Issue - decisions

Lighting Master Plan 2020 - 2040

06/07/2020 - Lighting Master Plan 2020 - 2040

1.              Recommendations

1.1          The Cabinet Member for Environment and Highways approved the adoption of the Westminster Lighting Master Plan 2020-2040.


1.2           The Cabinet Member for Environment and Highways approved the following associated Westminster lighting guides;

i)                Lighting Design Guide

ii)              Third Party Attachments / Smart Lighting Column Guide

iii)             Temporary Public Lighting Works Guide

iv)            Earthing and Electrical Arrangements for Street Furniture


2.              Reasons for Decision 

2.1          The Lighting Master Plan 2020-2040 allows the council to have a strategic approach to managing the application and use of artificial light across the city.  Co-ordinating the use and appearance of lit assets throughout the city gives an added identity to specific areas and allows quality of a consistent approach from all parties wishing to influence the night-time economy.


2.2          To ensures quality through design by competent professionals so that the lighting serves its purpose, mindful of associated energy costs and likely impact on the environment, and consider the sustainability of the lighting performance for the tasks that are being lit.


2.3          The Lighting Design Guide supports the Lighting Master Plan and defines a standard of lighting “The Westminster Standard” appropriate to the needs of the council and its highway and public realm users to assist schemes meet a common criteria.


2.4          The Third-Party Attachments / Smart Lighting Column guide allows the council to consider the strategy / approach to take when thinking about lighting columns as structures.  Columns have been designed to support a luminaire, bracket, sign and perhaps some other specific attachments. Therefore, it is important that they are considered as a structure and their structural capacity assessed when making any attachment consideration. It is vital for public safety that a strategy and approach is in place to avoid the columns being overburdened by attachments.


2.5          The Temporary Public Lighting Works Guide advises on the procedures and requirements when public lighting is requested to be removed, such that appropriate solutions can be agreed to meet the needs of developments scaffolding or hoarding, whilst not adversely affecting the highway.


2.6          The Earthing & Electrical Arrangements for Street Furniture identifies accepted historic Westminster common practice and explores reasons behind those practices and if they should be formally adopted.  This allows the benefits of those common practices used during the current framework to become standard practice.