Issue - decisions

Disposal of 24 homes in Hounslow to a new buyer

22/05/2020 - Disposal of 24 homes in Hounslow to a new buyer

1.        That this report be exempt from disclosure by virtue of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A, Part 1, paragraph 3, in that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


2.              That the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Regeneration approved the disposal of 24 units in Hounslow to the specified organisation at the agreed disposal price as detailed in the report.


3.              That the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Regeneration delegated authority to the Director of Housing, in conjunction with the Director of Law, to agree the contract terms and to conclude the contract.


Reasons for Decision

Approval of the recommendations will enable the City Council to dispose of the 24 Housing Revenue Account owned units. The income received will be reinvested in replacement homes to be used for Social Housing.