Issue - decisions

Purchase of Properties by the Council for Use as Accommodation for Former Rough Sleepers

22/02/2022 - Purchase of Properties by the Council for Use as Accommodation for Former Rough Sleepers

1.        Recommendations


1.1      That this report be exempt from disclosure by virtue of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A, Part 1, paragraph 3, in that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


1.2     That the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Cabinet Member for Finance and Smart City



1.3      Approves the Council entering a grant and revenue funding agreement with the GLA in order to secure capital grant funding of £1.310m towards the delivery of 10 self- contained interim homes for former Westminster rough sleepers and revenue funding of £112k to provide floating support towards clients accommodated in these homes.


1.4     The availability of capital funding for this programme including the council’s own funding of £874k as set out within the Council’s capital programme is noted



2.        Reasons for Decision 


2.1      Funding from the GLA supports WCC strategic approach to the               

           resettlement offer for rough sleepers and a route away from the

           streets. For many rough sleepers resettlement has typically been

           achieved in stages, with clients moving from hostels to supported

           housing before being given the opportunity to live independently.  

           This provision of accommodation allows WCC to start the process of

           reconfiguring the expansion of accommodation available and ensure

           that an appropriate and timely range of move on options is available.


2.2      This programme will ensure former rough sleepers are provided with settled accommodation that is owned by WCC with the necessary wrap around support needed to develop the life skills of clients in readiness for move on into private sector accommodation.


2.3      Capital funding provided will increase the number of homes that can be purchased for former rough sleepers that will provide interim move accommodation for rough sleepers preventing their return to the streets and at rents that are affordable to this client group.


2.4      The revenue support provided will ensure wrap around support can be provided to clients while accommodated in these homes and to prepare them for an onward move into the private sector.