Issue - decisions

Budget setting and financial planning 2023/24 to 2026/27

14/02/2023 - Business and Financial Planning 2023/24 to 2026/27

Councillor Hug thanked officers and Councillor Boothroyd for their hard work in bringing forward the budget recommendations. 


Councillor Hug welcomed Councillor Paul Fisher, Chair of the Budget Scrutiny Task Group (BSTG) to the meeting, thanking him and all members who sat on BSTG for their work in scrutinising the budget proposals. Councillor Hug asked Councillor Fisher to speak to the work of the BSTG. 


Councillor Fisherexplained to Cabinet that the priority of theBSTG was primarily to identify risk areas that may require close monitoring. Cabinet heard that the main areas of risk identified were historical in nature. Councillor Fisher told Cabinet that going forward he would like the BSTG to be bolder, more transparent and would like the group to be used more widely in public meetings and in budget setting discussions with the Cabinet. 


Councillor Fisher also noted that the report presented to Cabinet had been revised to correct an error in an earlier version. The updated version can be found here. 


Councillor Hug noted this report is recommended to be approved at Full Council on8thMarch and invited Councillor Boothroyd to introduce the report. 


Councillor Boothroyd noted this is the first budget of the new administration and speaks to the ambitions set out in the Fairer Westminster vision.  


Cabinet heard that the Westminster element of Council Tax will be frozen until 2024 but that the Adult Social Care precept will increase by 2% 


Councillor Hug invited Gerald Almeroth, Executive Director of Finance and Resources to comment on the report. 


Cabinet heard that this paper proposes a balanced budget in 2023-24, and notes inflation is a significant issue along with the uncertainty of central government funding. Cabinet heard thatmanagement of our reserves is significant in trying to mitigate these challenges.