Agenda item

American Embassy, 24-31 Grosvenor Square, London, W1A 1AE


Alterations to the existing building including retention & repair of the front and side facades, part demolition & replacement of the rear facade, rear extension of the 2nd-5th floors, removal of existing & introduction of a new 6th floor, introduction of a new set-back 7th floor, extension of the existing basement levels to include two additional basement levels (including one mezzanine level), installation of roof plant & plant screen, public realm works including hard & soft landscaping, removal of the security kiosks, fencing, bollards & gates/barriers to Blackburne's Mews & Culross Street, removal & replacement of 6 No. trees on the Grosvenor Square frontage & re-opening of the road on the western side of the Square, all in connection with the use of the building as a hotel (Class C1) comprising up to 137 hotel rooms, with flexible retail/restaurant use at part 1st floor, ground floor and basement 1 (Class A1/Class A3/Class C1), flexible retail at part ground and first floor levels (Class A1/Class C1), flexible restaurant/bar use at part 7th floor (Class A3/Class A4/Class C1), leisure/spa facilities within part basement (Class D2/Class C1) & ancillary ballroom, event spaces, back of house facilities & associated car, cycle parking & servicing facilities accessed from Blackburne's Mews; other associated internal works including replacement of all windows with double glazing, and external works including removal of the glacis & balustrade, reconfiguration of front & side entrances & steps & addition of canopies over each entrance & relocation of Eagle sculpture to centre of the front elevation of new 6th floor.


The presenting officer tabled the following amendments:


Condition 9


Notwithstanding what is shown on the approved plans, you must apply to us for approval of detailed drawings and supporting information showing the following alterations to the scheme: replacement of the low level kitchen extract system to get rid of all cooking smells, with a ventilation system that discharges all cooking fumes at roof level, including details of how it will be built and how it will look. You must not begin any construction works on the new building following completion of demolition works allowed by this permission until we have approved what you have sent us. You must then carry out the work according to the approved details and thereafter permanently maintain the high level extraction.


[No change to reason for condition]

Condition 17


In the event that the units at basement, ground and first floor levels shown on the approved plan for 'Retail (Flexible Class A1/C1)' and 'Retail/Restaurant (Flexible Class A1/A3/C1), and the area at seventh floor level designated as 'Restaurant/Bar (Flexible Class A3/A4/C1), and the spa/similar type of leisure facility at basement level 2 (Flexible Class D2/C1) are operated by the hotel as ancillary uses within Class C1, they must remain open to members of the general public (whether or not they are guests at the hotel or visitors of hotel guests) and shall not be used for any other hotel activity other than retail, restaurant or bar and spa/similar type of leisure facility as indicated. These units must be fitted out and made ready for occupation before commencement of the hotel use in the remainder of the development.


[No change to reason for condition]



New Condition and Reason 51 [Travel Plan]


You must comply with the approved Framework Travel Plan as set out in the approved Transport Operations Plan (ref. 22863201, June 2016).  You must not start any of the uses until we have approved details of how the Travel Plan will be regularly monitored and amended, if necessary, if targets identified in the Travel Plan are not being met over a period of five years from the date the new building is occupied.


Reason: As requested by the Greater London Authority, and to avoid blocking the surrounding streets and to protect the environment of people in neighbouring properties as set out in  S42 of Westminster's City Plan (July 2016) and STRA 25, TRANS 20 and TRANS 21 of our Unitary Development Plan that we adopted in January 2007.


Amended recommendation (part 1. f) only)


f) a contribution of £207,000 £166,266 towards the Council's carbon offset fund.


An additional representation was received from Gerald Eve (11.11.16).


A late representation was received from Highways Planning Manager (1.11.16).




1.            Subject to the Mayor of London's Direction, conditional permission be granted subject to:


A.        The inclusion of a legal agreement that secures the following:


a)      the removal of the security fences, security huts, gates, raised planters and bollards surrounding the site and situated within Grosvenor Square, Blackburne’s Mews and Culross Street and the reopening of the roads. This to be implemented as soon as possible and prior to the commencement of any works on the building;


b)      all associated costs for the re-introduction of vehicular traffic on the west side of Grosvenor Square which is to be paid for by the developer and implemented prior to the occupation of any part of the development;


c)      all associated costs for highway works immediately surrounding the site required for the development to occur, including alterations of vehicle crossovers in Blackburne’s Mews, and associated works. This to be paid for by the developer and implemented prior to the occupation of any part of the development;  


d)      the relocation within Grosvenor Square of the statues of President Reagan and President Eisenhower and associated works, subject to securing separate planning permission;


e)      management and maintenance of the car lifts;


f)       a contribution of £166,266 towards the Council’s carbon offset fund.


B.        Amendments to conditions 9 and 17 as tabled and set out above.


C.       A new condition 51 relating to a Framework Travel Plan as tabled and set out above subject to this being restricted to staff only.


D.       Deleting condition 34 which is redundant and is now covered by the legal agreement.


E.        Amending condition 29 to require mature trees to replace those which are shown to be removed or transplanted.


F.        Amending condition 25 which requires approval of a revised strategy for managing VIPs arriving at and departing from the building so that proposals avoid the use of the rear of the building.          


2.         That conditional listed building consent be granted.


3.         That the reasons for granting listed building consent as set out in Informative       1 of the draft be agreed.

Supporting documents: