Agenda item

Church Street Masterplan

Report of  Executive Director of Growth, Planning and Housing


4.1       Councillor Rachael Robathan, Cabinet Member for Housing, introduced the item and stated that there had been a re-consideration of how to deliver more housing, particularly affordable housing, improve the market including providing more market space, and to increase green space by 40% for Church Street. The Church Street Masterplan did not seek to provide detailed plans, but to set a framework for other plans that would require further, subsequent approvals. The Masterplan covered a 20 year period which set out an ambitious framework for Church Street. Councillor Robathan stated that the consultation on the Masterplan had been extended to 2 months following a request from Ward Councillors and there had been significant engagement with local residents and businesses, with a number of consultation events held.  Furthermore, the Housing, Finance and Corporate Services Policy and Scrutiny Committee had recognised that the consultation had gone well.


4.2       Councillor Robathan thanked the Church Street Futures Steering Group for its input during the consultation and commented on the Steering Group’s broad representation which included residents, businesses, neighbourhood forums and Ward Councillors. The Steering Group played an important role as a partner to the Council in providing advice and challenging and testing ideas.


4.3       Councillor Aicha Less then addressed the Cabinet as a Ward Councillor. Councillor Less stated that Ward Councillors were generally supportive of the Church Street Masterplan which the area needed and which also had the support of local residents. Councillor Less stated that she knew the area well as she lives locally and that Church Street had a unique and vibrant community. She stated that the Residents Committee had worked tirelessly to ensure that the Masterplan had the right balance and had made a significant contribution to the consultation. However, Councillor Less felt that there had not been much reference to the Residents Committee in the report and some of their comments had not been taken on board and this needed to be addressed. Residents had particular concerns about proposals for a 16 storey building on the south side of Church Street and she suggested that this proposal be put on hold whilst a policy for tall buildings was established.  Councillor Less stated that she awaited a response from CityWest Homes in respect of their assessment of the conditions of the existing blocks and that a thorough survey should be undertaken. She also was not aware of any proposals for an alternative sheltered housing after Lambourne House was to be demolished.


4.4       Councillor Barbara Grahame, a Ward Councillor, then addressed the Cabinet on behalf of residents, including Alan Stirling who had lived in the area for a number of years. Councillor Grahame began by stating that the original Masterplan’s proposals would have provided insufficient housing, especially as Church Street was very densely populated and absorbing new homes would be difficult. The local community had been offered the opportunity to shape the Masterplan during the consultation and Councillor Grahame asked whether the views expressed in the consultation had made any changes to the Masterplan. Councillor Grahame stated that business and local residents wanted a guarantee that they would help shape the future of the area. Residents wanted the area regenerated, however it was not clear whether the Council appreciated the specific needs of the community and a detailed understanding of this was required. Councillor Grahame welcomed putting together a Masterplan, however she felt its vision was not as good as it could be. She also felt that the comments made in the consultation had not appeared to have made an impact on the Masterplan. In respect of the 16 storey tower proposed on the south side of Church Street, Councillor Grahame felt this would overshadow the market. Councillor Grahame stated that Alan Stirling was complimentary of the designs and thoughtfulness overall of the Masterplan, however there was a need to address the specific and complex needs of the local community and that the comments made in the consultation should be incorporated into the Masterplan.


4.5       Barbara Brownlee, Executive Director for Growth, Planning and Housing then addressed the Cabinet and in response to comments from Ward Councillors. She welcomed the helpful comments that had been submitted during the consultation. The Neighbourhood Forum played an important role in helping to develop the Masterplan and it was working jointly with Church Street Futures Steering Group. In respect of height of buildings, this would be subject to debate and consideration would be given to matters such as capacity and what constituted good growth. Barbara Brownlee emphasised that each site would be subject to detailed consultation and spatial needs and costs would be considered. Future plans would incorporate comments made during the consultations and residents would play a key role in this. In respect of Lambourne House, plans would be progressed very carefully and individual needs assessments would be carried out on a case by case basis.


4.6       Barbara Brownlee stated that Church Street was a unique community and no-one would be required to move away from the area. In respect of density, there was currently a lack of green space and there was a need to increase this, especially as the number of residents would increase and this was addressed in the Masterplan. Barbara Brownlee advised that the amendments made to the Masterplan following comments made in the consultation were set out and cross referenced on page 151 of the report. She stated that she would seek a response from CityWest Homes regarding undertaking condition assessments for each block. A decision on the 16 storey building on the south side of Church Street would be subject to the tall buildings consultation. Barbara Brownlee concluded by stating that the Masterplan was just the beginning of the process of regenerating Church Street and steps would continue to made to develop the Futures Plan and the Church Street Futures Steering Group would play a key role in this.


4.7       Councillor Robert Davis MBE, DL, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Business, Culture and Heritage, welcomed the initiatives outlined in the Masterplan, particularly in respect of the market and he looked forward to helping develop and support the proposals. Councillor Heather Acton, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services and Public Health also expressed her support for the Masterplan, including the intention to increase green spaces and to provide more connectivity for the community. She also felt there was even more potential for the Masterplan to support health and wellbeing and she welcomed being given the opportunity to look at individual projects in more detail to promote this.


4.8       Councillor Daniel Astaire, Cabinet Member for Planning and Public Realm, acknowledged that the area had complex needs and the consultation had played an important role in identifying these. He welcomed residents’ support for regeneration, however he emphasised the need to demonstrate to residents that the proposals in the Masterplan would be delivered. Councillor Robathan also welcomed residents’ support for regeneration and consideration needed to be given as to how to build on local support. She added that consultation with residents would be ongoing and individual approval would be required for each site being developed.


4.9       The Leader stated that the Masterplan provided the overall framework for future plans for Church Street and she welcomed the opportunity to continue to work with residents to help shape and build the community they deserve.


4.10    RESOLVED:

1.            That Appendix 3 be exempt from publication under Section 100 (A) (4) and Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) as it contains information which should be exempt from publication in that it contains information relating to the business and financial affairs of the authority.

2.            That the Church Street Masterplan Consultation Report be noted and on the basis of the proposed amendments to that document as a result of the consultation approved the Church Street masterplan as the Council’s delivery framework for the regeneration programme in Church Street.


3.            That it be noted that further consultation will need to be undertaken on each area where a Compulsory Purchase Order may in the future be required on the full range of options to include the “do nothing” or maintenance only and refurbishment options as well as development options.

4.            That authority be delegated to the City Treasurer to enter into a funding agreement with the Greater London Authority to formalize the terms of the second phase of the Edgware Road Housing Zone funding.


5.            That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Growth, Planning and Housing to approve acquisitions by the Council to acquire all leasehold interests in the blocks proposed for demolition (if a development option is approved in the future) situated within sites A, B and C, that are in addition to those identified in the Futures Plan where approval exists to offer the compensation policies within the Council’s Policy on Leaseholders in Housing Renewal Area, designated as Church Street site 2, Blackwater House and Eden House, by agreement at market price.

6.         That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Growth, Planning and Housing to approve spending on feasibility activity in line with the Housing Revenue Account business plan.

4.11    Reasons for Decision

The decisions requested in this report will enable the Church Street Regeneration Programme to move into the next stage of detailed due diligence on the Phase 2 schemes proposals. It will also ensure that the funding from the Greater London Authority is secured to enable further consultation on areas where we need to use compulsory purchase powers and if the development option is chosen, enable programmes to move into delivery. The Church Street masterplan provides a background to the Council’s aspirations for the area. It is a formal non-statutory statement of policy which can be taken into account in the preparation of any planning applications which may come forward in the Church Street ward.

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