Issue - decisions

Westminster Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - Ward Councillor Proposals

31/08/2018 - Westminster Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - Ward Councillor Proposals

The Cabinet Member for Place Shaping and Planning:

1.            Approved the expenditure of £0.288m from Westminster’s City Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Strategic Portion as set out in Section 5.4 of the report and includes the allocation of funding for the following projects set out in Appendix A of the report.

2.            Noted those projects put forward by Westminster Councillors that can now be brought forward using alternative funding sources as set out in Section 5.5 of this report and Appendix B.

3.            Noted progress and the recommended next steps on the remaining ‘pending projects’ previously put forward by Westminster Councillors set out in Section 5.6 of this report and Appendix C.

Reasons for Decision

To ensure the timely delivery of project proposals previously submitted to the Cabinet CIL Committee by Westminster Ward Councillors, in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet CIL Committee on 25th July 2018.