Issue - decisions

Investment in Community Grants Programmes

01/02/2023 - Investment in Community Grants Programmes

Summary of Decision


The Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Protection and the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and the Voluntary Sector have:

1.              Approved the extension of the Communities Priorities Programme to all areas of deprivation in Westminster by a further £300,000 so that the total fund is £600,000;

2.              Approved an Emergency Fund of £100,000 for community organisations in temporary financial crisis;

3.              Approved a Community Events Fund of £50,000;


Reasons for Decision 

The Cost of Living crisis has added additional challenges for residents facing hardship, and for community organisations, in particular small local organisations. This has created an additional urgency to be able to disperse funds rapidly if needed.

The Community Priorities programme begins with undertaking a needs assessment through interviews with residents. This work needs to start immediately for the grant fund to be opened in January 2023.

The entire community grants programme will contribute to enhanced outcomes for communities and will be evaluated.