Agenda item

Update from Cabinet Members

An update from the Cabinet Members on key areas within their portfolios are attached.

The Cabinet Member will be in attendance to answer questions from the Committee.



5.1       The Committee received written updates from the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property & Corporate Services on the key issues within their portfolios. 


5.2       In the absence of the Cabinet Member for Housing CityWest Homes (CWH) officers responded to questions on the following issue:


5.2.1    The performance of the new CWH Multi Channel Service Centre (MCSC) - Mr Cowie was referred to the fact that a resident in William Blake House had phoned the CWH service centre to enquire about a maintenance issue but was unable to get through. Mr Cowie was asked about the alternative options in such circumstances. Mr Cowie advised that the MCSC was launched at the same time as the Grenfell Tower fire. CWH had anticipated receiving c. 4500 thousand calls per week. However, there were unprecedented call volumes following the Grenfell Tower fire and at its peak, call volumes reached c 7500 calls per week. Additional resources were put in place to deal with the increased call volumes. Mr Cowie advised that it would take between 3 to 6 months for the new MCSC to “bed in”. However, initial performance monitoring has revealed that there is a higher resolution of queries at the first point of contact than previously, although the aim is to improve upon this. Mr Cowie explained that residents who have an emergency can call the emergency phone number.  These calls are prioritised by the contact centre. Residents can also email the MCSC if phone lines are busy. CWH would in the next two weeks, be installing a call-back function so that if there is a wait to speak to a customer services operator residents can hang up but their place in the queue would be saved.


5.3       In the absence of the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property & Corporate Services, the Committee submitted questions to the City Treasurer on the following:


5.3.1    Business Rate Reform – the City Treasurer was asked when any significant changes were likely to take place. He advised that a London wide pilot could potentially begin in April 2018 for a two year period. This was due to be debated at a meeting of London Councils. Westminster does not currently benefit from the current Business Rate Retention System. Of the £1.8 billion collected the Council should retain £83 million according to its Baseline Funding Assessment, but in fact retains just £77 million, due to Business Rate Retention appeals forcing the authority to access the Safety Net. As a result, the Council has been at the Safety Net level every year, to date, that the localised NNDR system has operated, which has resulted in the Council losing £6m per annum. Therefore, any reform may benefit the Council.


5.3.2    Objections received in relation to the Council’s 2016/17 Accounts - Mr Mair explained that the two objections made during the public inspection period related to lender’s option borrower’s option (LOBO) transactions taken out many years previously. He explained that these are technical means of financing capital expenditure. He advised that similar objections had been submitted to a number of local authorities in the previous year which had been dismissed by external auditors.




5.4       ACTIONS:




1.    Provide the committee with an update on the current position regarding the regeneration of Ebury Bridge. (Action for: Barbara Brownlee, Interim Executive Director for Growth, Planning & Housing)


2.    Provide Councillor Church with confirmation of when a new fire safe door will be replaced in a tenant’s residence at Kemp House. (Action for: Sarah Stevenson Jones, CWH Head of Health, Safety and Wellbeing)


3.    Provide Councillor Roca with an update on the consultation programme for the Church Street Masterplan. (Action for: Barbara Brownlee, Interim Executive Director for Growth, Planning & Housing)




4.    How many applications have been received for funds from the small business rate relief scheme and for the £1000 allowance for public houses with a rateable value below £100,000? (Action for: Martin Hinckley, Head of Revenue and Benefits)


Corporate Services

5.    What is the difference in staffing levels at the Council compared to the previous year? (Action for: Lee Witham, Director of People Services)


6.    Provide Councillor Williams with further details regarding the property management contract to GVA. (Action for: Guy Slocombe, Director of Property, Investments and Estates)






Supporting documents: