Issue - decisions

Neighbourhood CIL Decisions: Autumn 2022 Application Round

14/11/2022 - Neighbourhood CIL Decisions: Autumn 2022 Application Round

1.0.         Recommendation


1.1.    The Cabinet Member is asked to approve the Neighbourhood CIL bid for Central Island Improvements at Elgin Avenue, details of which are set out in this report.


2.0.         Reasons for Decision 


2.1.         To ensure robust and effective expenditure and reporting in line with the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) and in accordance with the council’s strategic priorities, CIL Spending Policy Statement and its framework for resource allocation and management.


2.2.         To mitigate the impact of development, including the construction on the adjoining Hamilton Terrace, and to support growth, including the newly opened cafes and shops in Lauderdale Road.


2.3.         To secure public realm and other benefits, including: increased pedestrian permeability of the area through both new and upgraded crossing points; additional car parking bays for residents; and additional pay to park bays for visitors to the cafes and shops