Issue - decisions

Procurement Services Restructure

11/03/2020 - Procurement Services Restructure

1.               That this report be exempt from disclosure by virtue of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A Part 1, paragraph 3 (as amended), in that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


2.        That Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Regeneration agreed to the implementation of the proposed Procurement Services structure as detailed in the report, to take effect from 6th April 2020.


3.        That Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Regeneration authorised the relevant officers (in this case, the Executive Director for Finance and Resources and his nominated delegates) to undertake such recruitment activities as are necessary to populate the new structure, in line with the Council’s normal policies and procedures.


4.        That the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Regeneration notes that in line with Council policy, employees on the Council's Talent Pool who are in a redundancy situation will be given priority consideration for the new post(s) created prior to the post(s) being advertised and noted that this may include providing training to the redeployee, where appropriate, subject to costs and individual potential benefit.


Reasons for Decision 

The reason for this decision is to implement the organisational changes required to enable the council’s new Procurement Service to come into operational effect from 6th April 2020.