Issue - decisions

Nomination and Appointment of Local Authority School Governors

23/06/2022 - Nomination and Appointment of Local Authority School Governors

2.        Recommendations

2.1      That the arrangements for the appointment of school Governors including       Academies, as set out in Appendix A, be approved.


2.2       That the Senior School Governance Adviser will make a recommendation to the Cabinet Member for Young People and Learning relating to the appointment of LA governors in nominated Schools, and Academy governors.  The Cabinet Member will then make the final and formal decision relating to the nomination or appointment, as appropriate.


2.3      That the delegation to the Local Authority Governor Nomination Panel in

respect of making recommendations to the Cabinet Member in respect of the appointment of LA Governors be formally withdrawn.


3.        Reasons for Decision


3.1      The recommendations in this report arise from a review of the arrangements for the nomination and appointment of governors to LA maintained schools and Academies.


3.2      It is becoming more difficult to recruit governors and there is a need to

           streamline the process to ensure potential governors are appointed to   

           Westminster schools as quickly as possible once a vacancy arises.


3.3      As the panel currently only meets twice a year as very few vacancies arise each year, this means there is a delay in replacing governors who resign or whose term of office expires.


3.4      The number of vacancies considered by the panel has been reducing and removing delegation from Local Authority Governor Nomination Panel, which consists of three Cllrs, and making approval by the Cabinet Member for Young People, Learning and Leisure, will ensure the process is more efficient and also allow for a more productive use of Cllrs time.   


3.5      The Members of the Local Authority Governor Nomination Panel support the proposal.