Issue - decisions

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Strategy

21/06/2021 - Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Strategy

Summary of Decision


That the bi-borough Modern Slavery and Exploitation Strategy attached at Appendix A of the report be approved.


That the Director of Public Protection and Licensing be given delegated authority to approve minor modifications and updates to the Strategy.


That the Strategy be implemented from the 21 June 2021.


Reason for Decision


Modern slavery is happening in our borough and it is vital that everyone knows the signs and how to respond. This strategy sets out our commitment to involving as many agencies and individuals as possible in our coordinated community response to ending modern slavery. Whilst it provides a strategic overview, it also includes practical guidance for individuals, communities, professionals and wider society on how they can contribute to reaching each of our shared objectives on an operational level. By engaging a wider audience in this conversation, we can move towards achieving our vision of ending modern slavery.


The Council is considered one of the leading London boroughs in responding to modern slavery. The theory of change on which this strategy is built was developed by our strong multi-agency partnership. There are many projects focused on improving our response to modern slavery in the borough, from procurement practices to welfare visits, and the strategy is required to coalesce the work being undertaken in this area into one strategic document that sets out our shared position and is accessible to all.



Stuart Love, Chief Executive,

Westminster City Hall,

64 Victoria Street



Publication Date:

21 June 2021

Implementation Date:

21 June 2021