Agenda item

Shared Legal Services Alternative Business Structure Proposal (See Report of the Director of Corporate Services)

Report of the Director of Law, attached.


5.1     John Quinn, Director of Corporate Services, introduced the report.  He explained the reasons for the proposals and how these delivered the best fit for staff, brought more work in-house and delivered the necessary budget savings.  He added that some issues like access to pension fund remained to be finally resolved but these would be before the decision was finally implemented. 


5.2     Chris Smith (UNISON Branch Secretary) addressed the meeting.  He reported that progress had been made on the issue of outstanding loans which were now not required to be repaid at the commencement of the proposed ABS.  He explained that some staff who had been with the City Council for 30 years wished to remain part of the Council family and were concerned at the imposition of being transferred to the private sector.


5.3     The Leader responded by thanking Chris for his continued personal contribution and advice and confirmed that despite this technical change she regarded the legal team as very much part of the Westminster family and would continue to do so.


5.3     Councillor Mitchell spoke about the value of the Legal team which was highly regarded and valued.  He also stressed that they would continue to be regarded as part of the Council.  He was aware that some issues remained to be resolved and that work continued on these.


5.4     Councillor Astaire referred to a similar arrangement which had been established by Warwickshire County Council.  He welcomed the proposal to bring work to the in-house team which was highly regarded and, in some cases, world class.  He sought assurances that continued professional development would form part of the ABS and that knowledge sharing would form part of the requirement of the service.


5.5     Tasnim Shawkat, Director of Law, confirmed that training and development work form a key part of the new arrangements to build on existing skills and attract new ones.  It was, she added, noteworthy some work from CityWest Homes had already been brought in-house from external solicitors.




1.          That the report and the business case for the Shared Legal Services to join LGSS Law Ltd as the London branch be noted;


2.     That Westminster City Council joins LGSS Law Ltd as a shareholder and transfer staff to LGSS Law Ltd under TUPE regulations;


3.     That the Bi-borough Director of Corporate Services and the City Treasurer, be delegated authority following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Corporate Services, to approve and enter into the agreements and take such other steps necessary to implement the decision recommended at paragraph 2.2 of the report and set out in 2 above;


4.     That the Chief Executive be given delegated authority to vary the S113 agreement in respect of Legal Services as necessary to reflect changes following the merger with LGSS Law Ltd and to serve notice to terminate the S113 agreement, if necessary.


          Reasons for Decision


          A decision was required as the proposal has significant financial implications in that it results in significant savings for the councils.

Supporting documents: