Issue - decisions

Rehousing Policy for Residents of Huguenot House

06/01/2022 - Rehousing Policy for Residents of Huguenot House

1.        Recommendations


1.1      Recommendations for the Cabinet Member for Finance and Smart City:


1.1.1 The Rehousing Policy for Residents of Huguenot House in Appendix B is agreed.


1.1.2 The Director responsible for the Huguenot House redevelopment, or any other person duly delegated by them, has the delegated authority, in conjunction with the responsible Cabinet Member to decide when the Policy, or part of the Policy, is implemented.


1.1.3 In order to implement the Policy, the Director responsible for the Huguenot House redevelopment, or any other person duly delegated by them, has the delegated authority to enter into an individual equity loan agreement, shared equity or shared ownership leases or arrangements with leaseholders, where it has been agreed they can buy one of the new build properties at Huguenot House in any of these ways.  


1.1.4 In order to implement the Policy, the Director responsible for Huguenot House, or any other person duly delegated by them, has the delegated authority to enter into an individual equity loan agreement or shared equity leases or arrangements at a property elsewhere, where it has been agreed they can buy a property in this way.


1.1.5 In order to implement the policy, the Director responsible for Huguenot House redevelopment, or any other person duly delegated by them, has the delegated authority to enter into negotiations with leaseholders to acquire properties by agreement.


1.1.6 In order to implement the Policy, the Director responsible for Huguenot House, or any other person duly delegated by them, has the delegated authority to take all necessary decisions pursuant to the Policy and to deal with all necessary legal agreements or arrangements to effect the recommendations as set out in this report or as required by the Policy.


1.2      Recommendations for the Cabinet Member for Housing:


1.2.1 That the necessary adjustments are made to the council’s Housing Allocation Scheme 2020 and the selection criteria for Homeownership Westminster, the council’s intermediate housing service, and any other relevant policies in order to implement the Policy for secure tenants of Huguenot House.  


1.3      Recommendations for the Cabinet Member for Communities and Regeneration:

2.3.1 That the necessary adjustments are made to the council’s Home Improvement Grants and Assistance and Leaseholder Relocation Assistance Policy made under Regulatory Reform Order 2002 Updated 2020 and any other relevant policies, in order to implement the proposed Policy for resident leaseholders of Huguenot House.   


2.        Reasons for Decision 


2.1      In March 2021 the Cabinet Member for Finance and Smart City made the decision that Huguenot House should be redeveloped[1] following extensive consultation. The redevelopment is estimated to take three years and will involve it being demolished and rebuilt so vacant possession of the block is needed.


2.2      A Rehousing Policy for residents is needed in order to set out the support and assistance that will be provided to the three secure tenants and ten resident leaseholders to help them move. The Policy includes options for them to return to the newly developed Huguenot House, which will include private and some affordable housing. 


2.3      In order to implement the Policy some minor changes are also needed to the Allocations Scheme 2020 and the Home Improvement Grants and Assistance and Leaseholder Relocation Assistance Policy made under Regulatory Reform Order 2002 Updated 2020.