Agenda item

Update from Cabinet Members

An update from the Cabinet Members on key areas within their portfolios are attached.

The Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration, Business and Economic Development will be in attendance to answer questions from the Committee.



5.1     The Committee received written updates from the Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services and the Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration, Business & Economic Development on the key aspects of their portfolios. 


5.2     In the absence of the Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration, Business & Economic Development, Barbara Brownlee, Director of Housing & Regeneration, responded to questions on the following issues:


          Delivering Church Street Renewal

5.2.1   The Director of Housing & Regeneration was asked a number of questions relating to Church Street Renewal including the number of years that it would take to deliver the programme, the dependency of renewal on the delivery of affordable housing at West End Green, and the timing of this, and the progress of work at Lisson Arches.


The Committee was informed that the renewal of Church Street was one of the largest regeneration projects in London involving a dozen mixed use sites incorporating commercial and residential buildings, a rail station, tube station and new park.  While a fixed end date for its completion has not been set it would be at least 10 years before the main elements are finished.  Ms Brownlee stated that the main emphasis at present was progressing the master-planning and procurement exercise.  The outcome of these would be reported early in the New Year where there would be clear briefs for each of the specific sites.


With regards to the affordable housing accommodation at West End Green, the Director of Housing & Regeneration advised that the Council was pleased by the 127 affordable housing units obtained as part of the planning consent. The units are of a good size and tenure and equate to 22% of the entire scheme.  Demolition of the Church Street estate cannot begin until the decant has concluded.  She explained that the Council was still in discussions with the housing provider as to when this would occur.  While this would be partly  dependent on the delivery of the units at West End Green other aspects of the renewal such as the redevelopments at Cosway Street and Ashbridge Street are able to proceed as these sites are already empty.  In response to questions about the timing of delivery of the affordable housing at West End Green the director clarified that the planning consent makes clear that occupation of the market units cannot be occupied until the affording housing element has been delivered.


With respect to Lisson Arches, Ms Brownlee advised that the work on site to divert services and create a development platform is proving extremely complex. The record drawings for service locations and for the foundation of adjacent structures are not wholly accurate or complete. The project team are in constant dialogue with FM Conway and the utility companies seeking to expedite progress.  Weekly meetings are held between the project lead, herself and the contractor.  The expectation at present is that the programme deadline will be met.


          Ebury Bridge

5.2.2   The Director of Housing & Regeneration was asked why the housing block at Ebury Bridge had not been demolished when it has been empty for well over a year.  Ms Brownlee explained that the building was not empty but was being used for temporary accommodation purposes.  The Council had acquired the first of two Soho housing blocks while negotiations were well advanced on the second block.  When these have been acquired the tenants at Ebury Bridge will be decanted along with those in Edgson House after which the buildings will be demolished.  The aim was for the latter to occur in 6 to 8 months.  Residents had been informed about the plans at meetings and through adverts placed in writing on the estates.


Update on the Housing & Planning Act

5.2.3   In response to a question on when regulations to support the implementation of the act were expected to be published, the Director of Housing & Regeneration advised that the Council had received little information other than the regulations relating to the high-value void levy were likely to come forward in the second quarter of 2017.  Regulations on Pay to Stay were expected in the autumn but will now not likely come forward until next year.


Homelessness Legislation 

5.2.4   The Committee asked Ms Brownlee about the possible impact of the Bill for Westminster and for details of the Council’s position to the legislation including any lobbying activities undertaken.  Ms Brownlee explained that the bill places a greater emphasis on homelessness prevention and extends a duty to provide accommodation to the single homeless.  She advised that the Council was not in opposition to the bill and supported broadening the prevention offer to help the homeless single.  However, it did have concerns about two technical issues.  These related to the possible removal of a local link which could result in the Council having a duty to house for 56 nights anyone in a priority category.  This would have significant financial consequences to the authority both in terms of the cost of providing accommodation and of sourcing sufficient places as London attracts most single homeless people.  She stated that there were presently good pathways to support single, vulnerable people but that the bill as presently drafted would lead to others being provided with less adequate and less well supported housing.  She considered it to be a blunt response to a complex problem.  The Council was part of a pan London group lobbying on the bill. 



5.2.5   Jonathan Cowie, CEO, CityWest Homes (CWH) provided an update on the provision of broadband on CWH estates.  He stated that CWH was in the process of opening up the Council’s estates to the provision of 1GB fast broadband.  This was to be provided by three non-BT providers.  The rollout to the Churchill Estate, which would be the first of three estates to benefit from the scheme, was expected to be approved next week.



5.3     At the chairman’s request Steve Mair, City Treasurer, provided the committee with an overview of the budget setting cycle.

5.4     RESOLVED: That the updates from Cabinet Members be noted.


5.5     ACTION:


1.       Provide the committee with an update on proposals for Berwick Street Market.


2.       The Committee would like an update on which areas of Westminster would be the first to benefit from the rollout of the new Fibre to the Premises broadband.  Members also want to know whether there are any residual planning issues that may affect the rollout.


3.       With the joint Westminster/Camden BID by the Fitzrovia Partnership in mind, the Committee asked about the possibility of joint BIDs with other local authorities on the boundary with Westminster.


          (Actions for: Councillor Daniel Astaire, Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration, Business & Economic Development)


4.       The Committee would like a note on the rollout of 1GB faster broadband on CityWest Homes Estates including whether there will be affordable packages for those on low incomes.


(Action for: Jonathan Cowie, CEO, CityWest Homes)


Supporting documents: