Summary of Decision
The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Renters:
1. has given authorisation to the Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy, and Planning (REP) to enter into a contract with Keltbray Built Environment Ltd to carry out demolition and associated works to Church Street Site A.
2. has approved expenditure to complete demolition of Church Street Site A.
3. That the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Renters delegates authority to the Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning to approve and enter into other agreements and property documents including but not limited to leases, warranties, substation leases, wayleaves, licences, deeds of easement, asset protection agreements, section 104 agreements, section 185 agreements and any other statutory agreements and utilities agreements in connection with ancillary works required to facilitate the demolition activity and construction related to the demolition worksfor site A.
Reasons for Decision
Church Street is a vibrant, complex area but despite this, it has issues of social and economic exclusion, which results in poorer health outcomes and lower than average rates of economic activity, than neighbouring areas. As such the Council has ambitious plans and is committed to significant investment to regenerate the area into a model of social, economic, and environmental sustainability.
The masterplan embellishes the real character of Church Street and the importance of the local community in delivering transformational change, and four drivers have been established which are: Health and wellbeing; Homes; Market and enterprise; and Making connections.
The proposed development will also contribute the well-being of the Council’s area in the following ways:
· Economic Well-Being of the area demonstrated by engaging residents, commercial occupiers and local stakeholders in a comprehensive consultation process that has provided the community with the opportunity to have a stake in the scenarios being considered for the future of Church Street.
· Social Well-Being of the area by promote opportunity and fairness providing more affordable homes to create a vibrant community through the creation of high-quality homes and landscaping.
· Environmental Well-Being of the area through the creation of a healthier, greener environment that connects better to surrounding communities. This scheme will enable all our communities to share in the economic prosperity of the area, through protecting and enhancing the unique heritage of the neighbourhood. This will ensure the site will fit well into the surrounding neighbourhood and remains a great place to live, work and visit both now and in the future.