Agenda item

283 - 329 Edgware Road And 5 Newcastle Place, London, W2 1DH


Variation of Condition 1 of the planning permission granted 28 April 2016 (ref: 15/11677/FULL) for a redevelopment to provide buildings of between ground + 6 and ground + 29 storeys including commercial space (Class A1, A2, A3, A4 and B1), up to 652 residential units (including 126 affordable housing units), landscaping and associated car and cycle parking. NAMELY, incorporation of 283 Edgware Road into site, extension of Block B to provide 20 additional residential units (672 in total), with associated swap in housing tenure with Blocks E and F, associated amendments to permitted public realm and landscaping strategy.


An additional representation was received from Turley Associates (8.11.16).


Late representations were received from Residential Facilities Management Ltd (15.11.16) and Head of Affordable and Private Sector Housing (15.11.16).




1.         Grant conditional permission, subject to a deed of variation to the section 106       agreement for application ref: 15/11677/FULL to secure:


            a)         Provision of 130 affordable units on-site comprising 51 intermediate           units and 79 social rented units. The affordable units to be provided at       the affordability levels set out in the Head of Affordable and Private                  Sector Housing memorandum dated 14 March 2016;


            b)         Provision of a financial contribution of £631,000 (index linked) toward        the provision of school places directed related to the occupancy of this           development;


            c)          Provision of a financial contribution of £863,630 (index linked) for the St Mary’s Church and Churchyard Project, The Cockpit Theatre, Greenhouse Sport and Adpar Street Play Project;


            d)         Provision of a financial contribution of £100,000 (index linked) toward                   improvements to Paddington Green;


            e)         Provision of a financial contribution of £18,000 (index linked) toward bus stop improvements around the application site;


            f)          Provision of a financial contribution of £200,000 (index linked) towards an additional cycle hire docking station or enlargement of an existing docking station within the vicinity of the site;


            g)         Payment of the cost of highway works associated with the development     on Newcastle Place, Paddington Green and Church Street and                     Edgware Road;


            h)        Provision of a financial contribution of £200,000 (index linked) toward possible road widening to be undertaken by TFL on Edgware Road;


            i)          Provision of lifetime car club membership (25 years) for each                        residential unit in the development;


            j)          Provision of on-site parking on an unallocated basis (i.e. not sold or let with a particular flat);


            k)         Compliance with the Council's Code of Construction Practice and a                                   contribution of £20,000 per annum during the period of construction                      towards the Environmental Inspectorate and Environmental Sciences                 to allow for monitoring during construction;


            l)          Provision of a financial contribution of £1,100,000 (index linked) toward                public art associated with the development site and its maintenance;


            m)        Developer undertaking to use best endeavours to negotiate a connection and supply agreement with the Church Street District Heating Scheme (CSDHS). In the event that the, CSDHS does not go ahead, installation of CHP plant on-site;


            n)        Offering local employment opportunities during construction; and


            o)         Payment of cost of monitoring the agreement (£15,000).


2.         If the S106 legal agreement has not been completed by 15 May 2017 then:


            a)         The Director of Planning shall consider whether it would be possible and appropriate to issue the permission with additional conditions attached to secure the benefits listed above. If so, the Director of Planning is authorised to determine and issue the decision under Delegated Powers; however, if not;


            b)         The Director of Planning shall consider whether the permission should be refused on the grounds that the proposals are unacceptable in the absence of the benefits which would have been secured; if so, the Director of Planning is authorised to determine the application and agree appropriate reasons for refusal under Delegated Powers

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