Hrobonova advised that childhood obesity rates in London were higher than many other international cities that had been measured. There was no simple solution to the issue and it was important to change both the behaviour of children and their families and to change the environment and the programme sought to address both these factors. Eva Hrobonova advised that the programme was tri-borough, however each borough would feed back individually on how the programme was performing.


7.2       Eva Hrobonova stated that there were three strands to the programme, these being Healthy Weight Services, the Environment and a Pilot Project to communicate national health messages to residents to allow them to make healthier choices. The relevant services were now in place and there would be a particular focus in delivering in schools. Eva Hrobonova emphasised the importance of the programme to make progress, working will all the relevant partner organisations and services and ensuring residents were referred to the relevant service.


7.3       A Member, in acknowledging that it was a tri-borough programme, stressed the need to demonstrate a Westminster focus and although the report set out the funding that had been allocated, he felt there should be more details on specifically how this funding would be spent. He suggested that there should be a focus on place-based actions and it would also be worth focusing on community networks. Another Member suggested that the programme be aligned with other strategies such as the draft Walking Strategy. It was queried whether an analysis had been undertaken to see whether there was sufficient play space to support the programme. In acknowledging the extent of the programme, a Member remarked that there was a need to publicise the programme more. Another Member stated that the earlier the intervention, the more likely it would be effective.


7.4       In reply to some of the issues raised, Eva Hrobonova acknowledged that the programme should align with other strategies, such as the draft Walking Strategy, and she remarked that she would like to see the report appear on the JSNA website. She also confirmed that a JSNA on play space was in progress.


7.5       The Chairman advised that progress on the programme would be reported back to the Board in a year’s time and she welcomed any further suggestions from Members. She emphasised the importance of changing behaviours and the environment, which was a particularly important and challenging element of the programme. Whilst recognising that some initiatives would be easier than others to implement, she stated that it was important to take an ambitious approach. The Chairman suggested that a wish list of initiatives be put together and consideration be given as to how each initiative could be supported. She concurred that there was a need to publicise the programme more and have more services involved in the programme across the Council, as well as engaging with the wider community to be more effective in preventing childhood obesity. The Board endorsed the annual report.


7.6       RESOLVED:


1.    That the progress of the Tackling Childhood Obesity Together programme as outlined in the paper and the attached report in Appendix B be noted.


2.    That the whole-Council approach be noted; and


3.    That the annual report in Appendix B be agreed.

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